Home grown

chapter 34

Antony dropped onto Michaela’s bed. In her growing journey to full blown pig, she had turned her room into an absolute sty. Clothes lay like fallen autumn leaves around her bedroom floor, occasionally covering old snack wrappers or discarded takeout bags. Michaela’s room smelled sightly stale; a concoction of her perfume and takeout grease.

Antony watched as his girlfriend fidgeted with her costume in front of him. His mind flashed back to his once average, somewhat thick girlfriend. He couldn’t even imagine her in his mind’s eye. Her big fat ass stuck out far behind her, smooth with rippled cellulite at each crease. He imagined the svelte girl he had creeped so heavily on social media, and compared her to the massive mammoth before him. His hard-on was uncontrollable in this moment.

Just then, Michaela slipped off her casual top. Her big belly stuck far out in front of her, holding her big tits with decaying effectiveness. Her fat looked thick and heavy, not deflated and weak like some of his other girlfriends. Michaela’s blubber was juicy, as if the fat was too much for her elastic skin. There was youth to her obesity, and that drove Antony crazy.

Michaela turned and shuffled her fat ass for Antony as she slid her booty shorts off her massive rear. This was no easy task.

“I’m gonna need a new pair soon, baby.” She murmured sensually. Standing before Antony in nothing but fishnets and her tiny panties, Michaela looked like a mother who had pumped out three or four kids. Her body was soft, juicy, and absolutely ruined. As Antony watched her drop to her knees and slide his pants to his ankles, he realized that together, he and Michaela had robbed her of her lean, beautiful youth. Instead, nothing but a big, indulgent, out of control, sexual glutton remained of the 22 year old.

She proved her hunger to him as she took him in her mouth and sloppily sucked him off. Antony didn’t last long, watching her bloated chicken wing arms press plushly against his knee caps as she bobbed her head up and down. Her fat face wobbled slightly as she gave him head.

When he finished, Michaela got up and slunked to the bathroom. He watched her fat frame nearly graze either side of the door, her massive backside lazily following in pursuit. As Michaela freshened up, Antony got his costume on and had a quick sip of gin out of his hidden flask.

With lumbering, heavy steps, Michaela returned from the bathroom. her Wednesday Addams dress in one hand. She raised her arms above her head and began to pull the large black fabric over her hair with caution. Her arms slipped into the sleeves - and then they stopped.

The tightness in and around Michaela’s shoulders were unbelievable. Her sleeves felt like a tourniquet around her chub. Just managing to press on, she slipped the XL dress over her shoulders, tugging ridiculously hard to get them over her massive knockers. The material stretched firmly over her ballooned breasts, and creaked as the large lady tugged it down to cover her panty line.
Michaela’s face was red, her hair slightly ruined. She’d have to touch it up again. Antony stood there, looking at his girlfriend.

Her tits were going to burst the front of the dress. Her belly was barely hidden, nor was it slimmed in the dark material. Her arms looked like sausage links. This was an XL dress. His girlfriend had gotten…so big. He was hardening up again.

In a serious voice, Michaela breathed, “Ant, it doesn't fit. I’m…huge.”

He watched as she ran her hand over her belly and turned back towards the bathroom. Her massive ass cheeks flashed with every step. He wanted to parade his piggy off at this party so bad…but was she having second thoughts?

He heard the clunk of the scale in the other room. It was starting to really protest it’s duties these days. Antony beelined for the bathroom.

Michaela had lifted the bottom half of the dress up over the crest of her belly, and was cradling the large dome in her two hands. Her testament to overeating was so beautiful, so thick, so juicy. She pressed her hands against it to try to see the numbers. In a small voice, she asked her boyfriend to look for her.

“What does it say?”

Antony knelt down, one hand on his girlfriend’s enormous thigh.

He saw the digital display: 277lbs. His heart rate was through the roof, he gulped hard and looked up at her.

She looked at him with puppy dog concern, and he grabbed her by the waist and leaned her against the bathroom vanity. Her backside could not fit onto the countertop. He spread her legs, and pulling down her panties, he ate her out with a deep passion that she had never experienced.

Michaela felt weak and wobbly when she climaxed onto Antony’s sharp chin. He pressed her clit just right, and her body folded in half in layers of lard. Her neck was red from pleasure.

He stood up and wiped his mouth, and looked at her. “277.”

Michaela’s mouth lolled open dumbly. She was stunned.

“Fuck,” was all she could breathe. “I’m not sure I can actually wear this out, baby. My whole ass is out. And I will for sure need to be cut out of it at the end of the night.”

“That’s fine.” He reassuringly kissed her chubby face, with tender comfort. “I’ll pay to replace it. I want you to burst out of that thing.”

Michaela decided to put on bike shorts underneath, just in case. The two took some pictures for their social medias. Michaela marvelled at the contrast. She was only a few inches than Antony, but he looked tiny beside her. The contrast was hot, making her sweat under her collar. She looked gigantic beside him.

They said their goodbyes to Sarah, who seemed happier than she was 30 minutes prior, with plans to order in dinner and have a good old fashioned party of one. Antony reassured her that she would be welcome at the college party too, if she wanted - she refused to feel old. Michaela wondered if she was tipsy, noticing her lips stained with dark icing.

When Michaela finally loaded herself into Antony’s car, she turned to him and touched his face. “So, where are we going for dinner?”

He smiled. “Well. I actually have quite the plan.”


“First, we are going to go the the Bulk Boulevard beside the hardware store. And you are going to get $100 worth of whatever candy, salty snack, or sugary delight your heart desires.”

Michaela giggled and clapped her hands. “I love it.”

“And you’re going to eat half of it before the party.”

Her eyebrows reacted for her, jolting upwards. “Oh, is that so?”

“Then, we’re going to have steaks. And you’re going to finish that too.”

She was growing wet for him. “Tell me more.”

“And then we’re going to get drunk, and we’re going to go to the party and be real sloppy. And then you’re going to come back to my place, we’re going to have drunk, ravenous sex. And then, you’ll finish all that food, and burst right out of that too tiny dress.”

Michaela nodded, consumed with lust. “Sounds … perfect.”

Antony smiled and kissed her softly. “Good. Because it’s November tomorrow, which means we only have four months to get you up to 300 before I take off to Europe. I want to leave you obese, and hungry for my return.”

Michaela was shocked at her beau’s dark tone and dripping language. Her head was already spinning, sans spirits of any kind.

She was pulled out of thought by a memory.

Tomorrow IS November. Thanksgiving is soon. Jackson will see her in just a few weeks.

Antony revved the car to life and set off toward town. “I hope you’re hungry, baby.”

Michaela’s mind drifted back and forth between her brother’s face, and the aisles of buy-in-bulk snacks that awaited her.

As the music played, Antony chuckled with childlike glee. “Oh fuck, Mikey…you’re definitely busting out of that dress tonight.”

Michaela cradled her massive tummy, stroking it softly as the final rainfall of October kissed the car windshield.
42 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 year
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Xandercroft 4 years
Gets better with every chapter.
Karenjenk 4 years
This is definitely a keeper.... Keep going!
Theswordsman 4 years
Sounds like she's in feedee paradise
Jazzman 4 years
Wonderful writing A fantastic and realistic plot.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Wow that didnt take long
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Looking like a nice story
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