The hypnotist(redux)

chapter 4

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Amanda simply nodded her chins bobbing a look of fear in her eyes. Barbara and Suzie loaded Amanda into a cargo van with a sturdy looking wide solid metal bench in it. They cuffed her hand and legs to the bench. The ride was dark and scary for Amanda as she had no idea where they were going. Driving a long ride gave Amanda time to recover and she was certain she could at least waddle on her own. A bright light shown through the back doors as Amanda was greeted by a large empty warehouse. Suzie moved Amanda out of the back of the truck and into the warehouse. An area was specially made for Amanda with obvious chains to hold her down by her fattened legs. A series of tracks in the floor let Amanda move in a set path over to a restroom area. With her already limited mobility she was not sure how much fatter they intended to make her. After Amanda was all cuffed in and testing her limitations and the movement track Suzie and Barbara began their plan. Using tips and tricks they both learned from David’s hypnotism they hypnotized her again. This time they were slowly altering her mind to be submissive and under their control completely. Insults were thrown at her nearly constantly and the degrading comments slowly altered her mind as well. By a months end Amanda was broken and could no longer hope of ever losing weight or hurting someone else again. She spent her time eating and obeying orders. Usually they paraded her around people they knew hated her, allowing those people to make fun of her. Another month of that passed before they grew tired of their helpless plaything. Certain she would never be able to break their alterations to her mind they let Amanda go. Dropping her off at David’s door with a ring and dash.

“Amanda are you okay?” David asked worried about her.

“Yea...I am fine” Amanda responded rather blankly staring at David’s shoes.

“You look awful please come in” David brought her in and offered her a place to sit.

“Okay...thank you David” Amanda again replied dully staring away at nothing as she slowly sat down on a couch.

“Do you want something to drink or eat?” David asked going into his kitchen.

“I will always consume what you give me” Amanda responded rather robotically and quickly.

“Amanda what did they do to you” David said walking into his kitchen and bringing her out a plate of random fruits.

Amanda said nothing while eating instead consuming the entire plate of food at a rather rapid pace. David had a special scale he bought just in case he ever found Amanda again. He helped her over to the scale and check out her weight. The scale stopped on 643lbs(291kg) David gasped as it did. Knowing she is barely mobile now as it is he set about trying to undo all the mental damage they did to her. He tried and tried for many months her mental state got better but her weight remained the same. His efforts could never undo how much she ate no matter how hard he tried. Amanda came to eventually love David for how kind he treated her. Fully regretting not having loved him so many years ago.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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