Growth chamber

Chapter 5 - day 57 (3/3)

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“Well Nadine, I do have some brownies but they’re in my office. I can’t remember exactly where I put them though so would you mind having a look?”

She was on board as soon as she heard the word ‘brownies’ and nodded eagerly. Forcing herself up once again she followed the doctor to his office as he spoke.

“I should disclose that, while most of the offices in this facility have sliding doors I specifically asked for a replica of my office at home. So, the door frame is closer to one you’d find on Earth, I hope that’s alright…”

She gulped, facing the door frame. It wasn’t… impossible but with her added pounds she wasn’t confident she could make it through. She turned to her doctor hoping he’d understand but he wasn’t giving her the satisfaction.

“Just in there,” he smiled, contain the evil grin he wished he could bare, “I think they’re still warm.”

Dammit thought Nadine as her tummy growled and she salivated in anticipation. Well I have to have them now!

Deciding to simply push her way through she got about half-way in before her colossal arse plugged her through the frame. She squeaked at the pressure it was putting on her and futilely tried to push herself in. Straining and struggling it was obvious her overly plump posterior was simply going to wobble in place. Nadine, feeling defeated, backed out again huffing and puffing.

“Doc…” she paused to lean against the wall “could you please grab them for me? I can’t... can’t get in.”

Stepping in through the door frame effortlessly, he fetched his container and sniffed the sweet smell of freshly baked brownie. They really were delicious, but he knew he had the self-discipline to eat one a day at most. Meanwhile, upon opening the container, he’d seen her drool and grow urgent in her requests.

“Just in here Nadine,” his poker face was falling, and he smiled devilishly.

Determined to get her greedy mitts on those brownies she tried going in sideways. Only she had been on her feet today longer than he entire time she’d been at the facility, and it was taking its toll. She forced her aching body through on her side, hoping building up enough momentum would allow for her to squeeze through. As he'd expected, she’d simply encountered the same problem, with her belly and her arse plugging her firmly in the frame.

The flustered babe had taken to flailing her arm towards the doctor, which was ridiculous enough to make him laugh.

“Surely you can waddle through. You’re not that big!”

Dr Winter noticed her grow red, but clearly in anger this time. Maybe she'd finally realised he was messing with her. Forcing herself out she sat on the floor outside his office, arms crossed. Despite how hilarious the scene was he decided to take pity on her. Plating the brownies for her he walked out and placed them on the floor in front of her.

“They’re all yours chubby,” he watched her reach for them and gently held her hand “on one condition… you let me fully explore just how fat you’ve gotten.”

He watched the blond butterball’s eyes grow wide in anticipation and she sat up against the wall, spreading her legs to accommodate for her blubbery belly. Before turning to her brownies, she took the doctor’s hand and placed it on her inner thigh.

“Should have just said so doc,” she grinned “here I was thinking you were judging me.”

He gulped, watching her munch her snacks down as he felt the softness of her thigh fat, squeezing and letting it dance between his fingers. Grabbing her other thigh, he noticed the faint ripple of cellulite and watched her wobble in his grasp. Resembling over-sized hams, he wondered just how much of her waddle was due to these thunderous thighs.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong, you’re definitely a greedy whale, but something tells me that doesn’t bother you in the slightest.”

He moved his hand up to her lower belly and played with her bellybutton, letting his index finger sink deep, with her paunch reaching his knuckle. She moaned a little at the contact before giggling.

“Nope! before licking the crumbs off her lips.

The doctor softly caressed the underside of her belly again but decided he needed a better feel of her softness. Grabbing firmer he pulled her towards him by the belly and sucked gently on the flabbier parts of her filling tummy whilst wrapping his arms as far around her as they could go. The sensation of her soft fat in his mouth was tantalising and he circled his tongue around her marshmallow softness.

He moved around her belly softly kissing and sucking her tummy whilst it was still filling up.

Once he reached her boobs he heard her gasp, using the opportunity to shove another brownie in her mouth, and listened to her munch loudly between moans. He knew the plate was almost empty, but this butterball wouldn’t stop until she physically couldn’t eat another bite. Sure enough once he looked up to see she’d stopped eating, she pulled him into a closer hug and nuzzled his ear.

“I’m still hungry,” Nadine moaned in a desperate whisper.

The doctor knew what he had to do and quickly emptied his pantry for her and over the course of an hour he filled her with biscuits, candy and finally a large pitcher of raspberry cordial. Nadine had slowly but surely been slipping further down the wall and with a loud burp she lay flat on the floor, stuffed and satisfied.

“How was that fatty?”

She smiled in contentment, burping to relieve some of the pressure her mindless guzzling had put on her tummy. Trying not to sway too much she moaned and held her belly in place.

“That was such a good snack, haven’t felt this full in… ages... ooof oh my!” she huffed as the doctor gave her a hand up. While he’d have loved nothing more than to take her right then and there, he knew this heavy babe would want a softer place to rest her swollen belly. Dr Winter slowly walked her back to her room where her bed had been replaced. Watching her slowly sit her juicy behind on the bed he went around the other side to help pull her onto it.

If getting in and out of her bed had been difficult before a feed, it was certainly harder when she was stuffed into oblivion.

Once her heavy breathing had settled, he cuddled with her for a moment, being sure to alleviate the pressure on her belly with soft rubs that stirred her into a food coma. Nadine was out like a light and he hopped off the bed, being sure to turn off the lights, and left feeling beyond exhilarated. He wondered what this would mean for his job, such a wanton departure from professionalism wasn’t exactly something he was proud of. It had all happened so quickly and it raised a lot of questions for him, just how far was he willing to push this envelope?

Only one thing was certain, he couldn’t wait until Nadine’s next evaluation.


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Karenjenk 4 years
Wow, I hope this continues
Theswordsman 4 years
Love the story but i doubt the Dr's bosses will be happy with what he's doing