A pig with special needs

chapter 3 - preparing for school

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The day before school his dad (he was told to call them mom and dad as they wanted him to feel part of the family and at home) went to town early in the morning to get some school stuff while his mom woke him instead of letting him sleep in. Still captured in the sleeping world he tried to listen. „…should have started days ago to wake you in the morning, now it will be so much harder for you with the school times, sorry my dear. Here is your breakfast (she pointed to a large tray full of eggs, little cakes and a 2-litre-mug of hot chocolate milk. He swallowed it all quietly and enjoyed the warm milk and started taking on his clothes. She had sit by him while he ate, looking him up and down in his nudity. He wasn't that uncomfortable anymore when he was naked in front of them and they couldn't get enough to see how he developed first a tummy, then a belly and his belly started to haven't enough room under the tight clothes.

The shirt and pullover quickly had started to slide up and the belly would stuck out, being nice round and starting to get wobbly. He would tug them down absentmindedly all day whenever he moved and they got up but it was wasted effort. When he sat like now she had to hold herself back not to play with his fatty little hedgehog snouts his breasts had become. Her thoughts ended when she heard a puffing „Mom, I…need…help with…this trouser.“ For some days now it took him longer and longer to get it on. She pushed him gently back on his back on the bed rubbed his bloated belly a bit and forced the trouser over his legs, butt and the stud closed. He thanked her ashamed of his form. „Don't worry, honey, you're just not yet used to not be skinny anymore but your body before was not healthy. Look, daddy will bring you new clothes from town, fresh for your school start.“ He felt a lot easier then. He wanted to do well in school, making something good for once and having a future in a job maybe. When his dad got back he had brought home a backpack with paper and pencils and a shoulder bag with some lunchboxes inside and two sets each of jeans dungarees, pink poloshirts and grey sweaters, a pair of grey rubber boots, too. „Told me the colours are alright for boys these days and the boots are in this area useful. You will look strong and healthy in these.“ He slapped him on the shoulder with one hand and rubbed him with the other over his bare belly, which let his cock itch a bit.

At dinner his mom got serious. „Today we will regulate your amount of food a bit as you shouldn't be too tired in the morning. I will feed you as to let you eat in a healthy time, not in rush.“ He felt irritated to the new course and more so when she put a bib around his neck. „Safer with the soup“,she said. As always her words made him feel like all was meant to be so and he quickly gave in. While she fed him with cheese soup, bolognese and sushi his dad tested the tightness of his belly from time to time. The slow tempo of dinner frustrated him, he was longing for more food but it ended too early, even the cake was small and with strawberrys instead of chocolate. When he asked for more to ease his hunger he only got a mouthful of cream and then was told to go to the bedroom and strip down his clothes. Unwillingly and frustrated he got up, his dad came after him a few minutes later while he fought again with the trouser. He felt the food but missed the tightness and drowsiness. His cock had startet to twitch at first but no more when the food didn't pile on. „Why is it different today?“ „Because we want you to be able to concentrate on your first day. Don't worry, it will pass and back to a new routine soon.“ And with a wink he brought out three choco muffins and the boy quickly gulped them down before his mom could notice.

She used a flannel for washing him in bed as he got almost clean out of dinner. As she did so, she streaked his cock and other body parts that would get him aroused but didn‘t let him ease his agitation. His dad once stepped closer and seemed to knead his cock but wouldn't let him cum either. When his frustration seemed to be unbearable she even stopped his cleaning and gave him a good night kiss, tugging him into bed like a baby and they left with a „Nighty, nighty, mommy and daddy will wake you in the morning. Sleep quickly to be rested for your big day.“
He couldn't, he was still on edge, needing his orgasm like a junkie but when he tried to do it himself, going with his hand down under the blanket, he found his cock and balls locked in a cock cage, unable to erect anymore. He cried himself to sleep, couldn't understand nor could handle his frustration and the situation but knowing a begging to his parents would have no use.

When the morning came his parents peeped through the door smirking when they found their piggly boy without the blanket over his body, one hand resting on the cock cage and his fatty hedgehog snouts pointing up to the ceiling from being cold.

They woke him with a massage, removing the cage and gently let him cum by her hand and his permition while feeding him a bucket of croissants with a lot of nougat in his doze. „There, that's better for a start of day then hanging through from last night‘s feasting, wouldn't you agree, my little piglet? Mommy and daddy know best.“ And of course his mind agreed immediately.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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BeSoft 4 years
That brillant story made me hard as rock! Thanks!!