Home grown

chapter 7

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It was a torrential downpour that pounded against the house that Wednesday morning in May. The house was still, with a very burnt out Sarah slumbering soundly in her room. Her final stretch of school had really taken it out on her, and the past week had been a laze fest that her sister Michaela was happy to indulge.

Two floors down, sprawled out in bed and sans pants lay Michaela; she was online shopping for some jeans, after her morning’s efforts to squeeze into hers had proved futile. She had purposely put on her pair from first year to see whether they would boost her booty into skin tight wonder. Instead, they lay tattered on the floor, seems popped.

Michaela had no idea what size to buy. She had been a size 8 back in first year, but that was hardly a reference point anymore. She rolled over on her bed and sat up, her thighs and ass pooling under her new curvature. Michaela held her tummy in her hands…it was growing thicker and wider by the day, daring to cover the waistband of her underwear in her lap.

She rose from her bed and thundered over to her door, her old high-school sleep shirt skin tight against her soft sausage arms and expanding bosom. Michaela climbed the two flights to her sister’s room, panting at the crest of her walk - she was winded? This was new. Was her laziness was beginning to attribute to sluggishness?

Michaela barely knocked before opening the door. Sarah rolled over, bleary eyed and caught side of her stuffed sister - her wide hips occupying a substantial portion of the doorframe, her belly button timidly peaking out from under her too tight shirt. Her messy hair fell by her shoulders - how did she still look this pretty at this state of growth?

“What size pants do you wear?” Michaela asked in a sing song voice. 

Sarah sat up, feeling her own girth accumulating in her lap. “14 usually? Sometimes a 12 if I’m lucky. It depends on the brand.” 

Michaela walked over towards her sisters closet. Sarah observed how thick and buxom she was - she had the momentum and brick strength of a tank. There was no messing around with this big, beautiful woman.

“I need new jeans, but I have no idea what size I wear now. My eights lost the battle with my ass this morning.”

Sarah sat there, trying not to chuckle at the idea of her bountiful sister shoving her new body into a pair of size 8s.

“Can I try on a pair of yours and suss out what I think I’m going to need?”

“Sure,” said Sarah, getting up from bed. She lugged herself over to her sister and produced a pair from her dresser. “Try these, they’re smaller.”

“Are you saying…I’m skinny?” Michaela questioned in a playful voice. She grabbed the pants from her sister and shoved them on her bare legs. She wiggled and danced and did her best, but they stopped at her thighs. Michaela tried and tried again until they reached the crease in her colossal backside until admitting defeat.

“Okay, so not that size.” She checked. The label read 12.

“I think they’re old, to be honest…” said Sarah comfortingly. “Here. Try these, they’re my comfy spacious ones.”

Michaela slide quickly into the high waisted jeans. Her ass filled the seat without an issue, and the button with some convincing closed.

“Phew! These will be good I think. Are they the 14s?” Michaela said, checking herself out. She was filling the jeans as if she had been poured into them. If she was to carry on eating the way she was, there’s no way she would last in this size.

“I can’t believe how fitting they are on you.” said her sister. Granted, Sarah stood a little taller than Michaela and her curves were not as winding. But still…she was shocked to realize her sister would soon be sizing up past her own wardrobe.

“Yeah, I feel like I’ve really plateau’d this past week though. I packed on so much weight when I first got here, it was insane.” Michaela spied the now persistent double chin she wore - her cheeks were bloated and her arms smooth and round. The jeans constrained her butt the way most did, but the new found discovery was the pain of the button digging into her gut. Her belly was bloating out at an uncontrollable rate.

“Have you weighed yourself recenlty?” Sarah said. “I have been to scared to, after finals season. I”m sure I’ve eaten myself into new territory.”

“Let’s check!” said Michaela bubbly, prancing into Sarah’s bathroom. She hopped on the scale without delay. The numbers flashed: 184lbs.

“Oops. Guess I was wrong…” Michaela cradled her belly. “Wow. I’m really getting huge.”

Sarah knew this was her chance to make her sister feel better. She stood on the scales herself - 209lbs. She’d lost a few pounds? She stared at her sister, who was observing her new thick physique in the mirror.

“Still got nothin on me, Mikey. I’ll always be your big sister, I think.” To emphasize it, Sarah grabbed her belly and shook it. 

Michaela seemed out of it. She laughed half-heartedly and started to walk out of the room. She popped the jeans open and lay them on her sister’s bed. Sarah saw how chunky and rippled her ass crease had become and in surprise spied her thick belly bounce with each step. 

“I think I’ll order 16s. Just in case.” Michaela smiled at her sister and thundered out of the room, humming as her hips swayed and boobs bounced. After a second, Sarah her the crack of a can in the kitchen and the clink of the fridge.

How long would it be before her ‘little’ sister outgrew her?
42 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 year
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Xandercroft 4 years
Gets better with every chapter.
Karenjenk 4 years
This is definitely a keeper.... Keep going!
Theswordsman 4 years
Sounds like she's in feedee paradise
Jazzman 4 years
Wonderful writing A fantastic and realistic plot.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Wow that didnt take long
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Looking like a nice story
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