The weight of their relationship

chapter 5 therapy and a thickening plot

She attacked her food like someone possessed by some hungry spirit.
Between mouth fills of pasta she would sip on her wine. He mood had improved drastically with the carb heavy feast in front of her. Mark stayed next to her as she ate. He was still processing the conversation they had just had. He thought about how Sam had been so cruel to her. It made him so angry but he didn't know why. He tried to thing about it logically, he was get angry over a situation that he had no bearing on, he was get worked for a women hes seen for two evenings in the past decade or more. Why did he want to help so much? He pushed the thought aside. "Your a great guy" that's what she said a few weeks back. Those words felt as I've they she wanted him to help. No NEEDED him to help.

Mark kept plowing through his butter pasta. It was so good but there was enough to feed a family of 4 with seconds. But he was about half way through and he felt nothing. He didn't feel full at all. In fact he was hungryer than ever. So he kept shoveling the rich cheese sauce and butter soaked pasta into his mouth.

"So is everything ok here? Can I get you anything else?" Amber chimed as she came to the table. "Hows the butter pasta sir?"
"Its great thanks" mark tried to say as had a mouth full of the pasta. I came out more like a grunt then anything else.
"Oh good I'm glad you like it's my contribution to the menu. An old family recipe with my own twist on it"
Amber beamed with pride as she looked at his plate. " although my portion control has never been good. No one has ever finished it". Mark felt her gaze on him. She looked at his belly. By this point mark was half way through the long tap and the butter pasta. He hadnt looked till she gave him a reason to. When he looked at his stomach it looked so taut and had started to push on his shirt buttons. He moved awkwardly in his seat to try and hide it.
Amber gave smile "but I bet you can sir "
Mark blushed then he heard the voice in the back of his head " you can do it piggy"

Kim laughed at what amber said she seemed to break what ever trance she was in. "Awww dont worry hun I'll force down his throat but only if you our photo on the wall." She laughed again at herself.

Mark gave a small laughed to keep face. Did she plan this? Also why dont I feel full at all. I should have been defeated a long time ago. He then put another fork full into his mouth. It tasted soooooo good he had another and another.

"Looks like your all good herd I'll leave you too it." Amber said as she spun on her heels. As she walked away mark caught a glimpse of a red packet in her back pocket. He tried hard to make it out "Fatter -xxl?" He said to himself confused.
"What was that ?" Kim asked
"Nothing dont worry" mark replied.
"So can you tell me more about the trail and the other testers" mark asked trying to change the subject and also to try and slow kim down, by this point she was nearly done with everything. She shifted in her seat and mark saw a familiar sight. He stomach look set to burst, the dark green shirt was starting to ride up. She looked like she was at least six months pregnant. Her shirt had been forced down under her new bulge.

"That's tricky mark. I'm still on contract till the end of the month. So no sorry"
"Ok how about how you bounced back where are you living now ?"
"Well after they gave me the new batch of pills and i moved to this office I moved back here. I'm living about 2 blocks from here actually."
"You look great though kim considering what you've been through you look so healthy" where did that come from he thought. That wasnt what he was going to say.

"First of thank you. You know how to cheer up a girl." She smile and lent back in her seat. Cradling he belly. "Second I think it the new pill. It designed to help people like I was who cant put on weight or where dangerously skinny. I've been taking it for about 2weeks now and gained 15lb. But I have to watch myself with the side effect of fat-x not being full I have the problem of over doing it like last time." She ran here hand up and her belly. Mark thought it was more than 15lb. now mark had a better view of her in this position he could see her hips and love handles looked much fuller and the skirt was starting to dig into her thighs.

"But can i tell you a secret I miss feeling full when I over do it I'm try to chance that feeling again or find where the limit is" as she said this she dragged her fingers across the her belly mark watched her shiver as she felt her finger dig into the flesh.
"But the side effect dont just stay with the taker" She continued. " so far test have shown a heightened production of a certain faramone that can effect people around you. If you take enough most of the tester can effect people they have contact with making them...." she blushed red.

"Make them what kim?"
"Well um it kinda weird.." she squirmed in her seat.
"Kim please"
"Ok so It can make them change 'preference' to match the take."
"I dont understand what do you me 'preference'"
She giggled a bit at mark.

"God your as dense as you where in college. So if you like someone say built and jacked from the gym it will make those you have contact with want to work out harder but if your like me they well..." she prodded him in the belly.
"No this is not you kim. I've been eating like crazy lately and since we ....." it suddenly clicked the voice was kim!! He know it sounded familiar. This was crazy it's like some sort of B movie plotline.

Mark had didn't realise while she had been talking he had polished of what was left of his pasta. His belly was now pushing the buttons to their limits. I was a brand new shirt please dont!!!!

There was a loud pop as he looked down in shock he saw the buttons where still in place. what was that sound. "Oh no"
He ft the wasit line on the Jean's and found his bell had popped the Jean's button. Tried feeling for where with had gone but it had shot of with enough force to just disappear.

That's when he heard a sweet southern voice say "I believe this is yours sir" as amber placed the button in his hand. She wisperd in his ear with a predatory grin "you should always keep you first one"

Mark sat dumbfounded, as he focused on the button in his palm. Amber leaned in and kisses him on the neck
" dont worry darling I clocked your ring when you walked in I'm just having some fun plus you seemed to enjoy it. But well done I never thought you would finish that but you are FULL of surprises." Mark's heart was pounding in his chest and his breathe became laboured. While he was becoming hard. What the fuck was this. Hi head span.

Kim put a hand on Amber's shoulder "that's enough he doesn't need any more" mark looked at kim. This was so weird.

He was very happy married but despite that he wanted to please both of them. Was it the power of those pills. He felt like his mind wasnt right anymore.

He stood up left some cash on the table and went to walk out but it was more of a waddle. "Mark where are you going?" Kim shouted as he left the plaza.

Mark light a smoke and took a long drag. What was he going to do. He didn't want to be unfaithful. The had never cheated on anyone ever. Is this what it felt like. He desired to go grab a drink. Walking into one of the bars on 5th street, it was about 2200 according to his phone.

He ordered a whiskey and went to the smoking area. What was this. He stood into the dimly light area there was about 20 people in there laughing and smoking. He could see at least 6 of them where a group of friends from the local college. He sighed, they reminded him of his friend in college.
He check his phone it was kim.

"Mark where did you go I want to talk. Please I never ment for this to happen. Your a great guy, I'm sorry if you feel bad dont it's not your fault."
"Mark please"
He replied with out even thinking.
"Max bar. Smoking"

It took a few minutes for her to find him. Kim walked into the smoking area, Mark's heart jumped into his throat. This must all be bullshit faramones dont do this to someone. But why did he feel like this.

Kim walked up to him. She was walking like she was pregnant. Her huge belly nearly covered by her top. "There you are mark I'm so sorry for all this. It's not your fault look I'll call a cab we can go back to ming and I'll exsplane."
"No it's only going to make this worse" he spat as he grabbed his belly and shook it. He felt it jiggle with every violent motion.
"Mark please theres more you need to know."

They heard the murmuring from the crowd. Mark took a deep breath. And exhaled slowly. He was so confused but all he wanted was to go with her. He needed answers. Sounding defeated he said "fine"
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Tungstenbeast 4 years
Yes she will start to put on the pounds too
LeandroAlex 4 years
The story is interesting but there is a doubt you wrote that the formula increases the appetite of those close to the user, so his wife will also put on weight ?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’re telling this story so well. No need to apologize for spelling errors. You can always go back in and edit it some. The end of chapter 3 has me longing for more.
Sir Doge 4 years
its nice, im excited to read what happens to mark
Tungstenbeast 4 years
Sorry for the spelling mistakes my first time writing on here what do you guys think