Unforgettable cruise

Chapter 75 - (actual chapter 23) a true cali girl

Jayne Plain (her actual surname, to her great dismay) awoke on the last day of March 2020 (a Tuesday) from not only the only night’s sleep she’d had in several weeks, but the best she’d had in so long—years—she couldn’t even remember when the last time was! Comfortably nude under the warm covers, waking up cuddled into sexy, romantic, and affectionate Clark Barr to her was bliss incarnate.

The gentle caresses of his upper arm and chest that she couldn’t resist giving him (or more accurately in terms of the gift of joy, herself) gently awoke him. His sleepy smile when he turned his head her direction was far too kissable, so she did, thankfully tenderly and peacefully.

Even knowing Leigh was over there, it startled Jayne to feel the sudden sensations of some of Leigh’s hip and thigh fat flowing off of Clark just barely onto her belly. “Good morning, Leigh” she said at a level she hoped was soft enough not to be jarring.

“’Morning, Jayne.”

She decided the impinging flesh needed some caressing. “That’s some nice fleshy hip and thigh you’ve got there.”

“Mmmm, you may keep doing that, please. I’m a chonky woman, which is why Neener calls me Chonky.”

“What’s my pet name going to be?”

“I think you’ve got to be Squish, because you’re nice and soft and squishy a lot of places, and I’m all about squishing your boobs.”

“OK.” One could hear the smile in her voice.

“Do I get to use that one too?”

“Of *course*, Neener! Same as she gets to use Neener and you both get to use Chonky for me. Any other high-level business to which we need to attend as our world hurtles onward into seemingly ever-more uncharted weirdness?”

“*Uuuugh!*” Jayne groaned. “Don’t remind me, please. Here I’ve had the first great night’s sleep I’ve had in far, far too long and am living the dream here with you two, and now harsh reality is back in my mind.” She immediately stared at Clark’s face.

“It’s too soon to test your focusing ability” he assured her, with a kiss. “You need to catch up on more lost sleep and heal more.”

“I’m too awake to sleep right now. And gettin’ kinda hungry.”

“Me too” replied Leigh. “Going to bed late and these cloudy mornings can lead to sleeping later, nearly into the first breakfast booking.”

“Is it that late already?”


“May I please tell you what a profound delight it is to hear the two of you having a conversation across me, cuddled into each side?”

“You’re neener’s already doing that.”

“You’re already feeling him up there?”

“Throw your leg up over him, Squish.” Leigh removed hers in order to make such a thing possible.

“Mmmmm. Now I know why you threw your leg up over him first thing.”

Jayne decided she needed some more kisses. Clark decided he needed to squeeze her breasts. She couldn’t help noticing that his squeezes were far more gentle than Leigh’s.

“Eh-hem. Send some love over to this side before I chonk myself up atop the both of you.”

🎼* Oh! Oh!* Tel-e-phone liiinnee 🎼 Leigh’s generic ringtone sang out of her device, handily on the bedside table.

“She needs a newer song, don’t ya think?”

“Yeah” Jayne had to agree. “We can help her together with that (kiss). Set up some per-contact customs, too (kiss).”

“Hell-o.… Oh hey, Beryl.… Nah, we’re still in bed.… Hold on, I’ll ask.” She turned towards Clark and (out of her sight, since she remained lying down in bed) Jayne. “Beryl wants to know if we want to get all of Team Succulence together for lunch, given that she’s on her way to breakfast and Per and Bec slept in like us.”

“Any chance we can get seated at Sip And A Wink?”

“Geez Neen, that’s not really set up for a gaggle of plushies, like us women of Team Succulence. You and me and Squish could do it, but those booths aren’t meant for more than one SSBBW and one average-sized admirer per side.”

“If they’re taking reservations and someone’s setting it up now, we can try for the circular group booth in the corner.”

“Beryl and Bec may be too front-to-back thick to get in there. You do know most superchonks don’t do booths, yes?”

“Depends wholly on the specifics of the particular superchonker in both body and preferences, last I read. I think we should go for it. If not that, we could do Oasis and let them know the size of our group both in number and, well, size, and they can move some tables around if need be. If that doesn’t work we might as well go back to Jimmy’s Buffet, or pick the largest stateroom amongst us and maybe have another orgy meal.”

“Yeah I’m still here Beryl. Almost done.” She again muted her mic, “Whaddo you want to do, Squish?”

“I’ve eaten at all of those plenty of times, so I truly don’t care.”

Leigh explained their priorities to Beryl, who quite liked the Sip And A Wink suggestion.

“May we order breakfast delivered, please?” Jayne requested with a slight whine once the call was finished.

“I’m fine with that” replied Leigh.

“Sure. What do either of you want to do today, apart from meals?”

“That’s too hard a question” complained Jayne, cuddling deeper into Clark’s side, exciting him and making him very tranquilly happy at the same time.

“Don’t know that I want to be in nor on bed all day. Then again I don’t have any specific plans, and there’s a very exciting woman staying with us.”

“Squish needs more rest, and given that I too have nothing in particular planned, I want to do all I can to help her rest and recover.”

“Are you sure you mean ‘rest’, Neen?” Leigh teased.

“It would mean more to me than I can tell you to stay here in the stateroom all day and night here nude with you two today, other than lunch. Not in bed necessarily, but just being together and staying immersed in these loving feelings where I feel valued and loved and respected and sexy and attractive and have *hope!*”

“Alright. I’ll plan on balancing my eating so I’ll have room for lunch but can still focus on catching up with the great things I couldn’t enjoy during the 2 weeks of illness.”

“I love you more than I have words, Chonky” Clark kissed and hugged her. Turning to his other side he added, “And you, Squish, are magical (kiss). It is an honor beyond words that you’re here with the two of us, and I hope we can all have a great healing time together on this bizarre life adventure in which we all find ourselves.”

* *
Not even an hour later, the nascent kinda-sorta 3-way love affair hit rough waters.

“I’m sorry!” Jayne whined, her voice muffled by her double face-palming.

“It’s alright, it’s alright” sighed Leigh, single forehead-palming as though she had a headache.

Swallowing her pride, she came over to the bed where Jayne and Clark had been about to get into their first-ever P.I.V. sexual intercourse, derailed by Leigh’s meltdown. “Come on… sit up next to me and let’s talk this out, please.”

“Do I have a place in this?”

Leigh redirected some of her anger into flutter-eyed annoyance towards her intermittently clueless cruise husband. “If you need either of us to explain to you that you ought to be supportively cuddling Squish on the side opposite me, I’ll really be wondering where your usual clueful caring self has disappeared to today.”

Not wishing to aggravate her further, he silently moved where his intuition had suggested he place himself anyway, before he asked and Leigh scoldingly confirmed. His loving affectionate force field directed towards Jayne (and past her onwards to Leigh as much as he could manage) amplified in Jayne’s case by direct supportive cuddly contact assuredly helped stabilize her and settle her down, as she continued to struggle to find her way back to some semblance of her former stable, balanced, secure confidence.

“Hold hands, please” Leigh requested of Jayne. “Eye contact, please?”

It was difficult to look into the face of the woman who’d not only just recently gone off on her and/or Clark and/or the world (she couldn’t be certain which), but who’d been so antagonistic to her yesterday morning around this time during the intense, oft-traumatic extended breakfast where Team Succulence was born. Yet this was the same woman for whom she had feelings stronger than she’d had in the past for other women, and more than that was letting her immersively love Clark… maybe. Until now. She pushed herself to make the eye contact.

“There is nothing wrong with you, nor your body. I lost it because of my insecurity and jealousy. It’s been a challenge for me to wholly embrace your having amazing breasts to die for, despite your giving me the gift of sexually loving those parts of you, thus you yourself, in the limited way with which I feel comfortable. You’ve got the boobs; I don’t, at least not at your level. You’ve got what we’re calling the 3rd. boob—a nice, fat, soft belly—and that I do have. I wasn’t prepared for you to also have a deliciously fat, round, succulent, ultra-desirable fat mound that I *wish* I had—a 4th. boob, in lusty sexual effect.

“You’ve mentioned your concerns with aging, so maybe you’ll understand how threatening it is to me as a woman 15 years older than you to discover more and more ways that you have the ***perfect*** body I wish I had, every time I run across some previously-unnoticed aspect of you. If we’re all being honest, Clark loves you, you love him, and you two could easily be the cruise husband and wife, or whatever different pairing nomenclature and reality you might prefer.”

“But we established yesterday at breakfast that everyone sees me as *older* and looking like shit, and you as the younger-looking hottie!”
87 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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