Perfect couples

chapter 5

Emily was excited. For the first time in her life, she weighed 140 pounds. She looked and felt amazing. Her energy levels were high, and she was loving her time with Jared. “God Jared is so sexy and muscular” she thought to herself. Emily had been staying to her diet and didn’t even miss fatty foods anymore, she was having a lot of fun running and working out, and the sex with Jared was so hot to her, she felt so confident naked now. Zoe on the other hand was feeling how Emily used to feel. She slept in most days because she lacked the energy to workout. She tried to every now and then but gave up easily. She was not feeling very confident lately, yet she was happy with Jake, he made her feel pretty. And she was loving all the food that Jake would bring home for her. She was still in denial on how much weight she had gained, being 230 now, she claimed she was under 200. Zoe found herself making excuses to stay home when Emily was going out to the bar, something Emily used to do. It just involved getting dressed up and putting makeup on and was too much work, she’d rather stay home and catch up on Hulu. Jake’s sisters came over with lots of pizza for the girls to eat. Zoe was now looking as hefty as them, they liked to tease her about it. Being teased just turned Zoe on and made her eat even more. She wasn’t sure why, but she loved it. Her and Jake’s sex life hadn’t waned with her loss of energy either and he continued to stuff her full of baked goods when they did it.

A whole year had come and gone since the girls switched. Emily and Jared were happy together, he finally had a girlfriend who would workout with him and didn’t sit around stuffing her face. Emily was in the best shape of her life, weighing only 120 pounds. Zoe was even heavier that Emily ever was, at 265. She always loved to eat and having a boyfriend who cooks and feeds her didn’t help. She also discovered how much she enjoyed being disgusted in her body. She tried to diet over the last year but working out was hard and she always cheated on any diet. Emily had no plan to switch back to dating Jake, she loved Jared. Zoe had given up on switching too, she had been with Jake for a year and connected so much with his family it would be too awkward. As the four of them discussed being happy and staying with who they are with no, Emily leaned in and said to Zoe with a belly squeeze, “besides, you’re prefect for eachother”
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Kexickus 3 years
That's a good one, I like it when characters swap or transfer their weight somehow, especially when there's magic involved.
Austin Micha... 4 years
Would love another chapter where Emily is fit and working as a body builder as for Zoe starting to break chairs, belly starts to fold like a double belly, arms getting so flappy, legs all thick and a double chin giving Zoe a chipmunk appearance
Punchy 4 years
Great story, I would love to read an epilogue on what they're lives are like another year later.
Mahi 4 years
You are the absolute best at this genre (my favorite genre), I look forward to your stories a ton. Whether short or long for sure. I hope you keep it up Zoe and even more so I hope you keep getting chunky yourself.