Dopamine machine

chapter 3

Another thing he started noticing was that as time progressed, there was more of him to be massaged. It wasn’t anything too abrupt, but he started to notice the slightest layer of chub covering his abs that Louis would rub and squeeze. His muscles also started to loose definition, definitely his arms and legs. He wasn’t worried though, because it was what the doctors prescribed and he was still very muscular. After about a week, while Mason and Louis were flirting with each other, which they now did regularly during the massages, Mason was able to convince Louis to open the restraints. He promised him that he wouldn’t try to escape. Besides, he had no idea who he was and where to go. Plus, he enjoyed it in there. Now he was an unrestricted man, he added masturbating into his daily routine. He didn’t really care that there was a camera and often just showed off his huge cock to whoever was watching, he had nothing else to do anyways.

He then started to notice that about every week, his portion would increase. He should’ve thought it was odd and strange, but he didn’t really think a lot lately. All he did was drinking, masturbating and zoning out. After about a month, his body had changed drastically. His muscles had now been almost completely replaced with soft liquidy fat. His stomach now stood up a few inches and was very soft to the touch. His arms and legs now sported their own fair share of lard and he was developing some beginner moobs with growing nipples. His ass also grew significantly, even though he didn’t notice. It made him appear taller while sitting down. The thing was that during all of this, he was completely oblivious! All he cared for nowadays were the tube feedings and the massages from Louis. Even though he noticed that the massages felt different and took longer, he didn’t care to look for a reason, because they kept feeling better anyways.

After about a month and a half, Louis came in one day holding this device. He explained that it was supposed to go around his cock and that it would help regulate his hormones. He let Louis put it on him, mostly because he wanted him to touch him down there. Besides that, he didn’t really give it a lot of thought. Unbeknownst to him, Louis was secretly very turned on by the situation and applied the machinery to his ever so slight fat pad. Louis explained that it would activate during his daily feedings, which were getting longer and longer every week, to assure the best results. The next day, Mason was taken aback when the machine started to jerk him off while he was sucking the thick liquid. He found the pulsing sensation extremely satisfying and exactly when the tube stopped, he came. He was in pure bliss.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Fatnick43 5 months
great story wow keep writeing storys like this i love it
MangaBL 4 years
I'm hard just reading! I LOVE LOVE LOVE immobile male blimps!! 😍