Unforgettable cruise

Chapter 81 - (actual chapter 23 continues…)

Squish liked the idea too, revealed by her dreamy gaze into the distance. “Ya think? You think people would come all the way up to the Sky deck during the day to meditate to soft, healing music?”

“I would!”

The others agreed.

“You don’t have to dress up like Swash Buckle or anything else: you’ve got the perfect Earth Mother healer look going on right now.”

She liked the idea even more, and the compliment. They brought her beautiful, fun, sexy smile back.

Whale’s face lit up. Reaching across the table and touching Squish’s hand, with glittery eye contact she said, “Best of all?: you can get as *fat* as you want! Flowing dress, no bra—unless you want one on a given day.”

It turned on Chonky anew to feel Squish’s left breast suddenly swell kinda sorta in her hand. Neener felt another swelling in a different place.

“Nice and personal and intimate” Neener continued. “You’d be one of the healers on the ship.”

The return of a familiar presence ended this conversation.

“How’re we doing here, Cali crew?” asked freshly-returned barmaid Lita.

“To be inclusive for those of us who haven’t gone through the official Cali girl or boy qualification process, collectively we’re Team Succulence” known-to-Lita-as Beryl explained.

“Thank you; I *definitely* want to be inclusive! Delighted you’re having a great time and glad to be of service to you today. We are 20 minutes past the next seating at this table, having already reassigned the one an hour ago to a different table, with limited seating due to the pandemic. Is it in any way an option for you all to be so kind as to allow another group to have at least a fraction of the fun you’ve had with us today?”

“You’re correct, and you’ve been very kind to us and that’s the best way I’ve **ever** heard anyone politely tell me to move on. Whaddaya think Team Succulence? Shall we call it a meal and vamoose?”

The others agreed, verbally or otherwise in various ways, often atop one another’s utterances.

Beryl/Whale attempted to get the momentum going via getting her hefty momentum in motion, sliding out of the booth.

The effort failed.

“**Ha!** I’m **totally stuck!**” she laughed uproariously, wholly unable to move. “I’ve gloriously *fattened* up so much that the only way I’m gonna get outta here any time soon is by having another whole grand meal or two and blowing this tabletop to *splinters!*”

As earlier when she didn’t want to force herself to smile, Lita was glad none of them could see her mouth twitching behind her face mask.

“Sorry hun. I think you’re going to have to keep feeding us noms and beer until we all together swell up further and destroy this thing.”

“But then nobody else can sit here, so what’s the point of that?” Wood questioned her.

Communicating non-verbally to disconnect themselves from each other, the Chonky-Neener-Squish side of the table presented an alternative, soon as Neener replaced Squish’s left Girl where that part of her belonged inside her flowing dress. Stuffed as she was, Squish managed to extricate herself with minimal trouble and (thankfully) no dress shredding. {*Holy BPM!* I’ve eaten and drunk myself **huuuge!**} she thought regarding her obviously bigger, heavier, food-filled belly.

Neener had no trouble sliding out, other than needing to be careful given how tipsy he was.

It surprised Chonky that she’d eaten and drunk enough that her bloated belly along with her usual fat presented meaningful friction between belly and table edge. She nevertheless managed to slide out, without the need for menu nor alternative friction-reducing shims, and without ripping clothing. {Glad I know I’m drunk. Otherwise I’d be concerned about how much I’m enjoying these sensations of excess. Wish we could get going so I can go lie down, though.}

“Let’s get this Whale outta here” Neener grinned to his lovers.

“Isn’t calling her that over the line?” Lita inquired.

“No, because that’s my official Team Succulence name” exclaimed the Whale a.k.a. Beryl in question. “*Good luck getting all this profoundly wonderful fat outta here!*” she taunted her standing team peers, gleefully sharing with the rest of the pub.

“We have science, specifically physics, on our side” smiled Wood. “Esteemed barmaid Lita, if you will kindly loan us a pair of menus, working together here on Team Succulence we ought to be able to extricate this mighty Whale from your booth.”

“*My flab precedes me!* And follows me!” Whale drunkenly exclaimed, leaving many wondering how exactly her proclamation was in any way relevant to the situation at hand wedginess.

Lita returned with the menus, including some extras if needed.

Soft and squishy as she and it was, it took a team effort to squeeze Whale’s profoundly-expanded flab out of the way even the 1.8 millimeters from the table edge needed to slip in a pair of the menus. Neener, Chonky, Cali on the other side, and Whale herself all working together were needed to create this small gap for Wood to be able to quickly slide in the menus.

The menus were none too happy to receive the significant force placed upon them, most visible in the way her significantly bulging fat above and below the table’s edge bent them severely.

“We’re going to have to work fast” Wood advised. “OK Whale and all of us: we’re moving you out on the count of three.”

Everyone got into position, bracing themselves.

“One. Two. *Three!*”

Nothing, other than energy depletion and muscle fatigue for the helpers.

Whale waved off any further help at this time, “Wait, I got this.”

**Buuuurrrr*AAAAPPP! Flup Flup Flup Flup Flup!*** she released significant intestinal gas from both ends around the same time.

The invisible odiferous cough-inducing cloud barely had time to start clearing when she said, “OK, let’s try again.”

“One. Two. *Three!*”

***Whhhomm* bluh bluh blommm bluh bluh blommm**: she was out, her prodigious fat gleefully expanding into the additional space.

{You are a whale} thought Lita. {Apt name.}

For whatever reason, Cali’s fat remained softer and more pliable than had been Whale’s, making it easy for Wood to slip the menu pair between her and the table, with her essential help pressing her own flab towards her body core. As during her ingress, the plastic-on-plastic friction reduction eased her egress. This was a multi-step process, with her and Wood each moving one position to the left with each iteration until he then finally she was out.

About as stuffed as she’d ever been (and this atop her lifetime peak fatness), Cali joined the others (apart from Whale) being taken aback by her currently-food-heavy bloated weight and dimensions. She felt the need to hug everyone in turn, including momentarily-hesitant Lita.

{Wow} thought Lita, once the hug started. As it got deeper this became {*Oh my gosh* WOW! You’re as soft as the beds on this ship!}

“OK Team Succulence: to whereabouts are we moving this party?” asked Whale, with enthusiasm.

“I really need sleep” whined Squish, suddenly feeling and looking tired.

“Let’s please all clear ourselves outta this wonderful establishment, so others can get in” urged Cali, to Lita’s great relief and appreciation.

On their wobbly way out, Cali and Wood declared their intention to return to her stateroom, effectively ending the Team Succulence meeting for the time being. Only Whale seemed to have the energy to even mention getting together again for dinner, making the idea a non-starter. With gratitude, fullness, and intoxication, they shared squishy hugs (to the annoyance of the ship’s ushers) then let themselves be shepherded in their separate groups back to their disparate lives (and usual names).

* *
The moment they were back in their (originally Leigh’s) stateroom Squish (again for the moment) squished her lovers into a deep 3-way hug. “You two are wonderful” she sighed.

“So are you” Clark replied with a kiss.

She burst into tears.

“I’m sorry! What did I say?!”

She shook her head and waved his comment off. “I’m drunk, and I’m a weepy drunk, and life is *great* in the here-and-now of this moment for the most part, but I’m sad.”

Leigh found herself wanting to cuddle more into Jayne, in her mind on the pervy pretense of better feeling her current bulging fullness against her own. “Why are you sad?”

“I want to have more sex, but I’m **exhausted!**”

“You have a *lot* of sleep to catch up on.”

Clark’s hot breath during that last sentence intoxicated Jayne in a manner different than the beers. “But this is all going to end soon, somehow! They’re going to have to let all you passengers off sooner than later, and the pattern so far is they force us crew members to remain on board.”

“It’s not going to be good sex if you’re tired, Squish” he ended with a kiss.

“Nor technically can any of us give consent to either of the other of us, since we’re all drunk” noted Leigh.

Too tired to cry any more and with her mood having shifted anyway, she made pouty bird lips.

“How about a sensual shower with either me or Chonky, then you and I can lie down and cuddle so you can sleep?”

“I don’t think Squish and I can fit in there together with both of us all bloated like this, Neen.”

“Do either of you even want a shower? Or am I just projecting my wants again?”

“I want one please.” The moderately gentle, reasonably brief kiss Jayne gave him somehow dazed him to the point where his knees grew week.

Leigh was too happy with the day so far to be momentarily omitted from the kissing. Part of this may have been due to enjoying feeling each of their butts with her hands, in her inhibition-lowered state.
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