Mason's moonlight special

chapter 2 rm 3193

After she walked away, he took his coffee, and turned back around to his former position of leaning on the counter. So he could watch his big butt beauty some more, but he couldn’t find her anywhere in the dinner. He sat up attentive, as he scanned the room searching for her. But she was nowhere to be found. It seemed that she had disappeared for one of her breaks again. He settled in, and kept his eyes peeled at the bathroom area, hoping it was one of her shorter breaks, and she would reappear there any minute now. He glanced at his watch but what if she wasn’t. What if it was one of those longer breaks, and she came in the front door. He swiveled his chair quickly. His legs hit something soft, something soft that made an “oof!” sound when it was hit.
He looked down, to see what, or who he had bumped into. He

Looked, and saw nothing. Then he looked
down, and saw what he had hit. It was a butt, a rather large butt to be exact. A large butt that was clad in a skirt that was far too small for it. He turned himself around, and came face to face with the owner of such an ass; Mason herself. His eyes went wide and he started to panic. What had he done! Mason didn’t seem to mind much. She looked at him and smiled.
“You the one who ordered my moonlight special?” she asked
sweetly, playing with the hair of her ponytail. She was twirling it in a way that was almost seductive, it seemed to him. “Was she giving him bedroom eyes?” he thought. It wasn’t like he had never been with a woman before, but he wasn’t used to them being quiet so forward. Unless of course he was in Vegas, then women threw themselves at him. But she wasn’t one of those women, and Vegas was a long way off from here. “Y-y-yes I ordered your cheesecake” he stammered feeling his pants tent as his erection started to build.
She giggled and smiled coyly. “Come to room 3193 and you get all the cheesecake you can eat.” And with that she heaved herself off the bar and walked away. Her rear swishing back and forth as she did so. He sat there stunned for a moment, then got up and walked toward the staircase that lead to the inn. His waitress caught his eye and winked at him and smiled, like she knew something he didn’t. But then she did, she knew what was in 3193. Was it some kind of trick? Was this all just some elaborate ruse put on by his friend at the paper? Or better yet one of his completive reporter trying to keep him out of the way so that his paper couldn’t get the story? You could never be too careful in the cutthroat world of journalism. He hesitated, but then figured what is the best was to find a trap? Spring it. Now fueled by curiosity he ascended the stairs and made his way to the third floor and into room 3193.
It was dark in the room until his eyes adjusted to the low light. The hall had been lit with cheap neon bars that were over bright, and gave the overall feeling of cheapness to the halls. In hear the light was low but it felt warm. Flames from fifty something candles in
various stages of melting were scatted around the room. He wondered if it was a fire hazard. He also noted the change in smell from the diner. Gone was the smell of fried grease, and cigarette smoke. Thought he did detect a hint of the latter in the air, before realizing that it was in fact his own clothing. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light he took note of the sparsely furnished room. There was a large queen bed with nightstands on either side. Someone had replaced the typical lamps with groups of candles however. There was also a stand in front of the bed, that would hold a to. Last a pair of high back chairs with arms. “Have a seat on the edge of the bed”. He turned
his head to the sound, and saw the only thing that made this room any different than any other cheap hotel room he had spent the night in. Mason was sitting in one of the high backs, even in the dim light he could see her ass was wedged tightly in the arms of the chair.
“What was going on” he wondered, but he did as he was told, and took a seat on the edge of the bed, so that his feet touched the floor. There was a rustle of fabric and a grunt, as Mason freed herself of the chair, and walked over to him. Reseating
herself on his lap, she began to play with his tie. “So I hear you want to try my cheesecake?”
“What are you doing” he stammered at her.
She giggled “making sure you are still hungry”. She took one of his hands, and placed it on her large ass making him rub it. “It’s an awfully big piece, but you should know that, I saw you eyeing
it all night” he shifted her weight on his lap, as he felt his boner begin to grow the moment his hand touched the creamy flesh. Slowly she brought his hand higher up her ass along the curve; to where it stuck out like a shelf. There he felt his hand hit something cold and hard, perhaps it was porcelain? A plate. He kept his hand moving. As she leaned down and began breathing on his neck. As if she were about to kiss or bite it, But she never did. Teasing him with the anticipation. He put his hand on the other side of her ass to steady her. As his pants became tighter still. Then the hand that was exploring the plate found something colder than the ceramic plate, it was soft, and spongy. He grinned; cheesecake. Sensing he had found what she wanted him to find, she smirked, and moved her head to his ear “feed it to me”.
She moaned, as if the very thought of the treat was turning her emotions up to eleven. He pulled off a bit of the cheesecake,
and brought it to her lips. She wrapped her lips around it with exaggerated sexuality, milking his fingers with her lips. He guessed he knew the reason why her ass was so big, if she did this every
night. The journalist in him began rising again, a new question lodging itself in his mind.
“Why do you do this” he asked, as he fed her another bit of
The cake from her behind. “Well” she said, it’s pretty simple, see this” she made him rub her ass, and spank it which caused her to giggle. “Clothing for this baby isn’t cheap, and waitresses don’t make that much. Plus it’s so much easier than going to the club, and trying to get a guy to look me in the eye rather than just at my ass, Cheaper too. And if all they want is my ass, then they will have to do something to take care of the rest of me. As an added bonus I kind of like the attention” she ate the fifth bit of the cheesecake “I
split the profits with the owner of the diner. She patted her butt again “I’ve really made this thing into a cottage industry, really shaking my money maker, don’t cha thi- oof!” he cut her
off, by putting a large bit of the cake into her mouth, and gave her ass a slap. She giggled and resumed her sedative tone.
“So how do you want me? She got up,
and pulled off her skirt so she could see the lime green thong that she was wearing under it. Leaning herself against the wall
she stuck out her vast rear, giving him a full look at its size. Each cheek was the size of a large cheesecake in its own right, and stuck out just as far. She got off the wall and then went to the bed. Pulling him off she bent down, so her ass was in the air she shook it a bit. As she did he could tell that she was quite turned on herself. Then she got into one of the large high backs, kneeling so that her heels, almost looked like they were about to pop both her massive ass cheeks, like the big balloons they were. He stood there the animal instincts in him mind kept his eyes glued to that ass and hips. She walked around and taunted him. Sometimes rubbing herself against him. Either placing her ass on his dick or her tits on his chest while she played with his member, just trying to get a rise out of him. Meanwhile his mind was putting together a few things she had said.
“Wait” he said, “you knew I Was watching you all night” she paused her display; confused. Normally customers didn’t want her this; chatty.
“And you liked it”
“Yes” and she meant it. She had seen his eyes following her all night normally she would have found this a bit creepy, but then he ordered her, and she minded less. Since then he would be under her spell already.
“Then my dear Mason” he said with a flourish, I think I’ll take my cake in the dining room.
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