The weight of their relationship

chapter 3 a tight situation

Mark got out the cab at the top of 5th street and decided to walk the rest of the way. After paying the cab he light up a smoke and started to walk down the street. It was hot for this time of year so he wasnt cold plus the extra weight he was carrying would keep him warm he thought to himself. The past few weeks since first meet back up with kim he recond he put on ast least 5lbs, the reality was more like 10lb.

As he walked he could feet how tight his clothes were. They had started to dig into his waist and he felt the shirt might burst. He passed by a clothes store. Looked at his reflection attempted to suck in his belly but it barely relived the tension on his seams. He checked the time on his phone 1750. He was still early, so he decided to go in.

He looked at prices on the shirt $40, $50.
"Fuck me" he mutterd to himself. He was payed well at the office and claire did well at the store but they were trying to save for a house, in this economy $40 was a lot. . Claire was the type of women who had a plan. Marrage house baby, that's all she wanted from life, and now 2 years since the wedding she was close to the second. They lived on a tight budget and couldn't just splash money around.

Mark moved to the sale rail picked out a shirt. One was a dark green button down with black buttons. It was in the reduced section and marked down by 75%.

He went through to the changing room but on his way he say a shirt similar to one he had in college. A deep dark red similar to red wine, with black buttons and it had a thin hexagonal grid printed on it. It was made of thin cotton great for the summer heat waves. He grabbed it from the rail and checked the price $80. He went to put it back but something in the back of his mind said kim would love it. He checked for a size and couldn't see anything.
"What the hell trying wont hurt maybe I'll come back on payday for it" he mutterd to himself.

In the changing room he closed the curtain and unbuttoned his shirt. The instant relief of letting his belly out in the cool airconed room was lovely. He felt a small shiver up his spine when he let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.

The full length mirror allowed him to see his whole body. It juggled as he moved, it had been a long time since collge he thought to himself.

In college mark had been an athlete getting in on a sports scholarship for badket ball. Tall, lean and muscular. he prodded his belly and sighed. Most of his body still retained some muscle but his belly and chest had taken the toll of the years.

He checked the time again 1830 "oh shit I'd better be quick" thought. First he tried on the green shirt. It fit with plenty of room for his body to breath. Next he tried the red shirt.

He pulled his arms into the sleeves. They fit and it clung to his shoulders perfectly. "So far so good" he murmured. He looked at his belly.
"Here come the hard bit "
He pulled the shirt in trying to button it but it just didn't stretch enough. He heard a voice in his head whisper.
"Try again"
What the hell was that? He thought as he tugged at the shirt.
"Ok 1, 2, 3" he counted himself in as he suck in his gut. With a struggle he managed to get the bottom button in.

This continued up the shirt. He looked in the mirror barely breathing. The white diamond of pale skin peeked out between the buttons begged to be released. He checked his phone 1845.
"Fuck" he let out. As he bent down to pick up his shirt of the floor he heard a loud rip. As he stood up he looked in the mirror. The buttons where still there but there was now a tear right down the front of the shirt practically from collar to crotch. His belly bad split the seam.
"Oh shit oh fuck"
The voice in his head "wisperd well done piggy"
"Is everything alright in there sir?" The store clerk asked
In a panic mark managed
"YEAH everything is fine"
He took of the remains of the shirt and through on the green one held the ripped shirt in his hands.
"Shit what am I going to do"
Mark was in a panic. When he heard PLING
He checked his phone it was a message from kim "hey mark I'm running early I'll be the in like 2 min I'm in a cab now"
"FUCK FUCK FUCK what do I do"
Mark freaked out and stuffed the shirt into the ceiling panel above him and the made his break he rushed to the counter where the lady scanned the shirt tags he payed when she said
"you made a great choice sounded like a hard one form the noise coming from the changing room "

Mark Wendell red in an instant "hahahaha yeah sorry imit was a really TIGHT situation"

Mark dart from the store to meet kim he was so embarrassed. He never had a anything like that happen to him. He felt like he had just committed some sort of crime. Also what the hell was that voice in his head. He practically ran to the end off the street to be there on Time to meet kim. He found it difficult because he was concentrating on not getting hard.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Tungstenbeast 4 years
Yes she will start to put on the pounds too
LeandroAlex 4 years
The story is interesting but there is a doubt you wrote that the formula increases the appetite of those close to the user, so his wife will also put on weight ?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’re telling this story so well. No need to apologize for spelling errors. You can always go back in and edit it some. The end of chapter 3 has me longing for more.
Sir Doge 4 years
its nice, im excited to read what happens to mark
Tungstenbeast 4 years
Sorry for the spelling mistakes my first time writing on here what do you guys think