Hypnotic revenge 3

chapter 2

Stealthily I got into the building through an open hatch on the roof access ladder. Normally these things are hard to get to but at my height few things are hard to reach. I was surprised to find the roof access open normally these things are latched from the inside. As I squeezed down the ladder I was lucky that earlier today I had not binged. The entrance hatch was narrow and if my belly was full I could not fit through it. I should have taken this as signs of a trap, but at this point I was completely unaware.

I used my good vision in the dark to navigate the empty halls of the kitchen and staff rooms. The back rooms even still smelled like tasty food was around. I resisted the urge for the moment and kept looking. A dim light in the very back office indicated someone had left a computer on. I approached and hoped maybe it was unlocked. To my surprise I found out someone was in the office as well asleep in the chair. To my surprise it was the redhead from the front reception desk. She was fast asleep her pants undone and held fast open by her expansive gut. She looked to by quite a bit heavier than she was last time I remember her figure. Pictures around the office revealed she was the master chef Carol that had founded this buffet. Her skills were very well known, but nobody has seen her in a long time.

“This would explain why perhaps this Alicia Parks had gotten to her and fattened her up as well” I whispered to myself quietly.

“Indeed I did” I heard from behind me as the lights suddenly turned on in the office.

I slowly turned around trying not to look worried “Alicia Parks I presume we finally meet face to face.''

She smirked and laughed slightly “my dear we have already met multiple times already do you not remember them?”

I simply stared at her a confused look on my face “no I would have remembered a slim woman like you I never forget a face.”

Her smirk widened to a devious grin “we have met numerous times and you have taught me all you know as well as a bit about yourself I later used to make you...” she paused briefly “My Pet!”

As she said these words my body froze I felt myself relax completely yet I still remain aware. Somehow I could not respond I tried to move or even to speak but instead I simply stood there relaxed all my attention locked on her.

“What’s the matter Marge do you not know how to break my little hypnosis” she walked around the desk and right up to me standing less than a foot from me. I could feel her breath as she spoke “I know why you are here and I know how to stop you.” Alicia walked around me as she spoke “it must have taken a long time to get this body in tip top shape, and look what I did in a few short months.” She stopped in front of me again and motioned for me to come closer she whispered in my ear “imagine how fat you will be by the end of this year.” She walked away from me and motioned for me to follow.

I followed her to the dinning room where there sat 2 massive women both easily 700+ lbs(317.5+ kg). They both were in a trance and sat there gorging themselves on countless plates around them. Alicia sat me down at the table with them before she continued.

“My dear Marge meet Sam and Lilly they are both right here ready to go” Alicia said motioning to them both. “However it appears they have gotten too fat to go through any of my normal doors haven’t they” Alicia says patting their massive guts. “They broke my hypnosis once and thought to warn specifically you… so I let their letters both get to you at the same time.” Alicia snapped her fingers together and they both stopped eating “then I had you teach me how to hypnotize them so well they could never break my hypnosis.” Alicia then clapped her hands only once and pointed at me both Lilly and Sam struggled to their feet and waddled towards me. “So now they are consciously going to witness themselves make you as fat as them… wait no you are far too tall fatter than them” Alicia laughed as she walked away. I powerlessly sat there as Sam and Lilly stuffed the rest of the feast into me.

In my head I was screaming to be set free to be released yet all I did was sit there and get stuffed like some prized turkey. Sam and Lilly did all this with a sad look in their eyes I could tell they were still in there, but like me were powerless to resist her. Bite after bite of the massive feast was forced into my gut as I became painfully full Alicia returned watching the entire spectacle with a smirk on her face.

“Good work piggies finish your plates and I will finish our guest” Alicia commanded.

Lilly and Sam went back to stuffing their own faces and Alicia approached me smiling “well… Doctor it appears we have an acute case of empty belly let’s fix that shall we” an evil grin washed over her face as I blacked out.

I awoke some unknown time later I felt lethargic, every movement was sluggish at best. Looking around I tried to figure out where I was. Aside from the bed I awoke from and an adjoining bathroom there was nothing else. The room did not even seem to have a door and for certain no windows. Struggling I stood up as if for the first time in a very long time. Slowly and steadily I waddled towards the bathroom. My thighs clearly were touching, my waddle was slow due to the sheer mass of my body. I finally made it to the restroom breaking a sweat as I waddled in sideways. My hips as wide as the bathroom doorway. Struggling I finally made it inside and stared at the far wall, which was a giant mirror. My arms stuck out like pathetic fat chicken wings, as huge layers of fat hung from them. My face was buried under one gigantic chin connecting my face to my fat body. My stomach once a sculpted masterpiece now bulged with fat jiggling towards my knees. My legs once buff, now touched all the way to my feet with bulging layers of jiggly fat. My ass was a toned masterpiece to behold, yet now it was like to massive yoga balls of fat that jiggled behind me. My colossal pear shape was new to me as with all my muscles it was impossible to truly tell my figure at 6’5”(200 cm). Now it was clear because of how truly fat she had made me. A digital readout above the mirror told me I was 882 lbs(400 kg). My head was spinning as I saw those numbers I could not believe what had happened. It was that moment of impossible belief that it all came back to me.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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