The weight of their relationship

chapter 4 a heavy conversion

Mark was so out of breath. His lungs where burning as he felt every motion of his belly as he sped down the street. He couldn't get the voice out of his head. What the hell was that and piggy? no one ever said that to him before so it camt be a reposed memory.

He finally got to the Italian plaza on 5th.
It was a small restaurant,with all the typical trappings of a northan Italian restaurant. He had read about it online, a daily run business that specialised in family dining. It was in the perfect position to with bars and pubs all around. It stayed open late to get the drunk punters. Why did she choose here?

He checked is phone 1902. He had 2 messages from kim. "Hey I'm here where are you hun?"
Where he was walking so quickly and the fact his heart was till pounding from what had happend earlier he must not of heard his phone.

He quickly scanned the area while he tried to catch his breathe. He couldn't se her anywhere. "Hey sorry I was running a bit late where are you I'm here and cant see you?" He heard PLING from a phone as a hand tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned around and there was kim. She was wearing a dark green top with a black skirt and leggings. Her makeup was done to perfection, her smokey eyeshadow framed her green eyes flawlessly. Crimson lipstick made her lips look fuller. He could smell her perfume it was the same as claire Dior. She looked stunning. Something was different though her features seemed softer, her cheeks bones softened. Mark looked at her in her dress for a split second and could sear her stomach didn't look as flat a it did last they meet, that is before the meal.

Mark's heart started beating hard again. When he let out "Holy shit wow" between a heavy breath. God he was out of shape. Kim blushed a little at this.
"Um thanks are you ok?"
"Yeah just had to run is all"
"Why? Sorry is it because I said I'd be early"
"No no I had to stop at the store on the way and didn't realise what time it was."
She started to lead them to the outside seating are of the restaurant.
"I love the shirt mark it's a lovely colour is it new?"
Mark nearly choked when she said that he was instantly reminded of the real reason he was late.

As the sat down the each proposed the menu. This place was well priced for the size of the portions. He remembered reading and the whereby wrong. Foamy size lasagne was on $12.

"So what are you going to have then mark?" Kim asked.
"Not sure I think I'll have the small calzone" his stomach let out a large rumble as he said this.
"Sounds like your going to need more than that hahahah" she leaned in and patted him on the belly.
"Maybe" mark said sheepishly. Mark felt the warmth of her hand through his shirt. It was almost hot on his soft belly.

A few moments later the server came to the table. She was obviously a young and new at the job, being 17 at most.
"Hj the I'm Amber welcome to the plaza what can I get you two." She smiled as she spoke with a thick southern accent. She was about 5 10", blonde with brown eyes. She was dressed in a black pencil skirt and that tapered just above her knees, a white button down shirt and a black apron. She also wore a baby blue alice band in her hair it had a small daisy on one side.

"Hi amber right I'll have two family sized lasagna, 2 mac and cheese bowls and a platter of your special tear and share bread. Oh and could you also bring a bottle of red as well. By the way I love the alice band it's so cute" she smiled
"Thank you so much by boy friend got it for me. Ok so.." she spoke back the order to kim
" is that everything?"
"Well that will do me for now mark what you having?"
Amber looked a little confused but brushed it off.
"Ok then darling what are you having can I recommend the the butter pasta with cheese sauce. It's really good a lot of guys ordered it"
"Sure I'll have one of those and a bottle of beer"
"Oh sorry sir we dont do bottles we only do our signature long taps."
"Oh right im sure that will be fine thanks"
"Ok then well I'll take this back I'll be back with your drinks" she sweetly smiled as she spun on her heels and walk to the kitchen.

"Well she was sweet" kim laughed.
"Yeah she was long way from home though"
"You know what she reminds me of what's her name from college..."
"What Ashley Gibbons??"
"Yeah that's the one"
"Oh she was gorgeous" mark burst out. Where the hell did that come from he thought?
"Yeah she was, you know me and her had a fling in college?"
"Really I didn't know you sang that way?"
"Theres a lot to dont know about me mark" she said as she winked at him as snakes on a bread stick dipped I garlic butter.

A few moments later amber returned with the drinks "one bottle of red for you miss and one long tap for you sir"
"Thanks" mark said reaching for the drink, the long tap was a long glass yard flute filled to the brim with cold beer.
Mark looked at it must be at least 6 pint maybe more. He to the vessel of beer and sipped the top. The cool liquid refreshed his dry mouth.

"How did it go with Sam" mark asked.
"Oh yeah that"she slumped back into her seat at the mention of his name.
"Sorry kim. I have to ask what happened with you two"
"No it's ok. My therapist said it would be good to talk it out with some one who doesnt know anything about us, that and I need to stop eating my feelings" she to another bread stick from the table.

"So we were in love I met him just after I moved. He was so sweet to me after broke my leg in an accident. I was skiing and fell of the lift and broke both my legs an my arm. I was laid up for about six months then I had to spend six months on crutches. I gained so much weight I was nearly 400lbs then. He was my fitness instructor at the gym. He helped me lose the weight I gained. I managed to get a contract modeling for a plus size website while I was out of work. That's how I got into being a tester for Slimline."

"So it was all going well then. Fuck I had know idea about that after college you just disappeared"
"I know I hated myself at that point I just sat around eating and nearly moving the money from the site was great but it only just covered things. So he offered me the job at Slimline but I had to gain 50lbs first"
"Wait I thought you said he was helping you lose the weight"
"He did till he offered me th job then I had to pile on the pounds for the drug trial"
"You mean fat-x right ?"
"Yeah they needed to see how effective worked on some one of that size."
Her eyes turned sad and her mood droped after mentioning that.

"That's when he changed. Hed force food down my neck and tell me how awful looked and how sexy I will look when the fat-x was perfected. The idea of the drug was to flip your metabolism into super overdrive. It did work though I droped 390lb in about two years it had never been heard of the whole time I ate what ever I wanted and never felt full again. But it worked to well I dropped down to like 67lb. I hated it but to him I was the poster child of success at that point. He forced me to stay at that weight for years. I spoke to some of the other testers and found out he had been sleeping around with other women. By that point we had gotten married and j had to wait to get the divorce"
"Holy shit kim that's awful"
Mark reached across the table and grabbed her hand. He could feel her saying sk he moved his chair closer to comfort her. She began to cry as he put his arms around her.
"For 3 years I tried so hard to please him and after that he still wanted me to change then he found her!!!" She sobbed while reaching for her wine. Mark held her close. She was sobbing uncontrollably.

She regained her composure a few minutes later and finished her wine.
"I filed for divorce as soon as I could after that and looked at taking my life back. The only problem is I'm still contractually tied to him because of fat-x. I have to take it for at least another month or so." Mark handed a tissue to wipe her eyes.

"Alright then guys here you go one butter pasta for you sir and the rest for yourself there darling." Amber finally came by with the food. Kim's eye light up like nothing of the past few minutes ever happend.
"Thanks sweetie your a star!!" She started to dig in almost as soon as the plates had touched the table.
Amber collected the empty bottle of the wine. As she did she winked at mark when lent across him. " oh sorry sir. My what broad shoulders you have" he felt her hand on his shoulder. It felt almost hot on him he knew it was hot evening but it was like she was burning up. Mark looked at her almost in shock at the remark.

As amber strode out back once more kim giggled. "Well mark you stud"
"What!?!" Mark exclaimed.
"You having the girls fall all over you"
"Please I'm older enough to be her dad"
"My you should just tell to call you daddy then" she burst out laughing.

"Thank you mark for listening I'm so glad we could do this. I think that really helped. But now the food is I have a few more issues to work through" she said sarcastically. Yousing her finger to quote issues to work through.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Tungstenbeast 4 years
Yes she will start to put on the pounds too
LeandroAlex 4 years
The story is interesting but there is a doubt you wrote that the formula increases the appetite of those close to the user, so his wife will also put on weight ?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’re telling this story so well. No need to apologize for spelling errors. You can always go back in and edit it some. The end of chapter 3 has me longing for more.
Sir Doge 4 years
its nice, im excited to read what happens to mark
Tungstenbeast 4 years
Sorry for the spelling mistakes my first time writing on here what do you guys think