Lauren's weight gain

chapter 2

Lauren wakes up from Cletus' bed rubbing her belly
Lauren sneaks into a kitchen of her mom's house and eats everything out of the fridge imagining what it would be like if she was immobile as she stuffs her self non stop she rubs her own belly getting an orgasm she never dreamt about
Weeks follow:
Lauren steps on the scale and the tell her that she weighs 189 pounds and she officially celebrated that she is chubby and later that night Lauren and Cletus both go to a bar to get drunk and Lauren gets so drunk that the next morning she would have gained 5 more pounds
Cletus steps on the scale and never told Lauren that he weighs 489 pounds
Lauren decides to get up to his level
Lauren meets with Katie, Carly and Jennifer
Carly fires up a cigarette and smokes with Lauren
Katie plays with her belly and eats at the same time
Carly eats and plays with her belly
Jennifer eats and plays with her belly
Lauren eats and rubs her belly
Lauren steps on the scale and she now weighs 229 pounds
Carly now weighs 369 pounds
Jennifer now weighs 475 pounds
Katie now weighs 299 pounds
Lauren realized that she is almost as fat as Katie and not as fat as Carly nor Jennifer
Yes this is a crossover chapter of Carly, Katie and Allyssa and this story
we already know this is the first time a crossover is brought up in all my stories and I swear to Jesus this will not be the last crossover.
Thank God the covid-19 didn't even kill my dreams of finishing my 2020 movie season I'm using this to past time.
After this story I'm going to go for either a Marvel or DC approach:
And for the record Erie Pennsylvania is where I am from
Or maybe a Transformer human character approach
And to be honest I'm not a fan of doing original work here and I want this story to be my last original. Have to finish the whole story up but not tonight have to complete this chapter.
My favorite weight gain story on this site is Haley's Gain hands down but there hasn't been a continuation unfortunately. If any of you think I should go for more comic book approach after this story please tell me. Because I love comic book movies.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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