Memory charm

chapter 3

The days went by and were usually run the same way, Chris would make sure to keep plenty of food around Zoe, and Zoe would eat so much she would need to sleep from the pain. At first, Zoe wasn’t putting on much weight, but then Chris started making her calorie rich shakes made with protein powder, heavy cream, ice cream, and fudge. She would have a shake with every meal, and before long the pounds began to pile on. Before long, the first month went by, and Zoe was ready for her first weigh in. Standing on the scale, the numbers stopped at 150, a gain of 35 pounds. This was the heaviest Zoe had ever been, but because of the charm she was under, she thought it was still thinner than her smallest. To celebrate, Chris ordered a ton of pizza, and the two had sex while pigging out. Zoe found herself oddly into Chris’s large body. Something in her knew she wasn’t into large men, but it was quickly replaced with memories of being turned on by fat.

They decided to start weighing Zoe weekly, and she looked forward to it. Standing naked on the scale in the bathroom, she was able to see almost her entire figure in the mirror. The next week came and Zoe had put on another 5 pounds. Since all her thin clothes were now too small, but her fat clothes were too big, she bought a few sets of sweats. She was turned on by every added pound and found herself craving feedings from Chris. Chris was taking pics of all her weigh ins, Zoe thought she was still much thinner than she used to be, but Chris knew this was all new, and he loved watching her grow. As much as he liked Zoe, Chris was into weight gain and loved to masturbate thinking of her growing, now not only was he watching it happen, he was a part of it, and he got to sleep with her as she grew.

A couple months went by, and Zoe was weighing in at 190, for her it was still smaller than her fake memories, but really, she was almost 200 for the first time in her life. Raven loved seeing her this fat, 20 more pounds and Zoe would outweigh her. The two were spending a lot of time together since in Zoe’s charmed mind, they were friends. Raven always encouraged Zoe to overeat, and it wasn’t hard since Zoe was turned on by the food. Zoe continued to gain 20 pounds a month, and quickly outgrew Raven. The day Zoe weighed in at 230, Raven celebrated and took many pics with her because Zoe was now twice her original size. Raven then shared these on Facebook, knowing many of their friends would see how fat Zoe had gotten.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Nok 2 years
...and combined with romance like this it's10x better. First story I've upvoted in the last year.
Nok 2 years
Great story and unusual concept. "Thin girl given the mind/metabolism/body of a fat girl in order to gain weight" is very hot and a rare and welcome deviation from the ususual tropes...
PilsburyDoug... 4 years
That's how i thought about ending it, but thought making the past year a dream that changes her made more sense. glad you enjoyed it!
Karenjenk 4 years
I really like how he was so sneaky with the weight gain.
i would have loved for her to come out of her fog and be horrified at how she now looked.
Loved the story though