Memory charm

chapter 4

Over the next four months, Zoe only reached 250, and plateaued her weight. In her mind, she reached her original weight when meeting Chris, but Chris knew otherwise. They decided to try and push her over the plateau, and doubled her shakes starting then. Zoe also found a drug for underweight people that advertised slowing metabolisms and helping gain weight. Chris only had three more months to make Zoe as fat as he possibly could, and he planned on trying to do just that. After one month went by, the added drug and increased shakes did their magic and pushed Zoe to 275. As she stood on the scale, she felt fat. Looking at Chris’s body, since she was shorter, she looked just as round as him. She was turned on by this thought, and the two celebrated by having sex while feeding each other, sex with food had become a normal for the pair.

The next few weeks were uneventful, but Zoe’s weight continued to climb still, and she grew closer to 300. Chris had decided he was going to propose to her when she weighed in at or over 300, even though her memories would reset in a few weeks, he knew this moment would become a dream for her. As Zoe stood on the scale one day, she could not see the numbers. This had become the usual for her, as her belly had grown so large, she couldn’t bend to see the scale under her anymore. Chris read the numbers to her, “Baby, you are 305 pounds, you are 15 pounds heavier than me!” This turned Zoe on a lot. As she stood there, she looked at her body, in both sets of memories she was the fattest she had ever been. Her belly was so round, and it hung down, blocking her crotch. Her breasts had grown so big they sagged a bit, and her body was covered in stretch marks. She could barely see Chris, who was kneeling under her fat to see the scale. She stepped off and revealed Chris holding a ring. “Zoe, you have gotten so fat for me, will you make me even happier and become my fat wife?” Of course, Zoe said yes.

The year came to and end, and on the final night, Raven had Zoe over to Zoe’s old apartment for a party. This way they could have her fall asleep in her own place, since when she woke up her last year would be a dream to her. The night was filled with snacks and drinking, and when midnight came, Zoe’s mind emptied, felt hazy as before, and she fell asleep. That night Zoe’s dreams were filled with the events of the past year. Gaining weight, loving her fat, eating, she dreamed about Chris, dating him, and being turned on by his fat and encouragement.

She woke up the next morning, her memories restored, but the past year was like a dream to her. She remembered falling for Chris but being too nervous to ask him out. She had found out about his weight gain fetish and joined a fat chatroom under a fake name to flirt with him. Zoe had memories of gaining weight in hopes to attract Chris and fantasized about nights of sex and food with him. She remembered her feelings for him growing, even though she knew she wasn’t into large men, for some reason she would get turned on thing about his fat belly. Looking at her own body, she grew wet. Being fat seemed to turn her on, and she didn’t know why. She tried to weigh herself that morning and had thoughts of being proposed to on the scale, “God, how embarrassing would that be” she thought to herself as she struggled to read the scale.

That day she went down to get her male and ran into Chris. She felt so shy around this guy she remembers not having any interest in. Chris asked, “Hey Zoe, wanna get some dinner with me tonight?” to which Zoe shyly replied with a yes. She joined Chris for dinner, which quickly turned into a sex filled feeding session. The two then began dating, which was new for Zoe, but Chris had known they dated all last year. After only a couple months, Zoe had moved in with Chris. Zoe was both turned on and disgusted in her fat body but did nothing to try to lose. In fact, she seemed to eat whenever she was turned on, after living with Chris for two months she found herself at 335 pounds. That morning she was weighing herself, she called Chris in to read the numbers. After stepping back, he proposed to her again. How could Zoe not say yes.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Nok 2 years
...and combined with romance like this it's10x better. First story I've upvoted in the last year.
Nok 2 years
Great story and unusual concept. "Thin girl given the mind/metabolism/body of a fat girl in order to gain weight" is very hot and a rare and welcome deviation from the ususual tropes...
PilsburyDoug... 4 years
That's how i thought about ending it, but thought making the past year a dream that changes her made more sense. glad you enjoyed it!
Karenjenk 4 years
I really like how he was so sneaky with the weight gain.
i would have loved for her to come out of her fog and be horrified at how she now looked.
Loved the story though