Unforgettable cruise

Chapter 76 - (actual chapter 23 continues…)

“Much as it gave my self-esteem a boost, part of me wishes Per hadn’t brought out that game. Especially because of the way it trashed you.” Leigh found herself lovingly massaging Jayne’s held hand, part of her mind questioning what was going on within her. She restored more complete direct eye contact, “You’re already looking better. It won’t be long before you’re back to stunning Swash Buckle: the female DJ everyone who’s attracted to women wants to get with.”

“That’s over, Leigh” she sighed. “That whole world’s gone, and not coming back. I do want to look attractive and I do want to be judged as young rather than old and haggy, but honestly for right now and what little future I can see, I’d rather be Squish Buckle or just Squish: a member of Team Succulence in good standing—definitely including with you, because you matter to me. I shouldn’t have pushed so hard and so soon for going all the way with Clark to find out what it might feel like to have his exciting neener in me, and for that I apologize.”

“I don’t mind you two sharing sex, truly I don’t—especially when I can watch.”

“Are you certain?”

She cast her gaze downward and sighed. “No. I’m finding myself wavering back and forth wholly unpredictably between being super-excited about us being boob lovers and you, me, and Neener being together as a real-world loving living together for now 3-way in our special way, versus wondering what the hell is going on and why it’s not just me and Neener being a couple and not even any other part of Team Succulence, other than maybe an occasional meal together. It’s not even restricted to just those two poles, though I’ve yet to get clear enough in my mind to identify other wavering stopover points. I truly do want you to heal and get back on your feet for whatever the future has in store for you, and stressing you and myself and Clark with jealous rages helps none of us in any way. In conclusion for my part of this discussion, I apologize for going off on you for reasons having everything to do with me and my insecurity and nothing to do with you other than my profound envy of you on several levels and your body in particular. I apologize to both of you for trashing what likely would have been some excellent sex you both would have enjoyed. Maybe once we’ve all settled down and let go of this, the mood will come back, and you two can get back to it.”

“It’s far more important to me to have the ongoing steady healing supply of cuddly affection and to remain on good, peaceful, mutually relaxed terms with you than to bone Clark” she turned to face him, “no matter how awesome your neener seems to be.”

“It’s awesome, at least in my world.”

“It’s average” Clark objected.

“Physically that may be, though I think if we measured, you’ll measure above average. Vastly more relevant than the enticing physical parameters is the mind and spirit of you backing up your banana prong: the *love* that comes with the boning, and is so soothing and healing apart from boning and other lust stuff. Alright, I’ll be quiet now. Please let’s all find our way back to loving one another in all possible ways with which each of us are comfortable.”


“Yea h Squish?”

“Tell me truly: do you have any interest in doing anything at all with my 4th. boob? You know, being a boob lover and all.”

A brief shudder went through her. “I badly want to massage-squeeze you there. To know what it feels like, at least for those of us here on the outside.”

“I’d like that.”

It felt very good and very exciting to both of them. Beautiful heavy breathing filled the room as Leigh kept going, repeatedly slowly and deeply squeezing what amounted to the best and most amazing warm fleshy squeeze ball she’d ever felt, or even seen.

At one point by accident, Leigh’s middle finger slipped between Jayne’s fat lower lips. Both of them immediately froze up, Leigh more than Jayne. Their eyes locked, their faces projecting mutual deer-in-headlights freeze panic expressions.

Ever so subtly Jayne nodded, likely unaware she was doing so.

Leigh slid her middle finger back and forth several millimeters.

Jayne nodded slightly more, this time aware of what she was doing.

Leigh slid her finger about a centimeter back and forth.

Explosive passion shooting through her light lightning, Jayne nodded deeply—easy for anyone to see. “Yes please” she verbally confirmed.

Leigh’s hand took Jayne on a nice, slow, gradual, exquisitely arousing hand job ride. She quickly learned that reflecting upon what she was doing was the worst possible idea: merely starting along any such path brought on queasiness, panic, or both. Staying all the way into full in-the-moment focus on the feelings and staring lustily at Jayne’s boobs, belly, and what she could see of her fat mound she was currently deftly manipulating was absolutely the way to go, perhaps the *only* way to go.

Jayne’s aroused gasps and moans filled the room, more so as Leigh’s free hand move to her breasts, gently caressing them and especially their seriously engorged not-quite-so-small nipples.

One could imagine Jayne feeling driven to reciprocate, either in the same moment or later. That almost happened, but didn’t.

One could imagine Clark getting involved via getting into his cruise wife’s vulva with any one or more parts of his body. That almost happened, but didn’t.

What actually happened was in some ways more amazing: Clark eased up behind Jayne and gave her a shoulder massage whilst Leigh continued giving her an exquisite genital massage. The mash-up of exceedingly affectionate romantic and exceedingly lusty sexual feelings and loving gifts from her two simultaneous lovers had Jayne giving herself over entirely to both of them. In this moment, she would have done anything to please them and maintain their amazing love. Thankfully all they asked was for her to be herself, take all the love in that she could, and thoroughly enjoy.

* *
“This way, please” masked and gloved Sapphire Prince staff member Anwin (per her name tag) directed Leigh, Clark, and Jayne.

The latter squished boob-first into Clark to whisper, “We trained together and she doesn’t even recognize me!”

The around-waist affectionate arm squeeze and nose-rub kiss he gave her and whispering back, “She’s harried and under stress. Just look at what’s going on around us, and what she’s being forced to navigate” meant a great deal to her. She knew she still needed his caring support during this ongoing critical phase of her recovery. As well, beyond any doubt she knew she loved him more than was probably good for anyone.

His other arm had been and remained around Leigh, who soon received her own unsolicited kiss from him, just because ***LOVE!***

Traversing the Grand Promenade deck towards the Sip And A Wink Pub proved more challenging than any of them imagined. Loosely packed with passengers weary of stateroom confinement and wanting to go *somewhere* and move around, the many clusters of socially-distanced spaced-apart small groups (mostly family units), couples, and individuals, each shepherded by a different staff member, looked and felt like an uncomfortable mashup of disparate groups of unruly, boisterous school children being led by their teachers and prisoners from differing gang factions being led to or from their cells and some exercise or work area by guards.

Different groups snaked around in ever-varying paths to keep people apart and still manage to get each individual or group to their destination in some sort of safe, timely manner. Such was the tightly-controlled chaos of having a single deck of necessity in use both by those in the No symptoms (asymptomatic, never had symptoms) class and the Recovered class.

Spotting the Jayne/Clark/Leigh group, Rebecca waved and attempted to speed up to meet up with them, pulling Per along with her.

Her attempt was blocked by their usher Shashi. “Stay with me here, ma’am.”

“We’re in the *same group!*”

“Groups are limited to those residing in the same stateroom, ma’am.”

Frustrated, she ranted, “We. Are. In the **Recovered** class, alright? We all **had** it! It’s **over!** We can *kiss* and… do anything else you might imagine.”

“It has not been established by leading authorities whether or how long recovered individuals may or may not acquire immunity” Shashi explained as they slowly continued in the direction of the pub, dodging other groups by someone’s vague idea of a social distance.

“When we catch up with them, we are *joining* them. If you object, contact your supervisor **now**.”

“*Heyyy!*” Beryl grinned, waddling up along side Per and Rebecca.

“Ma’am! This is an established group of two–”

“–Let’s get rockin’ and get in our seats!” Beryl completely ignored the usher, easing Rebecca and Per in front of her and using her huge body as a body block between them and the relatively puny usher.

Shashi gave up, snapping a quick picture of the backsides of the renegade group and logging the incident, then going back towards the elevators to find another group to shepherd.

Before any other cruise ship authorities could get overly worked up, Beryl, Per, and Rebecca met up with Jayne, Clark, and Leigh just outside the wide open doorless doorway of the Sip And A Wink Pub, all of them heading inside together in a huge aisle-blocking mass of superlatively fat humanity.
87 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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