Unforgettable cruise

Chapter 15 - (actual chapter 6 concludes…)

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The salt water and sea breeze aboard the San Francisco to Tiburon ferry joined the sound of seagulls and many sights in every direction to fill Leigh Down with vibrant in-the-moment life!

The stopover at Angel Island gave her as much of a look of the island as she wished. Her original goal was Sausalito, as it looked more interesting. Upon learning that the Sausalito ferry stopped at Angel Island then Tiburon first anyway, she added the latter to her itinerary.

Historic Main St. Tiburon was pleasant, even if none of its shops drew her in. The Hippie Tree and seeing a statue of a deceased horse who’d stood at the same place in his pasture for 28 years both sounded interesting, but required more walking than Leigh was willing to undertake, after yesterday’s trek.

Once she had her fill of Main St. and immediately adjacent areas on Corinthian Island, it was a short walk to Shoreline Park, to admire the San Francisco Bay from its north side.

{Damn, I’m spreading a lot} she couldn’t help noticing as she sat and filled more of her chosen bay-facing park bench than she’d expected. No matter: it was a weekday and she had the park almost all to herself.

She found it soothing to restfully sit pretty and slightly wide for a long time, taking in the view. {This is much better than walking all over creation, especially since I’ll likely be walking around Sausalito more.}

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It wasn’t quite 2 hours from when she’d stepped off the ferry when the next one arrived for her to board for the short 10 minute ride over to Sausalito.

Downtown Sausalito proved far less interesting than Leigh had hoped. She reversed course, walking along the waterfront to what the map told her was Old Town. The older architecture, much of it dating from around the turn of the previous century, affirmed this designation.

Usually her nose led her to appealing, satisfying comestibles. With nothing having caught her fancy and it being well into the lunch hour, she resorted to some online searching. {Indian-Mexican fusion? Gotta try that!}

Her chosen restaurant was far enough away that she opted to ride a local bus.

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{This is alright} she thought of her Curried Rock Shrimp Punjabi Enchilada. {Not as spicy nor as flavorful as I would have thought.}

The meal was pleasant enough, and did have some flavor. The warm, soothing heat of the Masala Chai did her well.

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A pleasant stroll from the fusion restaurant back to the ferry terminal filled the remainder of Leigh’s Sausalito time. The return ferry trip directly from Sausalito to San Francisco’s Pier 41 had her back on the Sapphire Prince in plenty of time prior to its departure at 6 PM local time.

A big yawn soon after returning to her comfy stateroom along with feeling worn down had Leigh choose taking a shower then slipping into the soft, luxurious, and decidedly comfy ship-provided bathrobe for a restful nap on her “cloud” bed.
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