The weight of their relationship

chapter 7 a gaining perspective

Mark's sat in a stunned silence. As kim continued to explain his new life .
"You will be financially compensated for you efforts. You will receive $300,000 as an initial payment and receive a further $100,000 a month till your no longer required."
"Holy shit"
"That's how I managed to afford this. But there are two rules no can know that you taken the compound and you cant not take it"
"So I cant even tell Clair?"
"No mark you cant tell Anyone"

He voice was cold. He sat there for a few minutes before opening the files. They where mostly medical documents he must have to fill in, there where however photos of other test subjects. They all started of pretty normal sized but all became blobs of there former selfs. It should their progression from super modles to 800lb butteballs. They all had one thing in common filthy rich and super sized.
"Their is also bonuses for new information found or limits beaten. So you could earn so much more."

Mark started to think of the money and how it would help him and claire so much. He could get the house they always wanted. Claire could quit her job at the store and he would never need to be in his cubicle again. Maybe it could be a good idea. But at what cost his health ? His mobility ? His life?

"So I've been assigned to be your feeder / Sponcer. This means we need to set a schedule and calorie quata you must meet every day"
"And if I dont"
Kim cut him off sharply " I'll have to punish you"
Mark laughed at that but kim just raised her eyebrow.
"So do I have to sign a contract like you"
"Yes. But yours is open ended."
"So why me in not under weight by any means."
"No your not but A your a man and B you have certain tendencies they like in a feed... I mean tester"

Mark slumped back into the couch and looked at his bloated belly. "How bad will it get?"
"That depends on you really. The point of the trial is to test the drugs limits. Its ment to double calories as a reverse to what I had to take. It will take longer and longer to feel full in a day. I will set goals for you to try and meet and if you do one you may get a bonus and two I'll reward you. Mark I'm going to be there every step of the way I'll get everything and anything you'll need"
"But how I'll I explain to claire that I have money and that I'm the size of a bufflo"
"Well theres a few ways actually. You could quit your job and say you where made redundant and after the money starts coming in you cod say you got a job with me" she pause and walked over to the table and picked up the magazine she flicked through to an article calle "new to fat- a helping hand".
"Say you've always been into this but you want to explore it more now your older"

Mark began to skim the article. He was unsure what he was reading, it was the reader decent into descendants. He started by saying he wanted to welcome every one to the community, then about his early life of hiding what he wanted. Then how after he married he started to gain and fell in love with it ans so did his wife.

"Claire wont buy this"
"Then we can come up with another reason."
"So do you have the contract ?"
Kim went from the sofa to her office down the hall and returned a moment later. She handed him the contract and a pen. "Here you go"
Mark began to read and scribble initials and signature through out the document.
"What's this here" mark pointed at the page. There was a small needle attached to the document.
"We need a DNA sample for our system"
She came over to him and picked up his thumb and gently but firmly pressed it onto the small needle.

" we need it to design a track for your body what will be affected and how to stop the health issues that will arise."
"Ok so when do we start then." Mark was getting a little excited at the prospect of how much money he will make. He was till angry butcher was going to make the best of this fucked up situation.
"Well tonight was a good start but you need time for the compounds to start to work. We can start next Tuesday."

Mark heard is phone buzz in his pocket looking at the screen he saw a notification from his bank $300,000 had been deposited in his account. it buzzed again $5000,000 added from a account called Vanhorn Ltd. "Um kim whtats that?" He showed her his phone.
"That's my gift to you for all this bullshit and how it happend plus to say sorry. Consider it a signing bonus."
Mark felt bad that was a lot of money.
"Kim you didn't have to...."
"No I did mark I am sorry for all this that's why I'd said I will be your sponsor and make it ans easy and enjoyable as I can."

Mark looked at the time 01:06. It was late and he hadent realised where time had gone. "Kim it's late I need to get home."
"You could stay if you wanted?"
"No I'm good I think some distance will be good for now I'll see you tuesday."
"Alright then I'll get george to call a cab for you." He stood up and grabbed the files and the magazine.

They both walked to the lift. She wrapped her arms around mark and hugged him tightly. He felt her body against his. She was on fire. The compound was working overtime to burn the calories. Mark had to suppress the urge to squeeze her ass. She was felt softer than before. Her whole demeanor had changed from the buissnes like role to this soft friendly person. The person mark know kim as.

Mark stepped into the lift as the doors opened. In the lift he had a chance to breathe. Was he insane for doing this, but the money was to good.He looked down at his swollen belly. "Better get used to this then" he gripped it with his free hand and gave it a shake.

The doors opened when he did this and George was just stood there. "Hello sir your cab is waiting."
Mark blushed red " oh thank you" he stepped out of the lift and started fumbling for his wallet. George just raised a hand "no need for that sir it's all been taken care off. Your not the first to leave like this. Miss Vanhorn is a great hostess. Although your the first man in a lon long time."
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Tungstenbeast 4 years
Yes she will start to put on the pounds too
LeandroAlex 4 years
The story is interesting but there is a doubt you wrote that the formula increases the appetite of those close to the user, so his wife will also put on weight ?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’re telling this story so well. No need to apologize for spelling errors. You can always go back in and edit it some. The end of chapter 3 has me longing for more.
Sir Doge 4 years
its nice, im excited to read what happens to mark
Tungstenbeast 4 years
Sorry for the spelling mistakes my first time writing on here what do you guys think