The side effects of body swapping


chapter 3 - unusual behavior

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Mark awoke in a similar fashion to the way he had on the previous day, only this time his wife was audibly upset and panicking as she tossed individual pieces of clothing from the closet onto the bedroom floor. Mark watched as piece after piece of his wife’s clothing launched from the closet and landed in an accumulating pile, each toss accompanied by a loud “No!” as his wife screamed in frustration. Checking the alarm for the time, the flashing 8:37 AM signaled that his wife had once again overslept for her first class.

“Ummm honey.. is everything ok in there? Silence fell over the room before his growing wife emerged from the closet. A single tear streaked down her face as the cause of her commotion was visibly apparent. Looking down the length of her body, an additional 15 pounds had packed its way onto her frame overnight. All the changes he had observed from the previous day were still there, only this time Mark got a full view of his wife’s growing chest and belly. Her breasts, always modest yet shapely C cups, had nearly doubled in size in only two days, losing much of their shape as they now fought desperately to escape the confines of her undersized bra. Further down, her once fit and flat stomach was now a wobbling potbelly and then some. Extending out more than 2 inches over her yoga pants, Chelsea‘s belly and love handles formed a considerable muffin top over her undersized athletic clothing. As Chelsea wiped the tear from her face, Mark was in awe as he stared at his 170-pound wife.

“I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I am gaining weight fast and I don’t know why” she said in between sniffles. “Two days ago when I stood on the scale I weighed 122 pounds, and this morning the scale told me that I now weigh 173. I know I didn’t eat well yesterday but there’s no way someone’s body can gain this much weight so quickly! Mark, I think something is wrong with me!”

Mark stood up and walked over to his crying wife as he gave her a massive hug, pulling her in close so he could feel her new softness against his hard body. “It’s ok babe, you’re just as beautiful as the day I first met you. I think you might be overreacting but if you’re really worried, then you should go to the doctor and get checked out.”

Chelsea solemnly nodded as she returned to her closet in search of clothing that fit her enlarged body. When she emerged from their closet, Mark’s wife was wearing his favorite set of sweatpants with a university hoodie. “I can’t believe I’m about to go out in the public looking like this… but these are the only clothes that will fit my body right now.” Mark looked her over and while the clothes certainly fit, he could tell that her growing rear end and softening belly were already testing the loose-fitting clothing. As she walked out the door, Mark gave her a kiss. “No matter what babe, I will always love you.” Chelsea gave a nervous snicker. “Geez you’re so dramatic! I might be getting fat, but I don’t have cancer!”

As the day progressed, Mark felt he needed to share his findings with Tina, sending texts to check in and gauge how much his growing wife had already packed on.

M: Soooo how’s your body doing over there? Wife’s beginning to panic a bit but overall, it’s manageable! Ass is looking great!

T: The spell is definitely working! I’m down 50 pounds so far. Maybe we can swap my clothing with Chelsea’s! That way we don’t have to walk around naked haha. It’s so weird, I’ve even had urges to diet and exercise. Who knows what I’ll do once I’m skinny!

While Mark received the good news from Tina, things were still quiet on the wife’s end. When he opened the front door after a long day in class, he found his wife crying on the couch with an extra-large all-meat pizza in front of her. The sight was truly something to behold. His once slim and modest wife was completely naked as she divorced slice after slice with reckless abandon, her eyes glued to the TV as she watched a trashy reality show on MTV. Her body was clearly still growing, with red stretch marks covering parts of her body as it struggled with the effects of her rapid weight gain.

“Umm babe, are you ok? How’d the visit with the doctor go? I haven’t heard from you all day.”

Chelsea’s eyes never left the TV and she only spoke between bites of her pizza. “They don’t know what’s happening… When they weighed me at the office… Said I weighed 181 pounds… They took some blood work… but it will be a few days before it’s complete… So I guess it just is what it is.”

[Is what it is? That’s so unlike her.]

“Well, I’m sure they will figure something out.” Mark proceeded to make himself dinner before taking a shower. When he emerged from the bathroom, he once again found his growing wife passed out on the couch, her hands and lips covered in pizza sauce. [Jesus… what’s happening to her.] Mark tried to wake Chelsea up so he could bring her to bed, but his growing wife released a loud belch directly in his face before curling up in a ball. [Well that’s lovely. Guess I’m sleeping alone tonight.]

As Mark settled into bed, he couldn’t stop thinking about how odd her behavior had been throughout the day, but that worry soon turned to arousal as he pictured her growing body. His wife would be a 300-pounder in no time, and he couldn’t wait.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Chasingtruth14 8 months

Story page seems to be broke. Can’t get past the first chapter, any other chapter page links to an entirely different story
Nok 3 years
One of the hottest stories I've read in years. Weight gain and breeding (and slob and graphic love-making), especially married... I don't know why, but that is so perversely hot hahaha. Gotta ask though, didn't Tina say she'd used the spell before?
Karenjenk 3 years
This is my favorite swap story.
I love that Tina told her and she was so angry.
Personally i would have liked slower gains or swapping.
but.... its still an amazing story.
Also.... i like the idea of the universe not changing around her and the rea
Minifan 4 years
Really enjoyed this. One question does Tina remember casting the spell or were her memories changed too?
SLDB 4 years
I'm still new to this so feel free to let me know what you enjoyed and would like to see more of. Do you want more detailed transformations? Different pacing? I'm open to exploring a lot of different writing styles.
SuperPieGuy 4 years
Great story, I like where this body swap is going. Keep it up smiley
Champ 4 years
Love weight swap stories! I look forward to more!