Memory charm

chapter 2

The next morning, Zoe awoke in a strange room. She looked around confused, as she saw new things mixed in with her furniture as well. She realized she was in bed with Chris, so she woke him up.
“What happened? Why is my stuff here?” Zoe asked
Chris laughed, “Drank so much you don’t remember we live together?”
As Zoe thought back, memories of her living with Chris filed her hazy mind. Memories of mixing their furniture. Zoe went to get dressed, but her dresser was full of outfits for a much larger woman. Chris, seeing her confusion, said, “Those haven’t fit you in a year since you lost weight” and with that comment, memories of being fat flowed into Zoe’s mind. Chris added, “you only have a few outfits that fit, you leave them in the top drawer” Memories of only buying a few outfits came to Zoe and she immediately knew where to look to find her clothes. As she got dressed, Chris reminded her about lunch with Raven today, and again, memories of making plans came to her mind. Raven had already planned out the memories she wanted to fill Zoe with, and the lunch was just her way of being able to do it. As soon as Zoe got there, Raven started with her plan.

“You going to get that huge burger you mentioned wanting last night?” Raven asked,
As the memory came to Zoe, so did the feeling of wanting it, “Of course, it looked so good”
Raven smiled, “Isn’t that going to ruin your diet, or have you finally decided to gain it back?”
“Gain it back?” Zoe asked,
“Remember, you told me how you actually miss your curves, and that you and Chris discussed you regaining” Raven said
The memories filled Zoe’s mind as she looked at her flat stomach. Something in her looked back fondly at the thought of how chubby she used to be. She was filled with dislike of her thin body even though she knew how conventionally she was considered beautiful, yet she wanted to be bigger. When she got home, she asked Chris,
“Did I get too thin?”
Chris smiled, “We had this conversation before, don’t you remember? I’ve always been into larger women, that’s what attracted you to me in the first place” as Chris continued, the memories filled Zoe’s mind, “I supported you in losing, but you agreed to re-gain if you found you didn’t like it. You always seemed turned on by the stories of other girls gaining”

Zoe’s mind not only filled with these memories, but with memories of being turned on by weight gain. The idea of someone skinny becoming fat seemed to always turn her on. She became excited by the idea of regaining her weight, and maybe even more weight. That night, Chris ordered all of Zoe’s favorites from the local Chinese place, and spent the night feeding her till she was too full. At that moment, Chris rubbed her full belly, and slowly fed her more and more until all the food was gone. When that happened, Zoe passed out in a food coma.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Nok 2 years
...and combined with romance like this it's10x better. First story I've upvoted in the last year.
Nok 2 years
Great story and unusual concept. "Thin girl given the mind/metabolism/body of a fat girl in order to gain weight" is very hot and a rare and welcome deviation from the ususual tropes...
PilsburyDoug... 4 years
That's how i thought about ending it, but thought making the past year a dream that changes her made more sense. glad you enjoyed it!
Karenjenk 4 years
I really like how he was so sneaky with the weight gain.
i would have loved for her to come out of her fog and be horrified at how she now looked.
Loved the story though