The weight of their relationship

chapter 10

Hey sorry no update in a while had crazy time at work recently so here is the next chapter tell me what you think.

Mark and Claire cleared their trays and made there way from the food court. In his head he was trying to add up how many calories he had just eaten. Mark could feel everyone's eyes on him as he became aware of his t-shirt riding up. He pulled it down but it didn't help.
Claire was walking him hand in his to the next store.
She proudly walked with her lower belly hang out and didn't even bat an eyelash at the people that staired. Where did this confidence come from Mark thought, was the formula effecting her more now?

They walked into one of marks stores he very quickly started to grab some jeans of the rack. 32,34,36 inch waists he had no idea how big he was now or how big he might get so what size does he get ?
He looked through the racks in a small panic nothing seemed big enough for him. He could feel his waist band cutting into his side. He glanced up and saw something that gave him hope as a large man easily 300lb walked into the store.

The man strode to a section at the back of the store with a banner another the racks that read "new gains section" what the hell was this? He'd never seen it before. Mark walked over to this section while Claire looked at the shirts on the other side of the store.

The section was mainly sports wear and muscle shirts then the name made sense. New gains ment bodybuilders section. Posters of well cut and ripped men plaster the walls. He went to the jeans found one pair that looked about right size with elastic in the side. The label called them "bulking jeans". He chuckeld to himself and went to the change rooms.

He first got undressed at looked at himself in the mirror his over stuffed belly looking tight even in his boxers. He then got the jeans of the hanger and pulled them up. They where loose and comfy. The leg was a little longer than he liked but he thought at this point beggers can't be choosers. Then a noise from the stall caught his ear some form of moaning.

He put his ear to the wall to hear what was going on. More moaning defitily someone breathing heavy. Mark had always been somewhat anxious in public place but he couldn't help but listen. On and on it went till he heard a lot thud on the wall then the distinct sound of a women giggling. What the fuck was that?

With the noises stopped mark choose his moment to move still wearing the new jeans and a tsirt he had grabbed from another rack. He opened the latch and stepped out. As he did the latch in the next cubical snapped open and out stepped Amber!! She as whipping her mouth as she stepped past him and winked. Mark froze what was she doing here ? He to a glancing look into the cubical he saw the 300lb man from before stood there with his jeans around his ankles rubbing himself as he stuffed a burger into his mouth. As the door swing shut mark spun around to see Claire in front of him.

"You found some nice ones then" she said as she playful tugged at the loose waist band. " come on let's pay for them before you forget and walk out in them"
Mark was still a bit stunned from what he saw but quickly went to the till to get rung up.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Tungstenbeast 4 years
Yes she will start to put on the pounds too
LeandroAlex 4 years
The story is interesting but there is a doubt you wrote that the formula increases the appetite of those close to the user, so his wife will also put on weight ?
GrowingLoveH... 4 years
You’re telling this story so well. No need to apologize for spelling errors. You can always go back in and edit it some. The end of chapter 3 has me longing for more.
Sir Doge 4 years
its nice, im excited to read what happens to mark
Tungstenbeast 4 years
Sorry for the spelling mistakes my first time writing on here what do you guys think