Home grown

chapter 11

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The car ride home was much brighter for Michaela. She caught sight of her sisters trimmer figure and panged in her stomach - it wasn’t so long ago that she was that size.

“Michaela, I gotta say - ”

“I know,” Michaela sighed, her words catching in her throat. “I’m huge. For sure looking and feeling like a Gardener these days.”

“You look great.” Sarah said with truth on her tongue. “And that’s not what I was going to say.”

“I bet you I’m heavier than you now.” Michaela shot a look at her older sister. 

“No, I’ll always be your big sister!” Sarah said. “Besides, I learned so much over there. Once the jet lag wears off, I am going to get back in that kitchen and you are going to be SORRY! Mom and Dad aren’t ready for it, I just know it. So many recipes, so many little things I’ve always wondered about…I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t expect me to say this light for long!”

This oddly heartened Michaela. “Hey, open the console there, would you? I think there’s some liquorice to tide you over.”

Sarah’s homecoming was to be as expected. Almost a month and nearly 20lb difference was worth the catch up. Janice was shocked at her daughter’s new look. They had put on a big summer BBQ to mark the occasion, and welcome Sarah’s taste buds back into the American world.

Michaela was catching a break from it all in her room. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, staring at her phone. After mustering the courage, she had texted Antony, flirtatiously opening the conversation and not holding back. It had been a while since she had played the game, and it felt good to be back in the running.

Michaela looked down while she waited for Antony’s next response. Her tummy was bursting out of the tank top, the soft fabric being sucked in by her greedy belly button; it had a wide landing area in the massive expanse of her titanic thighs. Her boobs were heavy and strained against the cheap Old Navy fabric. Her arms were plush and constantly gliding along her new adipose.

Michaela thought back on all the overindulgence, all the greediness, all the piggishness. She had really been disgustingly lazy and fat the past few weeks. And it was showing. Her body still felt youthful and taught, but with thick fat injecting itself all over her gluttonous figure. She searched for her half finished pint glass of coke and nursed it in thought, as her hand rested on her big belly. She patted it absently.

Dinner that night was a spread. Shandies and coolers and BBQ offerings galore! Sarah’s appetite seemed to have also shrunk with her stomach, as she picked at her food with new consideration that Michaela hadn’t noticed before. Michaela hadn’t eaten since breakfast that day, and after attempts to slow her stuffing, found her tipsiness wiping away all hesitations.

The summer air was beautiful that night. Sarah and Michaela sat on the back deck, cracking open another beer. Sarah waved off her sister’s offering.

“No, no. Keep it. I actually got something better…” she snuck back into the house and returned with a baggie of pot. “Haven’t really done this since high school. Kelsey gave it to me. Shall we?”

Michaela downed her beer and nodded. She had missed her sister. They lit up and sat in silence. Michaela was hit hard by the joint, breaking into giggles.

“Yknow what’s funny…it’s like we switched bodies the past month.” Michaela rubbed her midriff.

Sarah looked at her, dazed and confused. “Whaddya mean?”

“Well…I’m about what you were when you left, and you probably are around where I was. I’m the fat one now.”

There was a pause before the both started to belly laugh. 

Sarah sighed. “Hey, I’m not saying I’m skinny, definitely still thick.”

“But you look good!!” said Michaela with intoxicated sincerity. “I’m blimping up. Look at my face, it’s like a rabbit or a chipmunk. I have a double chin forever now. And this joint was rude, because now I have the munchies.”

“Then eat,” mumbled Sarah. “Honestly, live your life. Do you like all this food? Does it make you happy? Listen, you haven’t really been sad or depressed since dropping out. And you had every right to be down and lonely. But you’ve been chipper, and I think that’s because of what you've been eating. If it brings you comfort, and maybe this is who you’re supposed to be. Our bodies change and adapt to what we need from them. Maybe this weight gain is your body telling you this is what it needs.”

Michaela stared at her sister. She was high, but her words were so beautiful and truthful. She could feel herself welling up and went over and clumsily threw herself onto Sarah’s lap in a big, fat bear hug. 

They laughed together in their embrace. “Okay, you’re still heavy though.’” said Sarah as she tapped her sister to get off.

Those words stuck with Michaela the next few days. Sarah spent most of it sleeping, really only appearing for dinner. As a result, she continued to thin out, dropping a few more pounds during her first few days back at home. Michaela filled her time watching Food Network on TV and stuffing herself with snacks. Sarah was right, it brought her joy and comfort - why stop?

It also brought Antony’s attention. He seemed to swoon over Michaela’s big body. In a few of the snapchats she had sent, he would always comment on her curves. But he wasn’t the only one clueing in…

The delivery truck was idling loudly outside the front door on the Tuesday morning after Sarah’s return. Matt’s heart was in his throat as he knocked. He heard her thundering down the hallway, and then he saw her - like a scene from the cinema.

Michaela rounded the corner in nothing but her tiny string bikini. Her hips were beyond comprehension - layers of chub clung to her long gone hourglass. Her tummy protruded out and sloshed back and forth while her boobs bounced jauntily. She tucked her sunglasses up into her messy bun - of which the dark roots of her natural shade had begun to appear - and slid the screen door open.

Matt lowered the package to his belt to save himself the embarrassment.

“Well, well, well…” Michaela said, leaning against the door frame heavily, causing her plump rump to jut out. “Matt Lawson. I wondered if that was you.”

“Hey, Michaela,” he grinned widely, showing his perfect teeth (thank you, braces!). “Fancy meeting you here."

Matt was for sure smiling and giggling too much. He was not good at this kind of thing. He had clearly ‘glowed up’ after leaving high school, but his flirting abilities still hadn’t developed past grade 12.

“You look incredible Matt! You certainly hunked up!” Michaela said, sticking her tongue between her teeth. He looked good. She was hungry for some physical contact…especially on her new expanded figure.

“I was gonna say the same to you. You’re looking…amazing.” Matt chuckled awkwardly, and Michaela felt the power in the situation shift to her. 

“Why, thank you. It would appear you’ve evened out and I’ve filled out! So, is that package for me?” She eyed the box at his waist. “They must be my new underwear. It was time to size up…this booty really has a mind of its own these days.”

She ran her hands slowly along her hips and smiled at him. “It was really good to see you again Matt. Maybe we should hangout sometime outside of work.”

He gulped as she ran his hands over is to collect the box. “I have you on Facebook, right? I’ll definitely shoot you a message. My folks are away this weekend, could use some company. It’d be great to catch up after all these years.”

Matt held her gaze. “I’d like that.”

Michaela shrugged with a cutesy grin. “Sounds like a plan, Stan. Now get back on the road. Don't want you to get in trouble for keeping you up.”

He turned around and walked away. Michaela eyed his tight ass in his delivery shorts and caught her breath in her lungs. Matt had become quite the little golden boy. She lusted after him and waved as he pulled away.

Once he was out of sight, she relaxed and felt her gut plop out again. She had been holding in her tummy the whole time and it now relaxed into its usual extended position. She rubbed it while she went into the kitchen in search of a sunbathing snack. First Antony, now Matt? Was she really turning heads that quickly? She paused to catch herself in the hall mirror. Her wide figure definitely was appealing in this too tiny bikini. 

Michaela ping ponged between Antony and Matt in her mind while she opened the fridge. She felt hot. She felt sexy. She had just flirted with him and showed him who was boss. She felt her moistened spot between her legs…maybe she’d have to chose one or the other. Or maybe, like her eating habits, she could have both and worry about the consequences later.

To celebrate her confidence, she cracked open a can of whipped cream, opened her gullet, and sprayed the contents into her mouth.

She was hungrier than ever.
42 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 year
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Xandercroft 4 years
Gets better with every chapter.
Karenjenk 4 years
This is definitely a keeper.... Keep going!
Theswordsman 4 years
Sounds like she's in feedee paradise
Jazzman 4 years
Wonderful writing A fantastic and realistic plot.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Wow that didnt take long
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Looking like a nice story
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