The weight of their relationship

chapter 9

So they she struggled to get into her Jean's for another five minutes or so as if by some mirrical she had shrunk and could button them. She finally admitted defeat and grabbed her sweat pants.

In the car claire put on some music and was singing along happly. She was oblivious to the fact her seatbelt parted her breast and dug under her pudge, her dancing around and road caused it to jiggle and shake. Mark couldn't take his eyes of her. Maybe shell enjoy what's to come?

Mark looked at his phone there was a message from kim "mark dont forget you need to eat at least 3k today so you can start to get used to food and so we can train your capacity. Have fun I'll see you Tuesday." Mark rested a hand on his belly, pancakes this morning and lunch at the food court hes of to a good start.

At the parking lot for the mall It was a hot day, so many of the people where wearing shorts and tshirts. They parked up with claire singing her heart out with out a care for what people think. Mark stepped out the car and walked up to get a parking ticket. When he we walked back Claire was still singing and dancing in the car.

In college she did a degree in music and loved to sing. She always wanted to sing professionally but life never offered her the chance. Her voice was beautiful and has such range. Mark thought that maybe this is the point in life she could pursue what she wanted now money wasted going to be such an issue.

So with his arm wrapped around his wifes shoulders they walked into the mall. It was busy for this time in the morning. " so where first babe" mark asked as he kissed her on the head
"Dunno how about we go to my store first then yours"
"Sure thing" mark agreed.
"To zigzag's it is then"

Zigzag's was a large alternative clothing store. They had all of claire favourite cloths. From croptops to full dresses and everything in between. All their clothes and alternitve style to other stores, the specialised in 1950s style along with their other lines.

Claire paroosed the racks of cloths picking out Jean's and dresses.
"Oooooo this is nice" she smiled as she picked out a pair of Jean's with Ivy printed down on leg.
"What do you think mark" she asked holding the Jean's against her body.
"Yeah their nice" mark said.
"So I'll get these in blue I think."
She gathered a few different items and handed them to mark who was now a glorified pack mule for the day.

The walked into the changing room and mark hung the cloths on a hook. She tried each peice and would walk around as if she was on a catwalk. Prarding the new cloths for mark.

She definitely wasnt a size 10 anymore she had only just gotten into a size 12 so she went for the 14. He hips and legs seemed longer due to the 6inch red heels she was wearing but they where 100% thicker.

So they browsed a few more stores for the next hour or so and claire picked out a few outfits. Mark checked his phone it was now 1325. He was getting hungry and he knew she would be to.

So they made their way to the food court, mark carting all the bags of her hoard. They looked at a few places but settled on a fried chicken place called the majors. Each of them took a while to order but mark settled on a 5 peice set with fries and a xxl milkshake. Clare had a chicken burger fries shake and a bowl of mac and cheese bites.

They both destroyed the food in front of them. Mark felt how tight his Jean's and tshirt where getting. He could feel the waistband digging into the soft flesh beneath. He kept eating and not thinking about how it felt till he lent back after his food.

Claire ate hers with the same enthusiasm letting out moans as she ate. He new cloths left plenty of room to stretch and where a little baggy. Mark thought if they keep going like this they'll need to do another trip sooner than they thought. Mark could feel his tshirt starting to stretch with his belly. He didn't feel overly full but satisfied for now. His belly button pressed against the tight white fabric.

"So I got a question for you my love" mark asked between bites of food.
"What would you do if you didn't have to work or we won the lottery or something?"
She took a moment to consider then answered. "I'd probably want to try to sing again or I'd like to learn to paint dunno something artsy oh and probably gain a load of weight because I'd have time to bake hahahaha. Why do you ask?"
"Oh no reason just wondering" he said gingerly. He know why he asked. Knowing how much money was about to come his way mark couldn't help but start picturing her bouncing around the kitchen in an apron that only barely fit.

After finishing the chicken and the fries mark lent back in his chair and slurped on his shake. He rested his hand on his belly it was now bulging over his waist line and started to make his tshirt foll up over his navel.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Tungstenbeast 4 years
Yes she will start to put on the pounds too
LeandroAlex 4 years
The story is interesting but there is a doubt you wrote that the formula increases the appetite of those close to the user, so his wife will also put on weight ?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’re telling this story so well. No need to apologize for spelling errors. You can always go back in and edit it some. The end of chapter 3 has me longing for more.
Sir Doge 4 years
its nice, im excited to read what happens to mark
Tungstenbeast 4 years
Sorry for the spelling mistakes my first time writing on here what do you guys think