Dopamine machine

chapter 2

Almost immediately after the door closed, the tube started to descend. It stopped perfectly in front of his mouth and it was easy to reach without much effort. At first, Mason was hesitant because he didn’t really believe the story he was told. Then he argued with himself that he should just trust Louis because he seemed very genuine about the situation. Might as well give it a try, right? He put his lips around the end of the tube and saw a brownish liquid coming down from above, chocolate colored. It was quite thick and took a while to reach his mouth. When it finally touched his taste buds, he was able to determine the flavor. It tasted like a sweet, thick chocolate milkshake. He couldn’t believe doctors deemed this to be healthy, but he sure as hell didn’t complain. The liquid kept pouring for a while but after about 2 full minutes of sucking down the thick shake, Mason couldn’t handle any more. He removed his mouth from the tube but, the brown liquid kept coming. It got all over his half naked body and he started calling out for help. Almost on cue, the leaking stopped as Louis opened the door. “Looks like you enjoyed yourself by the mess you’ve made” he said flirtatiously. “I’ll go get some wipes and clean you up”.
A few seconds later, he comes back with a pack of wet wipes and starts cleaning Mason’s body. He starts with his mouth and neck, moves down to his muscular pecs and then eventually focusses on his abs. He did notice that the latter looked slightly less defined than earlier because he was bloated. He still soothingly cleaned every crevice on his abdomen. “All done, now you can just relax, listen to some music or whatever and I will come back in a bit. If you need anything, call out to the camera and I will come.” Mason nodded slightly, as much as the restraints allowed him to. When Louis left, he used the remote control in his hand to choose a tv show. After a while he started binging a tv show and it didn’t take long for him to dose off into a deep slumber.

When he awoke, he had no idea how long he slept or how late it was. All he knew was that he was starving. Luckily for him, the tube started to descend. He greedily started sucking on the tube and felt a sense of relief when the liquid made its way down his throat, almost as if his body craved it. This time though, he was able to finish it all. As the tube rose back into place, he felt extremely full, yet somehow satisfied. This became his new routine: he would wake up, drink his nutrient mixture, watch tv or listen to music, dose off and then wake up ravenously. He also noticed that everyday, his portion was easier to finish. Once a day, Louis came by to check up and he would massage Mason’s body thoroughly. During these massages, they would talk and make each other laugh and after a while, Mason found himself attracted to Louis.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Fatnick43 5 months
great story wow keep writeing storys like this i love it
MangaBL 4 years
I'm hard just reading! I LOVE LOVE LOVE immobile male blimps!! 😍