Unforgettable cruise

Chapter 80 - (actual chapter 23 continues…)

As most of them drunkenly stared at one another else took fresh quaffs of beer, Neener used his left foot to slip off his right foot’s slip-on classic black and white checkerboard-patterned Vans deck shoe. Once it was off, with greater difficulty he slipped off his sock on that same foot.

He eased his right foot up and under Whale’s dress, caressing the lowest expanse of her belly fat with his toes and nearby bottom of the front of his foot.

“Alright, I’ll let it go. *For now*” she winked across the table at him.

Chonky’s bemused gaze aimed his way encouraged Neener to take his next action: one he’d planned to get into before all this opposite-side sharing contentiousness unfolded. Snaking his hand under his cruise wife’s skirt waistband, he made glorious skin-to-skin contact with her fat and full belly, gently massaging it forthwith. From this position it was easy to ease on over and include some of her becoming-voluminous right hip fat.

Squish didn’t know exactly what was going on, only able to read between the lines from lover Chonky’s expression and what little she could see of Neener’s, along with feeling a little of his body language and a whole lot of joyously scintillating and thrilling ongoing direct breast fondling from Chonky. She knew that she wanted to somehow feel Neener’s neener, and made it so: quite like he’d done with Chonk, she slipped her left hand beneath his pants and undies waistbands, right onto his partly-engorged love log. Her exquisite sensual sexual touch assuredly engorged him further, back into his true banana-curved shape.

When his right hand wasn’t occupied holding his beer glass, Neener found it easy to surreptitiously slip it under the table and, without drawing attention, pull up the bottom of Squish’s dress until he could access her deliciously fat thigh. From there it was a short journey up over and under her undies waistband to the lower expanse of her beautifully rounded and very soft fat and fattening belly.

Those on the Chonky-Neener-Squish side of the table did admirably well mostly keeping their poker faces as their sexual intimacy continued, easing deeper. The only “tell” was their relative silence, and sometimes missing out on conversational cues at least one of them would typically have nabbed.

“What’s going on over there?” Cali suspiciously asked.

Whale whispered an explanation amounting to “under-table sexy stuff” to Wood, who in turn whisper-relayed the information to Cali.

“I’m in” she told him, concluding with what some have called a “fuck me now” deep, long, passionate kiss.

Slow and tactful was always the way with Cali, which Wood knew well (hence his being her man). Gradually over time he caressed his way deeper into and in through her voluminous piles of belly and other mid-body fat, continually reading her comfort level.

A quarter hour later, his hand was where precious few in modern times were ever allowed to venture: her inner sanctum: down under yonder in YonLand.

By this point Neener was well into cruise wife Chonky’s inner sanctum on a wonderfully sexy ongoing basis, slipping into and out of Squish’s when his hand wasn’t needed for drinking.

A shared basket of chips (fries in ’Merican English), another pitcher of beer, and the stealth sexy times continued, gradually accelerating. It came (pun intended) to the point where they were legit having an orgy right there at their table in the Sip And A Wink Pub, looking to the few others viewing them as a group of good friends sharing a typical fun (pseudo) public house time, no one outside their table knowing otherwise.

“You have my permission to get into Whale” Cali whispered to her Wood.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. We’re all survivors in a brave new world. She’s sex-positive and horny like me, and she needs it. I’m still your Cali girl and you’re still my one and only all-the-way Wood. You’re going home to my stateroom with me tonight, but for now we’re all in this together, and I approve sharing your woman-attracted male FA resources with her as you’re able, willing, and interested, and she’s interested.”

It startled Wood to find Neener’s foot already enmeshed in Whale’s vulvar depths. She quickly and nonverbally made it clear to each of them that the correct path forward was for the two of them to be in that part of her working together for her pleasure. She was so beautifully, immensely fat and they were so totally to-their-core innate woman-attracted FAs of their nature and beyond anyone’s control, they could do no less than strive to please her.

Similar to a colony of ants, all of Team Succulence became a teamwork-driven sexual entity, individually and simultaneously giving and receiving for a glorious greater good. Orgasms, when they happened, were individual, and typically wonderful. When they didn’t happen, the ongoing arousal was so amazingly exquisite, it was as good or better for those so situated that there at that moment were no orgasms.

Most of the experience was about intoxicated carnal sex. Inevitably given those involved and their existing intimate connections, other forms of love simultaneously blossomed and flowed.

* *
As can often be the case during afterglow, biochemistry in some can lead to sad, “blue”, or depressive mood shifts. Such was the case for Squish, who simply couldn’t keep her mind’s focus entirely in the joyous present.

*“Hhhhhhhh*” she sighed, looking dejected.

Neener’s deeper and more affectionate side cuddle helped, but wasn’t enough.

“What’s up, Squish-o?” asked Whale.

“Thinking about the future. Failing to stay fully present in this amazingly wonderful moment with all of you” she sighed again.

“Why do that? Come back, come back: we’re right here!” she grinned, as was most often her way.

“As important as living in the present is, without planning, when this moment’s future becomes the present, one is likely to be unprepared. Too much of that and especially in critical areas such as earning a living can lead to significant suffering.”

“Can’t plan for everything” noted Wood. “There’s too many aspects of life to do that and still have a life.”

“Who can plan at all in the middle of an international pandemic?!” Cali ranted. “My production company—not mine, but the last one I worked for—has been laying people off right and left! Not firing mind you, but indeterminate layoffs. During the Great Depression entertainment was an escape people needed, but with this thing we can’t even gather a small team of actors in one space ta make anything!”


“*Fuck* Zoom!” Neener cursed.

In one of the few times so far they’d encountered a direct head-on disagreement with each other, Wood charged right back, “It’s a *lifeline* for people right now!”

“Pretty shitty lifeline.”

“It’ll win for the same reason Adobe Flash dominated for so long: *cross-platform compatibility and ease of installation and use*.”

“It’ll die for the same reason Adobe Flash did: it’s *shitty arrogant* software, especially deviating outside its original core design goals!”

“I don’t wanna hear about anyone’s software, you two otherwise-sexy sweeties” Cali reclaimed the conversation. “Without someone doing some serious editing, anyone’s software is a bunch of grid boxes right now, far as I’ve seen. That gets old *real* fast.”

Neener noticed Squish looking sadder. Cuddling into her side anew and nuzzling her upper arm he apologized, “I’m sorry for derailing your conversation.”

“It doesn’t matter” she sighed.

“Yes it does.”

“I’m just being selfish. Ignore me.”

Cali refused. “I’m not gonna ignore a fellow Cali girl in need. Especially not one who helped make me official! What about the future is vexing ya, hun?”

“How to reinvent myself in a way where I can earn a living.”

“Didn’t we establish yesterday that it’s too soon for that?” asked Wood.

“I’m feeling the need to do *something* besides eating and having sex. Not that those are in any way bad and I’m not judging anyone! Just that you all are here as paying passengers, expected and entitled to recreate like that.”

Chonky gave her left boob some sudden deep squeezes.

“OK: recreate like *this*. Better Chonky?”

She nodded, grinning.

“I’m a service provider, not providing services.”

“How can you, if everything’s locked down?” asked Whale.

“It’s not any more. Not all of it anyway. We’re here in the pub, for example.

“Yeah, but your stuff’s locked down.”

“Yeahhhh” she sighed anew.

“I understand that they don’t want people getting too close” said Neener, “but it seems like a waste to have big spaces like the Club Troposphere dance floor wholly unoccupied. That may not be your jurisdiction, but seems to me that the Recovered class of cruisers is missing out on the sunbathing opportunities the No symptoms class has on the Sun deck. Even if it meant that someone had to handle appointments and mark the floor with tape or something to keep people spaced apart sufficiently, at least it’s *something*.”

“Since when has there been any sun recently in which to bathe?!” Whale snickered.

“Point taken. Never mind.”

“I’ve never understood why they don’t do more stuff there in the daytime” said Chonky. “It would be great to have gentle, easy yoga sessions, or meditation, or nearly anything else to help cruisers relax and cope.”

“You especially could do it with music, Squish” Cali smiled supportively. “Nice quiet relaxing background music, ta help people’s tension melt away. You could even dress the way you are now, since to me at least ya look like a therapist or healer in your pretty, flowing, loose dress.”

Chonky liked the idea. “I can envision seeing that on the daily schedule: Meditation with Jayne!”

“With her smiling picture in the corner or to the side of the text” added Neener.
87 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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