
chapter 2

Doctor Gray decided to take Tiffany in for a mental examination to see how her mind was holding up. Taking into account her weight had skyrocketed up to 350 lbs(158 kg) Doctor Gray had some concerns about TIffany.

Talking softly to Tiffany Doctor Gray began her examination “Relax Tiffany take some deep breaths” Doctor Gray made sure TIffany was hypnotized. “Tell me what is happened to you since our last talk” Doctor Gray asked the subconscious of Tiffany.

“Well Doctor I have been eating till I am nearly bursting everyday which is what my beauty requires, yet somehow I seem to have gotten so fat I need two chairs to sit down my expanding massive ghetto booty” Tiffany slapped one of her massive hips while describing them.

“How do you feel about all that Tiffany” Doctor Gray asked calmly.

“Like I am stuck in some nightmare where all I can do is eat and get fatter” Tiffany replied calmly hypnotized.

“You are not in a nightmare Tiffany” Doctor Gray said “getting this fat is just what piggies like you do remember.” Doctor Gray was implanting new memories now hoping to alter TIffany’s thoughts.

“Well judging from the size of my ass and how many doughnuts I eat every day Doctor I would say you have to be correct” TIffany said in a monotone voice.

“Good piggy now remember you need to maintain this bulging girth you have keep eating but do not over do it anymore we need you to still fit through doors at work” Doctor Gray said patting one of Tiffany’s massive butt cheeks.

“As you say Doctor I will do that” Tiffany said automatically replying.

Doctor Gray brought her out of her trance and sent her back to work with no memories of her hypnotism. Hoping all would be well again in the office. Doctor Gray sent out emails telling everyone to back off of fattening Tiffany on purpose. Everyone agreed except Sidney she did not respond at all. Monika responded stating she was friends with Tiffany now, and liked her attitude better now that she was fat. As more months passed Sidney had tripled her efforts and devotion to fattening up Tiffany. Cakes, Pies, Pizzas, Stacks of Doughnuts, Piles of Burgers, and various other snacks all filled up Tiffany’s desk. Most of these fattening treats were all left there for TIffany by Sidney. Tiffany tried to stop herself from over doing it but with her new found stomach size and gluttony she could not stop herself. Sidney was laughing like someone gone insane while leaving piles of goodies for Tiffany. Every chance she had she made fun of Tiffany. Sidney had become some sort of monster.

“Eat up porky I wanna see that blubber booty three chairs big by next month” Sidney taunted adding more food to Tiffany’s desk.

“Two more cakes for you blubber butt finish those before lunch or it will be three cakes tomorrow” Sidney said a maniacal look in her eyes.

“Think how much pizza we are gonna fit into this gut today my piggy” Sidney whispered into Tiffany’s ear after placing a stack of pizza boxes next to her desk.

“Shhh keep eating” Sidney whispered into Tiffany’s ear while shoving doughnuts into her mouth “we are almost up to a dozen boxes of a dozen doughnuts my flabby piggy.”

Under the deranged guidance of Sidney, Tiffany had rapidly expanded up to 463 lbs(210 kg). Doctor Gray brought Sidney in for some questions shortly after a complaint from Monika. Sidney showed signs of derangement at this point. Doctor Gray knew it would be nearly impossible to hypnotize her while she was around her derangement, which in this case was Tiffany. She also knew at this point Tiffany could barely take care of herself and lived with Sidney. Bordering on immobile for her very short height Tiffany was officially wider than she was tall. Her hips could not clear traditional single doorways at all waddling forwards. Her booty so wide she needed three chairs to sit comfortably. Her belly now officially a gut hanging over her privates when she stood up. Her thighs so massive they hung over her knee caps and her calves. Her arms were so massive they were easily the size of her waist when this all started. Her waddle now slow and ponderous. When she gorged herself sometimes she could not stand up without help. Doctor Gray managed to talk Sidney into letting Tiffany go and stop cramming her full of junk food. This she realized may only be a temporary fix but hopefully it prevented Tiffany from becoming too fat to move. The following months Tiffany had a dramatic change attitude wise she became kind and caring to nearly everyone. The horrors Sidney had put her through gone she realized her mistakes from before. She never lost the weight as it was Monika became her girlfriend and loved taking TIffany out to eat.
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