The side effects of body swapping


chapter 4 - new desires

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For the first time that week, Mark actually woke up to the sound of his alarm clock ringing at his bedside. Quickly smacking the snooze button, he stretched his arms out as he looked around the bedroom and found no signs of his wife. [Looks like she’s back to her normal ways. I’m sure she’s already worried about missing just two classes.] Mark let out a yawn as he slowly got out of bed and made his way to the on suite bathroom where he took a warm shower and reflected upon the past few days, his shaft down below clearly indicating that he was more than excited about the changes happening to his wife's body. Finishing up in the bathroom, he dressed himself for the day and noted the time on his bedroom clock as he made his way towards the living room. [9:30 AM, right on time for my 10 AM class.] However, when he entered the living room, memories of the night before rushed to the front of his mind as he found his wife Chelsea fast asleep on the couch. Looking over her sleeping body, It was clear that she had gained even more weight overnight, officially crossing the 200-pound threshold. [Holy shit… she’s not chubby anymore, she’s downright fat!]

“Umm babe, it’s 9:30 AM, you’re late for class again” he said as he poked his wife’s growing dome of a belly. As her eyes began to flicker open, Mark watched with concern as her mind slowly collected itself.

“M...Mark… is that you? Why are you awake before me?” The words stumbled out of her plump lips as she rubbed the sand out of her sleepy eyes.

“Chelsea, I don’t know how to say this, but you’ve overslept again. It’s 9:30 and-“ his words were cut off by a loud shriek.

“9:30?!?! No this can’t be happening again!” Chelsea tried to launch herself up off the couch but found her body to be uncharacteristically heavy as she sank back into the couch. Feeling especially sluggish, she looked down at her midsection to find a large pair of shapeless breasts, a bulging belly riddled with stretch marks, and a set of heavily thickened thunder thighs. “Oh my god I gained more weight!? Why is this happening to me??” As she got up, she walked awkwardly towards the bedroom and entered the en suit bathroom. Mark sat in silence for a moment before he heard a saddened “Nooooo!” boom from her direction. When he entered the bathroom, he found his wife standing over their scale, with the numbers flashing “205” across the top.

“I’ve gained 80 pounds in three days… How? Why is this happening? What did I do to deserve this?” Her teary eyes stared at her feet as he felt a pang of regret for casting the spell on her. Embracing her with a hug, he tried as hard as he could to sooth her troubles.

“I don’t know why babe, but no matter what, I’m here for you. You’re still gorgeous, even with the added weight.”

Chelsea wanted to yell at him, to scream that he was lying, yet she could feel his erection poking her protruding gut. Mark was trying his best to be there for her, she just needed to get her shit figured out. “Go to class Mark, just because one of us is late doesn't mean we both have to be.” Mark nodded as he gave her another hug, and then left his fat wife alone as he headed out for class. The day went on much like the others, with Chelsea being quiet and unresponsive to most of his texts. Left completely in the dark, he had no idea what to expect when he came home that evening, but if the previous nights were indicative of what was to come, he had a pretty good idea of what he would find upon his return.

Mark took a deep breath as he opened the front door and was not surprised to find his wife Chelsea naked on the couch once again, only this time she was chowing down on a bucket of fried chicken wings. Closing the door and stepping into the room, Mark looked her up and down before speaking up. “Hey babe… how was your day?” The words came out more awkwardly than he expected, clearly feeling uncomfortable with this recurring trend. Yet his wife merely grunted and paid little attention to his presence. Taking a seat on the couch next to his wife, Mark looked into her face as he watched her plump cheeks and newly-established double chin rippling with every bite and chewing motion. [My god… she’s so hot but what have I done?]

Mark took one of his hands and caressed one of her enlarged arms, feeling the soft thickness of her new fat that he had added to her once dainty body. “Are you ok babe?”

As if she had broken free of a trance, Chelsea blinked in rapid succession before looking over to her concerned husband. “Oh, hey Mark. Yeah I’m fine. After you left I got a little sad and decided to take the day off. I’ve just been on the couch watching tv all day.” Chelsea went back to eating her bucket of chicken as her words trailed off. [This is so unlike her. I know the shock of the weight gain should be expected, but this…] Mark watched her body jiggle ever so slightly as Chelsea released a loud belch into the air with zero shame. As he watched her reach in and grab yet another piece of chicken, he felt himself getting aroused simply from watching his wife stuff her face with greasy fast food. Edging slightly towards her, he used his left hand to massage her shoulders while he used his right to rub her belly, earning a sigh and a coo from his obese wife.

“Oooh babe… that feels soooo good. Who knew a belly rub could be so… sensual.” Mark could feel his erection growing as he watched his 220 pound wife set the chicken bucket aside. Continuing to rub her belly almost seductively, Chelsea spread her massive thighs apart and began rubbing her clit as she twisted one of her now massively chubby nipples with her other hand. “God all this fat… my body is a gross and sweaty mess… yet I’ve been SO HORNY all day!”

The sight of his obese wife stuffing herself into arousal was the hottest thing he had ever seen. Unable to help himself, Mark pulled his dick out from his pants and began stroking it as he watched his fat wife masturbate. When Chelsea opened her eyes and found Mark masturbating to the sight of her, she gave a wicked smile as she licked her plump lips. “Do you like what you see, big boy?” Chelsea never talked dirty to him, but he couldn’t help but nod as her rubbing intensified. Smiling and moaning at his response, Chelsea awkwardly sat herself up and turned her fat body around, putting her massive ass and fattened pussy on full display for her husband. “Then show me! Fuck your fat wife’s pussy!”

Mark felt more aroused than ever as he quickly tossed his clothes to the side. As he positioned himself behind her, Chelsea impatiently wobbled and shook her ass as he watched the new fat jiggle and shake. When he finally plunged himself into her, he was completely erect for the first time in years, causing both to moan loudly as he began thrusting himself into her with passion neither had ever felt before. Mark grabbed hold of her huge ass cheeks and took in the sight as each collection of fat shook when his body slammed into hers. Chelsea’s screaming grew even louder with each thrust, and the two lovers grew close to completion after only a minute of lovemaking. “I’m going to cum babe! Cum inside my chubby pussy! Give your big fat wife your seed!” Mark felt himself nearly faint as he howled, his shaft pumping a torrent directly into Chelsea’s unprotected womb as her pussy came alive with a massive orgasm that sent her body into convulsions. The two lovers moaned as they took turns spasming. As they came down from their sexual highs, the couple settled into a spooning position before falling asleep on the couch.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Chasingtruth14 8 months

Story page seems to be broke. Can’t get past the first chapter, any other chapter page links to an entirely different story
Nok 3 years
One of the hottest stories I've read in years. Weight gain and breeding (and slob and graphic love-making), especially married... I don't know why, but that is so perversely hot hahaha. Gotta ask though, didn't Tina say she'd used the spell before?
Karenjenk 3 years
This is my favorite swap story.
I love that Tina told her and she was so angry.
Personally i would have liked slower gains or swapping.
but.... its still an amazing story.
Also.... i like the idea of the universe not changing around her and the rea
Minifan 4 years
Really enjoyed this. One question does Tina remember casting the spell or were her memories changed too?
SLDB 4 years
I'm still new to this so feel free to let me know what you enjoyed and would like to see more of. Do you want more detailed transformations? Different pacing? I'm open to exploring a lot of different writing styles.
SuperPieGuy 4 years
Great story, I like where this body swap is going. Keep it up smiley
Champ 4 years
Love weight swap stories! I look forward to more!