Memory charm

chapter 1

Zoe was checking her mail at her apartment complex when Chris came to get his. He had been waiting for Zoe as usual, so they could get their mail together. Chris had a huge crush on Zoe and Zoe knew it, but he wasn’t her type. Chris was a large man, 290 pounds and 5’11, and Zoe went for trim muscular men. Zoe was really fit herself, only 115 pounds and 5’6. She liked having Chris fawn over her because he was always bringing her gifts and helping her set up her apartment, but she was never going to date him. Chris knew this, but he just couldn’t help himself. Looking at her icy blue eyes, her blonde hair, her adorable smile, he was drawn to her and wished she could feel the same.

As Chris and Zoe chatted by the mail, Chris’s sister, Raven, was with her friends plotting. Raven knew all about Zoe, they went to the same school together and Zoe had always snubbed her. She didn’t know where she went after high school until Chris started talking about this cute girl in his apartment, that is when she found out it was Zoe.
“That girl made high school hard and now she’s leading on my little brother! She needs to pay if only we could make her fat, then she wouldn’t be too good for my brother” Raven said to her friends
“You know we can’t use spells for revenge. It backfires onto us; besides, we can’t guarantee that making her fat would lower her standards” one of the girls replied
Another girl spoke up, “Well what if we don’t do a revenge spell, but instead we use a memory charm, tweak her memories and put her in a relationship with Chris. She’ll think she wanted it”
“yea, that get’s her with Chris, but I still wish we could fatten her, she teased me so much for my weight” Raven said
“Well, with the memory charm we can make it where she was always fat, and we helped her get skinny. She will feel out of place in her body and maybe cause her to gain”
With that, the girls made their plan. All they had to do was get Zoe into Chris’s apartment.

It wasn’t hard to get Zoe over, Chris thru a party and Zoe came over for the free drinks and a fun way to waste the night. During the party, while Zoe was on the couch, the girls started the charm. They began by breaking down Zoe’s mind. As Zoe sat there, her mind emptied of all thoughts and grew hazy. She felt her mind spin as she grew sleepy. Zoe sat with a blank look on her face as Raven finished the charm. “Over the next few days, Zoe’s memories will be pliable. Anything she is told is her past will become real in her mind” Raven told Chris “Beginning in the morning, she will be very confused, but as soon as you fill her in she will immediately accept it. Of course, this charm wears off, in one years’ time, all her original memories will come back, her past year will feel like dreams and fantasies to her, and she won’t remember the fake memories she was given”
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Nok 2 years
...and combined with romance like this it's10x better. First story I've upvoted in the last year.
Nok 2 years
Great story and unusual concept. "Thin girl given the mind/metabolism/body of a fat girl in order to gain weight" is very hot and a rare and welcome deviation from the ususual tropes...
PilsburyDoug... 4 years
That's how i thought about ending it, but thought making the past year a dream that changes her made more sense. glad you enjoyed it!
Karenjenk 4 years
I really like how he was so sneaky with the weight gain.
i would have loved for her to come out of her fog and be horrified at how she now looked.
Loved the story though