Unforgettable cruise

Chapter 79 - (actual chapter 23 continues

* *
“More food and a pitcher of beer. Whaddaya think?”

The others of Team Succulence agreed with Beryl’s suggestion. Beyond nearly all of them having a great time most of the time, for other reasons in addition to this, none of them wanted their time together to end just yet. Eating at least one big meal together was so refreshing and pleasing to each of them for their own individual reasons, they were already secretly hoping that the others would conclude along with them that this had to become a daily event.

Both Leigh and Clark knew that she was eating joyously because that was her original cruise goal from before she first boarded the Sapphire Prince. All of them at the table knew that Beryl ate big at every possible meal and oftentimes in between for the purpose of being as fat as possible, because she freely and widely shared this information with anyone who’d listen.

Especially as a newly-minted Cali girl who’d lost so many who’d remained still living in her native New York City, Rebecca needed camaraderie and friendship as much as food. She loved to eat, had a big appetite, and never had done well keeping the weight off long ago when she’d tried. This was different. This was more. She ate for those other reasons, and also others besides: self-soothing, and fitting in. This was not a sacrifice, nor was she losing herself to groupthink. It was an adventure amongst freely fat food-loving Cali girls, native-born and immigrants, and those who loved them—and she had a California poppy in her hair to prove it.

Jayne hadn’t recovered as much as she thought she had, and certainly nowhere near enough in a mere 28 or so hours with less than half of those being restful sleeping or deep rest hours to be wearing herself down with alcoholic beverages. She was the moodiest of the group, her moods shifting almost to bipolar degrees—almost all locked inside. Outside, she was having a consistently great time. As with Rebecca, part of the eating was fitting in, and part of it was going on a fattening adventure along with them. Much as she hated to admit it and could not yet do so consciously, part of it was that her body had already developed the habit of eating a lot being the new normal. Additionally, she remained more stressed than she let on, and likely more than she knew, thus she was still stress eating to soothe herself.

Taken together, each of Leigh, Rebecca, and Jayne had their own reasons to be eating as voraciously and joyously as Beryl.

“OK, they’ve all got Team Succulence names and now finally that I’m really Cali I do too—*llllaaaaahh!*” she gleefully celebration-sang with joy. “So you two need ’em now.”

“You don’t have a pet name for Per already?” asked Leigh.

“It’s too close to Clark’s Neener.”

“We’ll be the judge of that, Cali.”

“Judging’s over! Right, Beryl? There’s no judging on Team Succulence, right?”

Everyone had to wait for her to finish her current big honkin’ bite of shepherd’s pie. “Correct, however you aren’t likely to make any progress on Per having a Team Succulence name until you share the pet name and we can understand why it might not work.”

“Alright.” She petted his shoulder, gazing at him dreamily as she shared, “He’s my Norwegian Wood. But that’s obviously too many syllables, so for a pet name we use Wood.”

“I’m finding no conflict” said Leigh. “One’s fruit and one’s tree fiber.”

The others agreed.

“Alright, I’m good with it.”

“The question is: is *he* good with it?”

“I’m fine” he answered Beryl. “I’ll be Wood.”

“That leaves you, Ms. Beech.”

“She doesn’t have a steady, so she wouldn’t have a pet name” noted Clark.

“Don’t need one, when each of Beryl and Beech already fit the terse criterion” the woman in question declared.

“It’s not special if it’s part of your given name” said Rebecca.

Clark thought it through aloud, “Beech, beached whale, Whale.”

“♫ Baahm baahm
Baahm baahm
Baahm baahm
Baahm baahm ♫” Jayne sang, stepping down in pitch with each repetition pair.

“What’s that?”

“My bargain basement rendition of an excerpt from a song titled Whale, which like an *idiot*, I forgot to research when I heard it. And of course searching on Whale parenthesis song close parenthesis or even songs entitled Whale gets nowhere close, bringing in actual whale songs and all that other stuff other people are legit seeking and I am not. And there really aren’t other easily understandable lyrics other than what I just sung, so can’t do a lyrics search. Just ignore me.”

Clark refused to ignore her, instead giving his exceedingly talented music-minded DJ lover a snug affectionate seated side hug. After that he did the same on his opposite side with his talented-in-other-ways music-minded non-DJ (at least professionally) lover.

“I’ll do Whale” said Beryl. “I’m fine with that. Ready to try a new beer for our next pitcher?”

* *
Boisterous laughter amidst an air of fun and camaraderie grew louder and stronger during what was becoming an extended lunch party for Team Succulence. Bonding ever-closer as new friends and in some combinations lovers over shared interests during a time of great worldwide and on-ship adversity, this second group get-together was an outstanding opportunity to blow off steam and let go of worry and stress and loss from all each of them individually (and sometimes in pairs) had been through. Being honest, there was also at least a vague fear in most of their minds that there might not be a tomorrow, giving an even greater incentive to fully live it up today, in the moment.

The food kept coming, less so now other than for biggest-appetite Beryl, given that they’d been eating long enough that the others were full for the time being. The pitchers of beer kept coming, and somehow they all had room for that. One pitcher at a time, never lasting long, so they could all enjoy a different brew each time.

All of them were comfortably happy “buzzed” intoxicated, each pleased to be that way under these circumstances, though being on the edge of weepy, Jayne from time to time feared she might fall apart if anything went badly wrong.

As tends to be the case as a sweeping generalization, inhibitions were lowered.

Jayne felt an arousal flutter as Clark slipped his hand in through her flowing dress’s generously-sized arm opening/short angular sleeve, claiming her very big left boob. It was exciting to be felt up right there at the table as everyone kept sipping, chatting, and celebrating—even better was having such a big, fat one hanging below table level, so he could keep doing that to her unseen!

But that’s not what happened. Soon after first getting ahold of her left one, to her adrenalin-rush surprise he slowly and carefully *eased it out of her dress’s left sleeve! She was so big there, he was holding that part of her out in the open over his lap!* But of course it wasn’t his actual lap surface, because that was buried by a little of her own left hip and bun fat, and a whole lot of Leigh’s.

Enthralling as this was, it got better: *he eased Leigh’s right hand onto her left boob!* Her breast-lusting Girlfriend with Certain Limited Benefits started feeling her up, *skin-to-skin! Under the table where no one on the other side could see! ***Seated one whole person away from her!** Thanks to how tightly together they were seated and how big her breasts were, Leftie wasn’t even truly being stretched!

It wasn’t just Jayne that was thrilled. Leigh was profoundly touched that her boob-loving cruise husband would hand Jayne’s magnificent mam over to her, for her own boob-lust pleasure! She was powerfully moved, and so was Jayne. Mostly by chance though a little bit by watching each other, she and Jayne wound up kissing lover Clark at the same time, each on his nearest-to-them cheek.

*This* was fully visible across the table.

“Lookin’ like you have *two* Cali girl lovers, Mister Neener” Cali saucily grinned.

♫ Two girls *for ev-reee boyyyyy* ♫ sang Squish, with Cali then the rest of the women of Team Succulence quickly joining in.

“We’re all set up for that over here” Whale grinned Cali’s way.

“*No*” she defiantly replied. “I may be one Cali girl, but I’m *way* more than two girls in volume!”

“So are we” replied Chonky, thrilling Squish with an extra-twiddly nipple twist.

Cali crushed her Wood deeply into her side, with a force that might have hurt had she been less well-padded. Hugely fat as she was, to him the experience felt like being squished into a multi-sided warm loving human pillow, sandwiched as he was between her generously pillowy left arm and exceedingly pillowy left side of her body.

“This just in: the women-attracted male FA shortage remains rampant upon the cruise ship Sapphire Prince” announced Whale in her best newscaster voice. “Supplies are being rationed, to be shared equitably. *Share your resources!*”

“You already sampled him, alright?! He’s with me—my Wood—OK?!”

Squish’s mouth ran somewhat ahead of her mind, “True Cali girls responsibly love and let love amongst trusted friends!”

Cali looked and acted cornered, pulling back somewhat wide-eyed, pulling Wood along with her.

Neener rushed to her defense, “True Cali girls come in a stunningly wide diversity of minds, bodies, behaviors, beliefs, and more! I know for an indisputable **fact** that *many* Cali girls are *monogamous*
 likely a majority. She is Cali! With or without the beautiful poppy in her hair, *she is now a true, full, 100% Cali girl*, full stop. Her love is her business, no one else’s, other than Wood’s at this time. We love our way over here, she loves her way over there.”

Whale wasn’t having it, “What about the *shortage?!*”
87 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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