The side effects of body swapping


chapter 2 - growing prospects

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Mark awoke the next day to the sound of his wife cursing from their shared walk in closet. Being more of a morning person than him, Chelsea was always the first to arise and was often on her way to class by the time Mark got out of bed. Yet as he looked over towards the alarm clock, he knew immediately that something was wrong when the time flashed 8:05 AM, five minutes past her first class of the day.

Struggling sounds could be heard coming from the closet, accompanied by grunts and an eventual sigh. When Chelsea emerged from the closet, she was wearing black yoga pants and a loose-fitting T-shirt, a very casual look for a self-proclaimed trendsetter.

“Wow… that seems a little casual for you babe. Everything OK?”

Chelsea was scrambling around the room trying to gather her things, speaking without making eye contact. “I overslept and for some reason my favorite jeans won’t fit; they must have shrunk in the wash. Anyways, I’m running late and I need to go. Have a nice day babe!”
Chelsea kissed Mark on the forehead before bolting for the door. As she left the room, Mark managed to catch a glimpse of her rear end and swore that it looked a little thicker than normal. His wife had always floated tightly around 120 pounds since the day they first met, but if he didn’t know any better, he would say that her body looked almost chubby as she walked out the door.

Mark went through the motions throughout the rest of his day, his mind completely incapable of breaking away from the image of his wife’s chubby ass. Trying not to get his hopes up, he attempted to talk himself into believing that it had simply been his imagination. [There’s no way that spell actually worked, right? I had to have been seeing things…] Yet as the day wore on, Chelsea’s lack of responsiveness to his texts led him to believe that something was amiss.

When he finally arrived home to their shared apartment, he opened the front door to find his wife sitting on the couch, stuffing her face with a large tub of ice cream. Wearing only a t-shirt and panties, Mark quickly scanned his wife’s body and could tell that his slim wife had put on a considerable amount of weight since last night. Her face, once angelically slim, had begun to round out as her cheeks took on a puffy appearance. While she did not have a double chin, he could definitely make out a small cluster of fat just below her face. Her loose-fitting shirt concealed her torso, but he could tell that her arms had lost all definition, masking her muscles under a soft layer of new fat that nearly doubled the size of her arms. The tub of ice cream in her lap also partially blocked his view from her thighs, but based on the outline of what he could see, Chelsea now looked to weigh around 160 pounds, 40 pounds heavier than the woman he had known his entire adult life.

“Uhh hey babe, I was worried about you… Why didn’t you answer any of my texts?”

Chelsea quickly broke eye contact and stood up before walking towards the kitchen. “Sorry babe, just had a really busy and stressful day of classes!”

As Mark watched his wife leave the room, he caught another glimpse of her rear end. Always having a very tight and petite center, her once tiny waist now sported a certified bubble butt with growing love handles. [Holy shit… it’s working!]

Mark tried to follow her into the kitchen to get a better view, but she was already inside the bathroom with the door close. Despite his best efforts to catch another glimpse of her throughout the evening, she seemed to be intentionally avoiding him. When he stepped out of the shower an hour later, he found the bedroom lights had already been turned off. “Hey Chelsea, is everything ok? You seemed distant today?” Yet she did not respond. As he approached the bed, he found Chelsea to be dead asleep. [So weird… she never goes to bed this early.] As he got into bed that night, he could hardly sleep from the excitement. He was going to have a fat wife after all.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Chasingtruth14 8 months

Story page seems to be broke. Can’t get past the first chapter, any other chapter page links to an entirely different story
Nok 3 years
One of the hottest stories I've read in years. Weight gain and breeding (and slob and graphic love-making), especially married... I don't know why, but that is so perversely hot hahaha. Gotta ask though, didn't Tina say she'd used the spell before?
Karenjenk 3 years
This is my favorite swap story.
I love that Tina told her and she was so angry.
Personally i would have liked slower gains or swapping.
but.... its still an amazing story.
Also.... i like the idea of the universe not changing around her and the rea
Minifan 3 years
Really enjoyed this. One question does Tina remember casting the spell or were her memories changed too?
SLDB 3 years
I'm still new to this so feel free to let me know what you enjoyed and would like to see more of. Do you want more detailed transformations? Different pacing? I'm open to exploring a lot of different writing styles.
SuperPieGuy 4 years
Great story, I like where this body swap is going. Keep it up smiley
Champ 4 years
Love weight swap stories! I look forward to more!