The weight of their relationship

chapter 6 the point of no return

Kim called them a cab when mark had finished his whiskey. They sat in the cab in silence. Mark lost himself in the lights streaking past the window. He could feel her thigh against his. She felt like she was burning up. Her legs had to be parted to make room for her distended belly.

Mark was deep in thought the whole time. He was trying to unpack things in his head. Is he over thinking thing was this all just a weird situation. He hadent done anything physical. Could resist if it was offered? The idea of kim riding him flooded his mind.

He played with is wedding band as he tried to suppress the thought. What would Clair say. She had always been ok with people flirting with him but she does not share.
What about kim this can be healthy for her mentally. Is she to blame or is it just the drug.

The arrived at the apartment building.
It was a high rised apartment complex on the upper Eastside. It was a modern looking building with sheet glass from floor to the roof. It looked like a glass and steel monolith. They walked in the entrance. Kim swiped them in with a key fob. The security guard greeted them.

"Good evening miss Vanhorn. How was your evening?"
"Good George thank you"
"Will your guest be staying the night?"
Kim opened her mouth to answer but looked at mark. He hadnt spoken since the bar .
"I dont know yet I'll call down if we need a cab"
"Very good miss"

George then pressed the button for the lift. They both stepped into the lift. As the door shut kim pressed the penthouse button the top floor. The lift slowly began to rise. It was so quiet in the confined space. Mark could hear Kim's every breath, the strain of the seams on her skirt. The gurggle of her belly as it digested her evenings feast. Being thos close to her he could see the small beads of sweat rolling down her brow.
It was like she had a fever. This must be the drug at work to burn all the calories she had consumed tonight. Wht the hell is this stuff. Her breathing was heavy and almost labour. Mark became more and more aware of his own breath. It matched her rhythm. He had pulled his shirt right down to try and cover his belly and the fact his Jean's where no longer buttoned.

The lift doors slid open and kim stepped out, mark followed behind. He couldn't take his eyes of her. He ass and hips looked set to burst out of the skirt.

She used her key fob to open the door. The door opened into a spacious penthouse. It was modern and the walls where decorated with Japanese fans and art. She had always had a thing for japan.

They walked into the apartment was cavernous. Mark walked to the living room and across to the window. It was open and the wind slowly bilowed the curtain. He looked out over the city and felt giddy almost from the hight. They where about the noise of the city here and it was almost calming.

"Mark if you want a drink or anything the bar is over there fridge is in the kitchen I'm just going to get changed" she disappeared into the other room.
He walked over to the bar and poured himself some jack in a glass and went to the freezer to grab some ice. The kitchen was amazing every modern comfort and a walk in fridge freezer. Wood cupboards with stainless steel counter tops. A 8 ring burner sat in the centre of the room. He when to the fridges drink dispenser, it had six taps on it all with a different type of soda on apart for one. This one had a long plastic hose attached to the tap simply labelled shake.

"What Is this for" he said as he put the tip of his finger on the pipe and tasted the thick liquid. It tasted like vanilla and cookies, super sweet and little di mark know super addictive thanks to it being laced with the fatter-XL compound.

Mark then walked into the freezer to grab the ice. It was jam packed with food. It looked more like a restaurant supply then a single womens normal food stock.

He looked through the freezer looking for some ice, he eventually found some in what was labelled the shake section of the freezer. There was gallon after gallon of icecream in every flavor. They where all labels with the flavor and as marked looked closer ordered by the calorie content.

When went back through to the kim was till not back. Sat on the couch and looked at the magazines on the coffee table. Plus size monthly caught his eyes. The cover had women who an easy 650lb and the caption "my dream to be the fattest". He had never seen this magazine anywhere. As he picked it up to get a better look ot slipped from his hand. It opens on a page that had been booked marked. The title read "the 5th street plaza- a feeders dream restaurant". Mark didn't have time to read any further because kim walked in.

She was now wearing seat pants ant a tank told, make up off and hair loosely tied into a messy bun on top of her head. Mark was in shock her belly had gone almost completely down but he could have sworn her hips and breast looked bigger than before. She walked in and went over to the bookshelf on the far side of the room. Her breast and ass juggled with every step. She bent over exposing her ass to mark who could easily tell she wasnt wearing her underwear. This wasnt helped by the fact that the sweat pants where stretched almost to capacity , her pale skin tones could be seen through the material.

Mark shifted himself on th couch, trying to readjust himself so the fact he was hard wasnt so obvious. His jeans where so sight that he could feel his cock pushing against the material like a denim prison.

She snapped back up and walked back over sitting on the couch opposite him. She didn't make eye contact and handed him a stack of files. " so I have some good news and bad news for you hun which do you want first."
"The good" mark said shortly he was still angry at the situation despite his base urges.
"So this good is your about to come into a lot of money, you and claire can have the life you always wanted"
"What why ? What's the bad"
"I'm so sorry mark I never ment for this to happen"
"What is it kim tell me"
"You now going to be working for Slimline as a tester"
"The fuck I am"
"You dont have a choice now. Amber is on of the leaders on the control team she with out your or mine consent gave you the new compound fatter-XL."
"What the fuck " he exclaimed.
"I'm so sorry this is my fault. I used to take potential testers there its run by Slimline. She saw us walked in a saw your um ... progress and assumed you where the new tester. The pasta was laced with the initial preliminary compound then the beer was laced with the major compound and its first dose"
"Your lying" her eyes filled with tears.
"Mark I'm so sorry I never wanted or thought this would happen I only wanted to be friends again. You have to belive me"
Mark lent forward and put his head in his hands.
"This cant be happening what happens if I refuse"
"Your bank will seize all your funds you'll be imprisoned until the drug is made public and the tests will be more ...... forcefull"
She shivered as she said this. she pulled her feet up of the floor and tucked onto the couch.
"Take it from me you don't want that"
"So I dont have a choice then is what your saying."
"No your official the 2nd Male subject 'Y2'"
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Tungstenbeast 4 years
Yes she will start to put on the pounds too
LeandroAlex 4 years
The story is interesting but there is a doubt you wrote that the formula increases the appetite of those close to the user, so his wife will also put on weight ?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’re telling this story so well. No need to apologize for spelling errors. You can always go back in and edit it some. The end of chapter 3 has me longing for more.
Sir Doge 4 years
its nice, im excited to read what happens to mark
Tungstenbeast 4 years
Sorry for the spelling mistakes my first time writing on here what do you guys think