Home grown

chapter 10

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Michaela did go for a run the next day. But the day after, and the day after that…she lay in bed until 230pm each day. Her parents would bring her meals and snacks at her behest…but Michaela just sat back and felt her ass grown.

And boy, did it ever.

The airport three weeks later seemed much bigger than last she had been. The trek to arrivals was long and exhausting for Michaela, as she waddled through the crowds trying to make it to the right pick-up spot. Her thighs rubbed in her new pair of sweat shorts (an XL that left the creases of her booty-full asset on full display) and her belly pressed lazily into the untied waistband. She laid into her heavy sway as she saw a cute group of college soccer boys, her chipmunk cheeks bouncing slightly with her purposeful gait. A lean, dark haired striker followed her with a hungry gaze. Michaela did not let this go unrecognized.

When she finally arrived, Michaela tossed herself into a bench and waited. She felt the armrests scrape against her thick hips as she sank into the seat, and her gargantuan ass filled the seat. Her belly plopped out of her crop top and into her lap, which she quickly remedied by folding her arms in front of her.

She could smell the food court, but told herself no.

Michaela’s previous attempt to exercise had lasted but a single day. This morning, when she stepped on the scale, she marvelled at her new milestone: 204lbs. She had entered the 200s, and was almost as heavy as Sarah. Truth be told, Michaela was excited to see her older sister - she secretly was curious about how much her sweet tooth had piled onto Sarah’s already plush physique during her trip.

When her phone buzzed, Michaela snapped to check it - ‘Hey, customs taking forever. Will be there in 20.’ She still had to wait another twenty minutes?? The food court was calling her…

Lugging herself out of the seat was like popping a cork from a bottle. Michaela felt her new titanic bottom squeeze against the restraint of the seats, and wiggled her shorts back into position after severely riding up her soft, rippled thighs. Her Birkenstocks slid along the tiled floor, her booty sloshed back and forth, and her fat arms swayed beside her as she cheerfully went to examine her options. One of the college boys gave her a look as she strutted past, and she winked at him and flicked her hair. “Dayum, girl.”

New York Fries. Poutine. ColdStone Creamery for a quick ice cream sandwich. She waddled back to her seat, nursing the sandwich and making sure to lick it as she passed the cute, brunette boy. He bit his lip and looked at her backside. She knew what she was doing, and took her time sitting back down.

From across the court, he held her gaze. She inhaled the rest of the cool treat as if he wasn’t, and stifled what felt like a very “un-ladylike” burp. This didn’t stop him from getting up and making a move towards her. 

Michaela’s heart raced. He was definitely cute, and with that fit, athletic body…she envisioned his lean physique against her round, juicy, jiggling body…


She snapped out of her trance and glanced over. There was Sarah, striding towards her. Michaela couldn’t hide her look of shock. She was unrecognizable!

Sarah’s jawline had returned. Her clothes hung off her, her tummy flatter and with a reduced wobble for sure. Her thick hips and ass had tightened, and her belt was cinched quite tightly at her waist. Sarah…had LOST weight in Italy!?

She pulled her sister into a hug. Michaela felt her tinier frame in her arms, and suddenly heated with embarrassment. Michaela’s chubby arms wrapped around her older sister, pillowing into her back.

“Damn, you looking HEALTHY girl!” said Sarah with a quick pinch of Michaela’s fluff. “I see you don’t need me to keep you shapely!”

Michaela felt a bit helpless looking at her sister. “You look…different!”

“It makes no sense,” Sarah began with a grin. “I lost 18lbs on this trip. We were walking 20,000 steps a day, at least!! Who knew all it would take to shed some fluff would be a little saunter around Positano! But come on, let’s get out of here! Not to contradict myself but I am starving…’

Sarah started off, and Michaela spotted her shrunken ass. She was still a big girl, but now she appeared more toned and in control - not portly like before. Michaela’s hands absently grazed her gut. She was the fat sister now.

“Excuse me, I think you dropped this?”

Michaela snapped out of her daze and spun around. It was the brunette striker. He held out a folded piece of paper, which Michaela took. She smiled faintly and with confusion knitted in her brow. 

“I’m not sure…?” she began. He prompted the paper again.

“No no, I saw it fall out of your pocket. It looks important.”

Michaela took it, and immediately the boy walked away, bouncing in his step. She opened it: it said ‘Antony’ and a phone number. Then, in a post-script: “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve seen all week (and I just got back from Europe!)”

Michaela felt her heart flutter. It was as if her lows were gone, and her spirits soared back up instantly. Did she just get hit on? In her sweat pants and tank top? In an airport?

She turned and strutted towards her sister, making sure that Antony caught full view of her globular cheeks batting back and forth. Maybe she had nothing to worry about. Maybe she still had it after all.
42 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 1 year
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Simply one of the best stories ever written here. I envy your talent and your persistence. Thank you for writing this.
Jdm 3 years
So can't wait for the sequel
Splee47 3 years
Loved this story. Michaela would be a dream to have as a gf. Can't wait for the sequel
Ocram666 3 years
Awesome story 🤯🤯
Gramor26 3 years
Definitely would like to see Sarah gain weight again.
Brope 3 years
this is consistently phenomenal, thanks for sharing it
Xandercroft 3 years
I enjoy this story and wish to see more
Chubbybellygirl 3 years
that was so fun to read
Xandercroft 3 years
“Lustful overindulgence”. A bit overwordy but it will do. (Pig).
Yeet123 4 years
Very good so far!
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
What a lucky girl!!! No one in my area r feederssmiley
Wutang420 4 years
Good work g
Tftter 4 years
this is literally SO PERFECT! it’s unbelievably well written. i love the references and analogies, too smiley
Theswordsman 4 years
I wonder how her boy toys will react if they learn about whats been happening
Banisters42 4 years
Thanks for the love, everyone. Plenty more to go in this story, so stick around! So glad you’re all enjoying it.
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
I’m really enjoying this story.
11fu22fu 4 years
definately up there with the top stories on this site.
Mental5125 4 years
I really love this story, the last chapter set it up very well for long term success. Looking forward to more!
Binwevill 4 years
Incredible pls continue
Jazzman 4 years
This is Exquisite
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