Home grown

chapter 42 - finale

Michaela waited in the passenger seat of Antony's car. The first week of February sucked ass. It was rainy and snowy and cold and grey, and tonight, her boyfriend was boarding a plane to leave her for almost two months. She was grumpy and upset.

It been almost a year since Michaela had returned home to college. A lot had changed in her life. She had regained comfort and stability in her life; even though she had no direction or career plans, it felt good to just give herself a gap year to gain her ground. Jackson had returned into their lives, and most importantly, she had found the first real boyfriend of her life. Antony loved and respected her, and treated her well. Sometimes, she reflected on her last eleven months and almost forgot the biggest change.

143 lbs of change.

Last night, Michaela had hopped on Antony's bathroom scale at 292lbs. She did not fit in his bathtub anymore, and no bathrobe in the house could wrap around her circumference. She had laid naked in his room all night, with candles and abundance of treats within arms reach. He had spoiled her and kissed her and brought her to climax more times than she could count...and he had finished all over her fat body four times. It was bliss and beauty.

Michaela didn't think of how fat she had gotten anymore. She only thought about how fat she would become. At some point, she would have to plateau and reach a liveable weight. At this rate, she would balloon to extreme obesity before she was 25. This truly scared the growing girl, and the recent calls from her doctor's office to confirm her yearly physical were starting to weigh on her - literally.

She opened the dashboard drawer and tore at the bag of liquorice Antony always kept for her. Where was he? He had just run inside to pickup their takeout order. The Italian restaurant chain had a BOGO deal on, and so they got two. One entree for Antony...three for his 'queen', as he kept calling her.

Finally, the slim striker sauntered out of the establishment. He had a huge grin on his face.

"You'll never guess who I just saw in there."


" Remember your friend - Matt? I just saw him and Mel in there..."

Antony and Michaela had often exchanged notes on the couples social medias. Last time Michaela had seen them, the couple were rapidly expanding. The dark, bulbous beauty that was Mel was always thick and ruddy; but Matt in recent days was softening far past chunky hunky. He was losing all definition and athletic appeal at all.

"What is the update?!"


"Is she bigger than me??"

"No. But she's on the right track. And he is clearly not immune. I'm lucky that I have soccer to keep me trim...he must be 240. Easy."

"Fuck. I wish I had seen it!"

"Don't worry," Antony said with a sly grin. "Matt promised to set up a night out for the three of you."

"I hope we go to a buffet." Michaela fantasized. Her underwear was beginning to drip.

"I hope you clear out the buffet."

The two drove around the snowy town, while Michaela inhaled 2 out of the 3 entrees Antony had ordered. The third was 'dessert' for later. As they came to the famous high school make-out spot, their town lay before them in twinkling golden lights.

Michaela stifled a burp and lowered her tight leggings. She was still stuffing herself into the grey hoodie and black leggings, despite the angry red marks they both left on her body.

"Hey, babe." Antony turned to her as he shut the car off. "I got you something."

Michaela felt on the edge of crying. She loved this boy so much. His cropped curls, his wiry muscles, his cutting jaw and golden chain. Fuck. She was so full, and so horny.

He handed her an envelope.

"Listen," Antony began with a nervous cough. "I know this sucks. I know it's shitty. And I just feel so guilty for taking off on you like this. I just want you to know that I love you, and I plan on spending all my days with you. We've built a wonderful thing together, and I'm not willing to let it go."

Michaela opened the envelope. It was a plane ticket - round trip. To Europe. In five weeks time.

"I want you to come with me, at least for the last little stretch. I want this to be our first trip together."

Michaela's eyes were brimming. Her heart was bursting. Love seemed to be seeping out of every inch of her body.

"Will you join me?"

She let out a joyful sob. "Yes, of course - my sweet, sweet angel." She grabbed his face in her chubby hands and kissed him. Her boobs pressed heavily against the centre console.

They kissed and laughed and held each other.

After what felt like an endless expanse of euphoria, Antony turned the car on and headed towards the highway. His flight was in a few hours, and it was time they made their way to the airport. Michaela had promised to keep his car and look after it while he was away. She sat in the passenger seat, reading over the plane ticket details.

"Wait. Babe. This is for two seats?"

Antony's eyes clouded over with lust. His thin mouth twitched into a grin. "Oh, yeah baby."

"Why??" Her stomach fluttered.

"Well, I figured by then you won't be able to fit in one seat all by yourself."

A shock of sexual desire rippled up through Michaela. Her mouth dropped.

"Can you do that for me?"

"You want me to - " Michaela breathed, in half disbelief, half intense attraction. " - you want me to keep going?"

"Did you ever get the impression I wanted you to stop?" Antony said seriously. "When I saw Matt in the restaurant, y'know what I told him?"

"What did you say?"

"I told him to make sure you kept well fed while I was gone. I told him to keep fattening you up like he was fattening up his girl. I even offered to pay for it. I told him I wanted 20lbs on you as soon as possible."

Michaela was scared. Next week was her 23rd birthday. Would she enter the next year of her life in a whole new weight bracket? When would this stop.

All these questions faded away as Antony reached over and grabbed her crotch with his free hand. His eyes on the road, his two fingers on her clit, he brought her to a soaring climax. Images of her future fattened physique flashed through Michaela's mind while he rubbed her off. 300lbs? 320lbs? When would he be satisfied?

She shook as she came, every inch of new blubber vibrating in pleasure. As she caught her breath, she turned to him.

"I'm hungry. Do we have time to get an ice cream?"

"There's leftovers in the back, I think -- " Antony said reaching into the darkened back seat.

"No." Michaela said. "I want both."

He stopped. Her bloated face, chubby cheeks, massively plush arms, enormous knockers, fat belly, and ginormous kaboose occupied every inch of the passenger seat. Her silhouette filled the free space of the car.

What a piggy she had become.

"Sure baby, anything for you." He squeezed her soft, thick gut.

She thought of how jealous Jackson would be. There's no way he'd be able to keep up with her now.

As they sped along the highway, Michaela felt every bump in the road. Every jiggle of her flesh. It was orgasmic.

Antony glanced over at her. She was grinning into the distance.

"What you smiling at?"

Michaela bit her lip and held her belly.

"I'm gonna be...huge."
42 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 year
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Simply one of the best stories ever written here. I envy your talent and your persistence. Thank you for writing this.
Jdm 3 years
So can't wait for the sequel
Splee47 3 years
Loved this story. Michaela would be a dream to have as a gf. Can't wait for the sequel
Ocram666 3 years
Awesome story 🤯🤯
Gramor26 3 years
Definitely would like to see Sarah gain weight again.
Brope 3 years
this is consistently phenomenal, thanks for sharing it
Xandercroft 3 years
I enjoy this story and wish to see more
Chubbybellygirl 3 years
that was so fun to read
Xandercroft 3 years
“Lustful overindulgence”. A bit overwordy but it will do. (Pig).
Yeet123 4 years
Very good so far!
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
What a lucky girl!!! No one in my area r feederssmiley
Wutang420 4 years
Good work g
Tftter 4 years
this is literally SO PERFECT! it’s unbelievably well written. i love the references and analogies, too smiley
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how her boy toys will react if they learn about whats been happening
Banisters42 4 years
Thanks for the love, everyone. Plenty more to go in this story, so stick around! So glad you’re all enjoying it.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I’m really enjoying this story.
11fu22fu 4 years
definately up there with the top stories on this site.
Mental5125 4 years
I really love this story, the last chapter set it up very well for long term success. Looking forward to more!
Binwevill 4 years
Incredible pls continue
Jazzman 4 years
This is Exquisite
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