The hypnotist(redux)

chapter 2

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Amanda woke up the next morning with a painful stomach, looking at herself she looked very bloated. Deciding she was not going to be seen like this at work she opted to work from home today. Her day was spent in stretch pants lounging at home, even after finishing work. Normally she would go to the gym however today she felt so full and sluggish. This pattern seemed to continue day after day. Each night should would gorge herself on massive amounts of food, entire packs of already cooked bacon, tubs of ice cream, boxes of snack cakes, entire packs of various cookies, washing it all down with carton upon carton of heavy whipping cream. Waking up each morning after her gorges eventually got easier but by this point Amanda noticed she was rapidly gaining weight. She tried to diet even went entire days without eating, however every night she continue to gorge herself full. Several doctor visits later she was no closer to finding out why she was rapidly gaining weight. Deciding since she felt a bit better in recent days she went to the gym, in her stretchy clothes.

David noticed Amanda after weeks of going to the gym. She was starting to show signs of weight gain. Not sure how she would react to him he decided to test her nerves a bit.

“Hey Amanda how are you today” David said walking up to her.

Amanda simply scoffed at him and continued to do her workouts. David noticed she was looking rather chubby. Catching her unaware he hypnotized her again and walked her over to a scale. Writing down in a journal her current weight of 167lbs(75kg) under her starting weight of 136lbs(61kg). David wanted faster results so he added a weekly trip to a local buffet every Friday to her schedule after work. He told her to gorge herself just like she did at night, but with even more food. Obviously he also made sure she would have no memory of going to the buffet at all. Confident that would start showing more results David woke her up. Amanda scoffed again at David being so close to her and walked out of the gym. David almost forgot today was Friday he decided to let her go alone this time. But he would start watching her on Fridays to make sure she was gaining.

Months passed Amanda felt like a blimp slowly inflating with fat. Her weight skyrocketed in the last few months going from 167lbs(75kg) to 267lbs(121kg). Her once C cup breasts expanded up to FF Cup. Her toned belly had expanded dramatically now hanging down her legs, and sticking out further than her large breasts. Her toned arms now flabby and jiggly. Her legs never used to touch and now they touch all the way to her knees. Her butt and hips had expanded largely as well. Over all her clothing went from medium to almost XXXL rather quickly. David saw her at the buffet after a long time being busy at work and was almost in shock. Knowing she was in a trance at this point in her day he asked her how much she weighed. Jotting down the answer in the same journal, he then made sure to get date by date updates of her weight as well for the journal. David found out Barbara owned a bakery in town and decided to kick things up again knowing her weight would plateau soon. Adding several pictures to the journal showing Amanda’s weight gain so far David showed the journal to Barbara. He did not explain she was hypnotized but told her that is Amanda were to show up make sure she always gets the most fattening foods available. Barbara was completely on board with the idea and began making so special cakes for the occasion. Every Saturday Amanda would go to the bakery Barbara worked at and spend the entire day there eating. Most of the time Barbara fed her leftovers from the day before and there was always a special cake. The special cake was made with all the most fattening ingredients ranking in the 5000 calorie range. This pattern continued and Barbara began adding pics to the journal every Saturday.

Amanda was starting to freak out even more then she has been in the last few months. Now she started being unable to even remember what happened to her on Saturdays. To her it was like the whole day was suddenly gone forever. On top of that she was getting even fatter at an even faster rate now. She tried every diet and exercise imaginable and none of them had any results. Her weight in the few months went from 267lbs(121kg) to 380lbs(172kg). Amanda’s double chin became very apparent. Her breasts continued to get even larger becoming H cups making bra shopping even harder. Her belly now hanging down to her knees and forcing her to waddle slower. Her thighs now hanging down past her knees. Her arms so fat they looked like big hams and constantly jiggled. Her now massive hips and butt gave her issues with doors. She now needed two chairs to sit at some places because of her girth. Her overall clothes size went from almost XXXL to an obvious 5XL. Noticing now that Amanda was much larger than him David almost stopped his entire plan there. Barbara however now finally having someone as big as her showed no signs of stopping at all and even began to kick things up to 10000 calories per cake. David talked to Barbara and they agreed to stop her gain at 450lbs(204kg). They both let Suzie know to make sure Amanda could still get around safely, and that she was getting fat. Suzie was unaware of the weight gain part of the plan but agreed to the workouts, and was a bit happy to know that Amanda was getting fat.
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