Unforgettable cruise

Chapter 13 - (actual chapter 5 concludes…)

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He raised his hand and was acknowledged by her. “Did you have fun with that?”

Her eyes widened with surprise, “*Yes!* I’m into you, Clark—sexually! It’s just hard for me, as I’m explaining.”

“Thank you and apologies for the interruption. Please go on.”

“We’re good, I think. You get what I’m saying?”

“I think so. As long as we agree beforehand on what’s happening, my hands and mouth can experience you from the waist up per what we agree, as yours can on me. Other than footsie, feet are more complicated and will likely require more careful discussion. With all pants and skirt and stuff on, you’ve told me it’s OK for me to rub against your clothed hips and buns. Correct?”

He could see the tension in her body melting away. “Yes.”

“My only question is where you’re defining your waist.”

She tensed up again, sensing him trying to push a limit, more stridently replying, “Where my waistband is, after I change.”

A few tears snuck unbidden out of his eyes as he explained, “Your deliciously fat belly looks so wonderful, I would love to caress and kiss and rub it! I was trying to figure out whether it was off-limits or not.”

Her cheeks glowed brighter red as a fresh burst of lust blasted through her. “I’ll have my belly out. It’s fair game for everything you just described, no additional consent-seeking needed for that. Unless you have other questions or comments, as far as I’m concerned we can get into the logistics, then the *fun!*”

* *
Logistics amounted to his asking to please be able to go to the bathroom before they got started, and that they each wanted the pleasure of taking the other’s top (and bra, in Clark’s case with Rebecca) off gradually, as the mood felt proper.

The tantalizing touch of his index finger tracing around her default new low-cut top-on exposed boob flesh unleashed her lust enough to have her panting and her chest heaving moments after they started. Her hands needed to feel his very slightly scruffy face, easing down onto his shoulders, then his upper arms.

“It looks like you need a little more room in here. I may need to unbutton a button.”

“I do!” she breathily sighed, tantalized by every little bit of finger skin she could feel gracing any part of her vast bosoms as he slowly and tantalizingly unleashed them. She snuck a finger between his shirt plackets, needing to caress more freely there. Her voice remained lust-addled breathy, “Your chest is getting hot.”

“Hot for you!”

“I’m going to have to unbutton *all* your buttons and let you out!”

Apparently more eager than he, or at least wanting to move things along faster, she not only fully unbuttoned his shirt in short order, but with his unspoken cooperation following her lead, eased it off of him, setting it carefully aside.

“I’m swelling up for you! Seriously, for realz: my boobs are getting bigger from arousal. Let me out, Clark! Pleeease!”

His eyebrows shot up and his eyes grew wide feeling and seeing the suddenly measurably (and he was qualified to measure it, had he the necessary equipment with him) greater difficulty unbuttoning her top’s remaining buttons (not already unbuttoned as some had been all night) from her visible swelling. “Holy granola! You *are* bigger!”

“*Yes!* All women’s breasts swell up when they’re aroused. Did you not know this?”

“I’ve read about it and very rarely experienced subtle versions of it, but I’ve never experienced anything like this—**you!**” he said as he finished unbuttoning her top, which only had buttons halfway down and was otherwise a pull-over.

Her beautifully soft, fat arms were already “reach for the sky” up in the air as she urged him, “♫ Frrreeee-eeee Bec-ca Day-*vid*-son! ♫” sung like the opening line of an early 1980s The Special A.K.A. song.

He had her top off straightaway, yet she obviously still wasn’t free. “I can’t believe how much you’re swelling out of your bra every which way!”

“I am *so* turned on! Squeeze them as necessary to reduce the tension to unhook them, as I know your boob-loving engineering mind knows how.”

“*Hhhhhhhh*” she gasped from a combination of great relief and great pleasure once the last hook was undone and her bodacious breasts eased her bra to the sides as they regained freedom.

He barely managed to finish slipping her bra off, in shock with how massive she was—and how aroused!

Rebecca herself was somewhat shocked: it had been too long since the last man she trusted enough to get to this point, and a long time since she’d been this extremely aroused. {*Ohhh* I love being huge-boobed!} she couldn’t help thinking during her shock. {**This** is why I do what I do!}

As she kept thinking about it, she realized that while she’d been this fat or even fatter in the past, she’d not been like that *and* this fully aroused at the same time. {*Wow!*}

Thankfully (as far as Rebecca was concerned) Clark couldn’t hold back: his hands and mouth were deep on/into **the** biggest breasts he had ever felt by far, and some of the biggest of which he’d ever even seen pictures! All in his hands and mouth, the mind of the woman part and parcel of them surprisingly (to him) *thrilled* to be sharing herself this way with him! Not only were hers the biggest in sheer volume, she also had the biggest areolae *and* biggest, hardest nips he’d ever experienced—far and away so!

“*Uuaaaggghhh, **AAAAAAUUUGGGH YES!***”

Even he, sometimes amazingly clueless about such things, knew she’d just experienced a likely-powerful orgasm. Her expression of bliss rather than pain strongly suggested she enjoyed it.

“Oh please more and don’t make me beg!”


“**Yes!** It’s not fair but we women get more, and I **want** more! Please.”

So did Clark, and at this moment, not of her breasts. His deep passionate mouth-to-mouth sudden kissing attack leveled her, making her weak enough that together they rushed over to her king-sized bed and crashed down atop it.

The flexing and creaking noises pulled Clark nearly all the way out of his passions and into his rational mechanical engineering mind.

She felt the sudden disappearance of his lust immediately. “What?”


“*No*” she punctuated with a potent, deep kiss. “I need to know.”

“Mentally analyzing the structural integrity of this bed, based upon the impact we just now imposed upon it.”

Slightly frustrated, she grabbed her boobs, gently smashing them into his cheeks, “Wouldn’t you rather be calculating the angle of these danglers of mine? Or, better, getting back to full passion?”

“*Yes. Thank you*. My preference for doing that is some slow, affectionate kissing with sexy and affectionate caressing. Is that agreeable to you?”


She was the one actually in charge immediately after her response, super-deep face-eating + french kissing as her hands wantonly grabbed his upper arms, now deliciously skin-to-skin.

This night of passion continued for several hours, basically every moment of which was at least pleasurable to both of them, more often enthralling, occasionally blissfully sublime. Highlights in the latter category over the hours included 2 other breast-centric orgasms for her at unexpected moments well apart from one another, Clark enjoying more than one orgasmic release of his own within the confines of his pants, and both of them being surprised when the biggest orgasm of the night happened unexpectedly with no explicit intention of such a thing during the extended time he was kissing, licking, lipping, and hand handling her belly. His brief offhand comment that big fat bellies could be like a third boob resonated within her more deeply than he could ever have imagined.
87 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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