Growth chamber

Chapter 4 - day 57 (2/3)

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Clearing his throat at the spectacle that he’d just witnessed, he called for additional support. While he knew the project would require the patient to gain weight, he couldn’t help feeling impressed at how prepared the facility had been for accommodating her girth. Once he’d informed the support team of her fall, they’d simply deployed a crane to help her up. Appearing from a hidden compartment in the wall above her bed, she grabbed onto the support bars and let the machine do most of the heavy lifting. Brushing herself off, she held the tattered remains of her gown in front of her.

“Do these guys have something I can wear?” she asked unabashedly, clearly expecting them to have hippo-sized clothes readily available. Given how well prepared everything else was, Dr Winter couldn’t blame her. However, when he’d also inquired for a gown, the support staff had turned to each other and discussed the issue in a tongue Dr Winter wasn’t familiar with. Soon the head of the project was called in and he glided into the patient’s room, ushering the support staff out and addressing Winter.

“Doctor, the gowns provided to the patient are made of a rare material not found on this planet, simply replacing it would be a waste. We prefer to gather what remnants we have of it and add to the garment. Our staff would have had this completed earlier, but the patient’s rapid growth has damaged the gown far earlier than expected. We will have it back to her later today, however,” he added, turning to Nadine with an outstretched limb “we will need the remaining pieces.”

Winter turned to Nadine who was oddly relaxed about the whole situation. How on earth she was keeping her composure after a series of embarrassing events was beyond him. He gulped, forcing his eyes off her lest they start wandering.

“Nadine, do you feel comfortable performing today’s physical exam unclothed?” when she stared back puzzled, he quickly added “don’t feel obligated, this will only go ahead with your consent.” He felt satisfied that he’d acted professionally and quashed the small part of his brain telling him to shut up or he’d miss the opportunity to really see how big she’d gotten.

“Uh, as long as it’s not a problem for you doc,” she replied, shifting to adjust the pressure her body was putting on her feet. With that she handed the tattered gown to the project lead, and he quit the room, leaving the two alone in pregnant silence. Her enormous doughy belly somehow looked even bigger without the gown and sat hanging slightly, accentuated by angry red stretch marks.

She had placed her hands neath it, something the doctor had noticed her do when the folds between her lower belly and thighs were getting too hot. He wondered what other accommodations she had to make for herself that he simply hadn’t seen. As she coughed at the awkward silence, he noticed there was simply no neck on her, instead tires of fat pushing on her throat.

“Well we best get on with it, follow me to the clinical room please.”

Nadine slowly waddled towards the room through the sliding doors. The interior was bleached-white and smelt faintly of antiseptic. Nadine saw new gym equipment she hoped the doctor wouldn’t make her use and a few new gadgets she was unfamiliar with along with the standard array commonly found in her old doctor’s office. Spotting her preferred large bench, she ambled over and plopped down in relief.

Dr Winter made a few pre-exam notes before turning back to his patient.

“Nadine could you stand on the scale for 30 seconds please”.

Gulping at the prospect, she forced herself up and lumbered slowly to the large metal square, feet tingling from the cold steel. They watched the numbers jump back and forth until it settled on 500 pounds.

Dr Winter was in shock.

50 pounds in 2 ½ months… how? Just… what had they been feeding her? That level of gain in such a short period of time seemed nigh impossible. And yet…

Nadine was looking at the doctor with an unreadable expression, but he refused to show his shock at her gain. He could only imagine the comments this butterball had gotten back from health professionals back home. She’d started shifting from foot to foot, whether it from nervousness or simply to accommodate the pressure her obesity was putting on her legs was hard to tell.

“Alright you can step off now, I’ll need to replace your prevention patch and then we can get started with further physical tests.”

Once she’d managed to waddle her way over and plopped back down on the bench seemingly unperturbed by just how much she’d gained, he removed the small white patch on her under arm. It was designed to prevent any undesirable health effects of her super obesity. Trying not to think about just how soft and vast her under-arm fat had gotten he replaced the patch and pulled out a measuring tape for the next part of her evaluation.

“So, for this part of the exam would you prefer to be sitting or standing?” he already knew what this blimp would say but protocol called.

“Oh doc, I’m so exhausted from all that work!” she wasn’t lying as he could hear her laboured breaths from paces away.

I’m just gonna sit for this one,” she kicked her legs out in font of her and wiggled until she was completely comfortable. It was getting harder for the doctor to contain himself as he watched her entire body wobble from that simple movement. He knew he’d have to get this done as quickly as he could.

“Right, one arm up and one holding the tape measure at your waist please.”

She did as she was told and groaned from the exertion of holding an arm up was causing. He quickly ran the tape around her seemingly endless waist until his hand met hers. They were puffy and her sausage fingers were only just dextrous enough to keep hold of the tape. She gasped slightly at the contact his made with hers, but he’d been pushed too far today.

Even her hands were fat.

Dr Winter stood over her as he felt words escape him.

“So how much did you eat yesterday?”

He could see the cogs working in her mind as she tried to remember.

“Well I had a few bacon and egg sandwiches in the morning, then some donuts for second breakfast and of course I just had to have some of the syrup from my feeding tube. Then I had fried chicken in sweet and sour sauce for lunch but I’m pretty sure they gave me way less than usual coz I finished them in less than 20 minutes which meant I needed a bit more to keep me going… but I don’t remember much after that, I think I went into a food coma haha,” she patted her belly.

As she listed off her meals, he slipped his arms under her belly hang and ran his hands as far around her blubbery waist as he could.

Chuckling softly his voice grew low “that would certain explain all of this,” he softly pinched her fat and let his fingers dance over the softness.

She turned slightly red and cleared her throat.

“I wouldn’t uh know, I don’t really keep track of what I eat. I just sort of eat when I’m hungry… actually I wouldn’t mind something now.”

He watched her pupils dilate at the thought of snacking and she resembled a greedy pig, which gave him a rather wicked idea.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Karenjenk 4 years
Wow, I hope this continues
Theswordsman 4 years
Love the story but i doubt the Dr's bosses will be happy with what he's doing