Home grown

chapter 5

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Two weeks had passed since Michaela had had her experience in the bathroom. Since then, it was like a switch had been flicked and could not be reversed. She had gone from sleeping in to getting up early. She would say goodbye to her parents as they left for work at 7:30am, and knew she had until 9am before Sarah was up to do whatever she wanted. She would attack the contents of the fridge, taking a little bit of everything so it seemed to be depleting rationally. Then, she would plop her widening ass onto the couch and wait for her sister to get up and make her breakfast. Once, Sarah brought out a bowl of fruit and passed it to Michaela, who felt a subliminal message being passed along and looked at her sister with a confused gaze.

“It’s all we have. Make sure you tell mom and dad want you want tomorrow before they go shopping. We’ll have to stock up.”

Michaela found herself lounging around almost all day, online shopping, browsing social media. When her sister had class, Michaela would walk around in just her underwear and steal glances of her glorious Maximus in passing mirrors. She couldn’t believe how hypnotized she had become with her own ass. She wanted to touch it, feed it, and most strangely, grow it…

The weeks had begun to blur together for the unemployed drop-out, and her descent into laziness was gaining momentum. She had told herself no more weighings, as she was still processing her strange arousal from the previous attempt. Michaela knew she was getting bigger by the day, however. She hadn’t even tried to slip into her old wardrobe, spending most of her days in reliable sweats and stretchy fabrics. 

Sarah seemed to have slowed up on her baking, taking more things off to her boyfriend Paul than she was leaving behind for Michaela. One day, as she was leaving for the night, Michaela confronted her.

“Are you taking all the treats, again??” she said with a petulant tone.

Sarah stared at her sister. “I didn’t realize you wanted them. I can make some more tomorrow for you, Mikey.”

Michaela was hungry now. “Baking used to be our thing, and now you’re taking it all off to Paul!”

“I can make extra - “

“I’d like you to make my favourites when you get back. Just so I can be stocked up if you’re going to be ~away~ so often.”

Sarah grabbed a large tinfoil package and passed it to her sister. “Here, take these. They’re the triple chocolate caramels. He’s had them before, he won’t miss them.”

Michaela grabbed them without a thank you and strutted away, each padded step rippling and swaying her burgeoning bucket. Curiously, the wobble had even expanded into her stomach recently…

Sarah watched her walk away, and as if for the first time, saw what was happening to her sister. As Michaela rounded the corner to the basement, Sarah spied her rounded sibling’s bulbous bottom eat the fabric of her shrinking shorts, and her new love handles pressing against the fabric of her shirt. The sound of unwrapping tinfoil scored Michaela’s trip down the stairs. 

Sarah stood a moment at the threshold of the door. She had always been the bigger sister, but now, her little baby Mikey was turning into a piggy of her own. Her parents were splayed out on the living room sofas, mindlessly gorging their plump figures themselves. Sarah looked at her rotund figure in the reflection of the hallway mirror, and thought long and hard before leaving for the night. What was she going to do about all this?

In the basement, Michaela was splayed out on her bed, destroying the brownies and watching Youtube on her laptop. Suddenly, to her surprise, Sarah stood in the door. What left her mouth was a lie: 

“Paul is sick, these are all yours. I’m about to go upstairs and do a midnight batch. Wanna join?”

The older sister stared down at plumped up Michaela. The Gardeners seemed to have something in their genes for sure. Sarah knew it, her brother Jackson had been through it, and now - Michaela would learn.
42 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 year
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Xandercroft 4 years
Gets better with every chapter.
Karenjenk 4 years
This is definitely a keeper.... Keep going!
Theswordsman 4 years
Sounds like she's in feedee paradise
Jazzman 4 years
Wonderful writing A fantastic and realistic plot.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Wow that didnt take long
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Looking like a nice story
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