The hypnotist(redux)

chapter 3

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Amanda’s demonor lately had become that of someone who was completely defeated. It was a turning point nobody expected at all. Amanda now even during the day stuffed her face constantly with fast food and snacks. Amanda now completely worked from home, and even shopped for food from home. This pattern would continue for months. David and Barbara stopped their plan but for weeks later she continue to get even fatter. Suzie was ready to train fattened Amanda but she never showed up instead becoming a complete shut in. The only thing she did outside her home was get fast food and it was at a local burger joint that David finally saw Amanda. She was absolutely massive he estimated she was probably 560lbs(254kg). He caught her waddling slowly out to her truck.

“Hey look who is the blubbery whale now” David said slapping her massive belly watching it jiggle for several moments.

Amanda almost said something rude but simply looked down at all her billowing haunches and let out a long sigh.

“Hey Amanda why don’t I take you out for a date tonight” David said smiling.

Amanda was a bit shocked at the suddenness of it all “...David I was mean to you years ago and I deserved that insult, but I do not know why you or anyone would wanna be seen with a whale like me” she said dejectedly looking at David’s shoes.

“I accept your apology Amanda, and i would be happy to take you out on a date I do not judge people by their looks” David said partially bowing and offering his arm.

Amanda looked at him for a bit and shook her head all her chins bobbing along. She took his arm and accepted his ecourt to his nice car. She looked at the car and instantly became embarrassed.

“David there is no way all of me is ever fitting in your car...Hell I barely fit in my truck” Amanda said feeling flush with embarrassment.

“Its ok Amanda this car has some serious seat adjustments” David opened her door and adjusted the seat all the way back.

Amanda looked at it with a bit of shock “Okay but it is your suspension not mine at 573lbs(259kg) I break a lot of stuff.”

David was in shock that she had gone so far beyond his predictions of eating. “It will be hungry are you right now” David asked inquisitively?

Amanda blushed again “Uh...starving actually I left this place because I was embarrassed at all the people staring at me.”

“Oh ok does Italian sound good I know a good place” David asked.

“They better have huge portions David I can really pack away the food with all this belly” Amanda said patting her belly for emphasis making it jiggle a lot.

David smiled closing the car door. They drive to the Italian place and once the chef saw them together he smiled. David knew the chef here loved the challenge of nobody leaving his restaurant hungry. That night they both left groaning and holding their bloated bellies. Afterwards they stopped by Barbara’s bakery at Amanda’s request.

“Barbara I know this will not take back all the hurtful things I said and did to you, but I am sorry for how I treated you” Amanda said looking down embarrassed.

“Amanda I am unsure what happened to you, but I accept your apology here let me get you a cake” Barbara said going into the back.

“Oh please you do not have to do that I don’t deserve it” Amanda said dejectedly.

Barbara returned with a brownie chocolate lava cake handing it to Amanda “Here eat this right now and all will be forgiven Amanda.”

*Burp* Amanda replied before pulling two chairs together and sitting down. “If this means you forgive me I accept the challenge Barbara” Amanda said eyeing the cake hungrily.

David looked worried at Barbara standing a bit behind Amanda so she couldn’t see his face. Barbara simply smiled at David and crossed her arms awaiting Amanda to eat the entire full-sized cake.

With gusto Amanda began eating the cake with her hands at a fairly constant pace. Unbeknownst to Amanda a photo was taken on her arrival and a video is being recorded of her eating the cake. The cake eating did not take Amanda long however after she finished it she was a mess. Amanda sat there her messy hands barely on the table her belly so stuffed she was unable to do much except groan. Barbara put her phone away after an after pic of the cake was taken. She helped clean Amanda up wiping up all the cake and chocolate mess. Barbara failed to realized however that the cake plus the large meal Amanda had eaten had officially made her way too full to stand up. Realizing she was stuck at the spot she was sitting Amanda leaned back in the chairs rubbing what she could reach of her large fully engorged belly.

“Apology accepted Amanda I hope we can eventually be friends” Barbara said secretly hoping she would have more opportunities to stuff Amanda.

“Well...this the meal...we had...kinda got me...too full to...move Barbara...we maybe friends...faster than you...think” Amanda said between breathes her belly so full she was winded.

“Oh dear well let me call Suzie then maybe she can help” Barbara said half amused and half concerned.

Amanda sat there while David and Barbara walked into the back to talk.

“What the heck was that? Now you beached her here was that your plan” David said starting to get concerned.

“Plan? I will have you know this entire thing was your plan David me and Suzie will take it from here you obviously don’t have the balls to keep this going” Barbara said angrily under her breath.

“If we keep this thing going she will be completely immobile and way to fat to learn her lesson” David added also trying to keep his voice down.

“Leave David we will finish this...that is what is going to happen like it or not” Barbara said poking David in the chest a look of pure rage on her face.

David stormed out the back door without another word. Barbara locked it after he left. Looking at her watch she got things cleaned up and closed up the bakery. Amanda sat patiently waiting for help, while Barbara closed up shop. Partially relieved that nobody will see her fattened self stuck in a bakery Amanda continued to rub what she could reach of her belly. When David did not return Amanda began to get a bit nervous, she did not fully trust Barbara without David there.

“Everything okay...where did David...go Barbara...” Amanda managed to get out again still out of breath from being so full.

“David had to get back home for important business Suzie will be here shortly to help” Barbara sat patting Amanda’s belly softly.

Amanda sat there nervously getting a bit more anxious. Suzie was dating Barbara and no doubt still had some very strong feelings of anger toward Amanda. Struggling for a brief moment Amanda felt Barbara’s hand hold her down in the chair.

“Wait for Suzie or I will force feed you another one of those cakes ***” Barbara said sterny looking Amanda in the eyes.

“Oh please no...more cake...I will wait...” Amanda began nervously rubbing her bloated belly.

Suzie soon arrived and was looking rather angry. She stormed in and gave Barbara a big kiss before looking angrily at Amanda.

“Well now how the mighty have fallen look who is the blubbery cow now, in fact i think some small cows weigh less than you” Suzie said angrily looking at all of Amanda.

“You...may be...correct Suzie...I already Barbara for...mistreating her...all those years ago...please help me...” Amanda weezed still in pain from all the food.

“Oh we will help you alright Amanda...we will both help you see exactly how it feels” Both Barbara and Suzie said nearly at the same time.

Amanda sat there helplessly staring at them both “Oh...please...” was all she managed to get out before she was gagged.

“Silence cow you will speak when we say you can is that clear” Suzie said making sure the gag was firmly in place.

“If you touch that gag or try to escape we will make sure you regret it” Barbara added patting Amanda’s belly softly.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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