The side effects of body swapping


chapter 6 - new identity

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Mark nearly sprinted home as he found existing memories of his wife twisting within his mind. One by one, images of his skinny wife were methodically replaced by new ones depicting his beloved as a massively obese pig. [I need to get to my wife before it's too late!] He had no idea why he was running, for the wheels in motion could not be stopped, yet he fought futilely as if there were any sort of way to prevent the inevitable. Nearing the door to their apartment, he couldn't help but notice that their doormat that had once displayed a simple “Welcome” surrounded by flowers had been replaced by a cartoon image of a pig that now read “Hog Heaven.“ Opening the door, he was immediately greeted by an extremely loud and violent belch emanating from his now 330-pound wife, who he found stuffing her face with ice cream on the couch with a trail of tears slowly trickling down her face. Chelsea had changed significantly since just this morning. Her skin had turned a ghostly pale and was now covered in red stretch marks while up top, her hair had developed a shiny look as if she had not washed in days. Her massive and pale stomach, now fully resting on her tree trunk legs as she sat, was coated in melting ice cream as she wiped her sticky hands on her massive form in order to change the channel on the TV.

“Well look who it is, the man that traded his beautiful wife for a big fatty!" she yelled as she sat the ice cream to the side, wiping her hands on her love handles. "I just got off the phone with Tina and she explained why I've become such a big fat slob over the last week. Everything makes sense now. The rapid weight gain. The sudden changes to my personality. You're making me into a big, fat, mindless slob that you can fuck and breed. Well… you've won! I'm now fatter than she ever was and I’m still growing!” Chelsea slowly stood up as Mark watched her abdominal fat droop below her waist, hiding her entire private area. She grabbed her ponderous gut and shook it tauntingly before trudging her way towards her husband, stopping when the two were only a foot apart. “Is this what you fucking want? A big fat pig that spends her days eating while you go to work? I'm going to be some mindless hog wasting my days inside as I stuff my face and take care of your children? You’ve made me into a disgusting blob and I hate you for it…”

Mark felt a pang of sadness and regret as he finally understood how this transformation had impacted his wife. Rubbing her belly with his left hand and caressing her moon-shaped face with his right, Mark pulled her saddened face towards his and gave her a kiss as he looked deeply into her eyes. “Babe, I love you and I never wanted any harm to come to you. I thought you were only going to gain a little bit of weight… I would have never done this if I had known that it would change you so dramatically, but I need you to understand that you are more beautiful to me than any other woman I have ever met. You are the sexiest woman alive and my wonderful wife. I will be with you to the end, no matter what.”

But Chelsea only returned a distant stare as if her mind had been paused. Suddenly Mark felt the world ripple as another set of changes washed over his growing wife. He watched as an additional 15 pounds of fat quickly distributed itself across her body as her mind tingled with pleasure and excitement. Chelsea licked her ice cream covered lips as she felt the changes reverberate inside her before finally opening her eyes with a look of lust overtaking her plump face. Placing her hands on Mark's chest and stepping forward, Chelsea used her 345-pound body to press her skinny husband against the door as she shoved her tongue deep inside his mouth. Mark wrapped his arms around his rotund wife as the two lovers passionately embraced. When Chelsea withdrew her tongue, she stared back into his eyes and spoke with a hint of ravenous hunger. “Then prove it big boy, put a baby in me!”

Before Mark could react, Chelsea grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bedroom as he felt more ripples throughout reality. He watched as her already enormous ass jiggled and expanded as each cheek slowly moved towards beanbag chair size. New fat spread across her thick legs, causing additional cellulite to cake her lower half as her ankles were completely wiped away by her thick and meaty cankles that now ran naturally into her feet. When they finally got to the bedroom, she crawled up on their now King size mattress as the bed groaned loudly from the sheer weight of his massive wife. Coming to a rest in the middle, Chelsea thrust her fat ass into the air and presented herself for the taking. “Come make your big fat wife a Mama!” It was the hottest thing Mark had ever seen, and his body urged him to claim her forever.

Mark tossed his clothes aside and positioned himself behind her ass before sliding himself into her extremely wet entrance, earning a tremendous moan that transitioned into a belch from his pig of a wife. As he thrust himself into her now 370-pound body, he watched as her fleshy form jiggled and shook in ways he had never seen before. In less than a week he had transformed his athletic and high-maintenance wife into this messy slob of a woman. Gone were her professional and social ambitions, all that was left now was a newfound desire to stuff her face with food.

The universe rippled again as a large bowl of potato chips appeared in front of her face as she stuffed her mouth in between his thrusts. Mark sensed the room changing as he looked around, watching as old pictures slowly altered. His memories of the past soon began to change as a new life story was written before him. Chelsea was never the cool swimmer that he had met in high school. Instead of being the hot girl he bragged about to his friends, she was the weird chubby nerd that nobody could understand why he dated. She had been a quiet and reserved nerd her entire life and had long fantasized about becoming big and fat. Soon different parts of the room began to change as the new reality settled in. Chelsea's old swimming trophies and medals quickly transformed into funko pops and action figures. Her study desk which had once been minimal and girlish was replaced by a massive gaming computer with RGB lighting. Pictures of her skinny self expanded in all their photos as he searched his memories even further. They still married after high school, but Chelsea was adamant about gaining weight. She made it clear to Mark that she wanted to be a big fat woman when she grew up and that she needed his help to reach her dreams. Mark had agreed to be her feeder and the two married shortly after, with Chelsea reaching 200 pounds before their freshman year of college.

The new Chelsea was less ambitious and seemingly much dumber than the Chelsea he had once known. Always more of the artsy type, she decided to become an art major instead but soon struggled with her introductory classes. One day as she was crying from frustration, Mark made her an offer. He could take care of working and making money for the family while she could focus on being lazy and stuffing her face all day. Chelsea was relieved and immediately dropped out of college without much thought. The pounds quickly piled up as she spent her days stuffing her face and focusing on growing her body. By the end of his freshman year she weighed 260 pounds, already morbidly obese and much larger than the vast majority of the women her age. By the end of sophomore year, she had moved beyond 300 pounds and before the two even realized it, junior year had passed them by and Chelsea had transformed into a 360-pounder. Now as Mark’s time in college approached its end, he found himself plowing his 415-pound wife as he watched her body expand even further. Her ponderous belly, now fully resting on the mattress, quaked along with her gigantic ass cheeks with each thrust of his pelvis. Her back fat seemed to multiply and compact as he pressed a hand near her shoulder, feeling her supple flesh yield to his touch. Tossing her hair to the side, Mark watched as her thick neck expanded even further, slowly disappearing as her entire head fused together into one ball of fat.

New memories of his wife began to replace his once witty and intelligent lover. No longer focused on school and friends, the new Chelsea spent her years isolated in their apartment stuffing her face while pleasuring herself. Her social skills soon fell apart as her mind began to atrophy. She had fully embraced her job as Mark’s fat pig, culminating in a new tattoo that suddenly began to appear near the top of her massive right ass cheek, the words “Mark's fuck slut” imprinted in cursive lettering in the shape of a branding that you might find on a common barn animal.

Soon Chelsea began to grunt and beg for his seed, her voice noticeably thicker and huskier, befitting her tremendous form. “Give this fat girl what she needs, fuck a baby into me!!!” The sights and sounds of his new wife proved too much for him as he released a guttural moan and emptied himself deep within Chelsea’s womb. As thick ropes of semen coated her insides, a massive ripple throughout reality sealed off all existing memories as the new universe claimed the married couple. As Mark continued pumping thick gobs into Chelsea's womb, his hands rested on the side of her belly as it began to expand once again, a new firmness growing within as memories of his wife's impregnation formulated. She was seven months pregnant with triplets, and at only 22 years old, his once slim and ambitious wife was now a 440-pound pig that would soon give birth to three of his babies. It was more than he could ever ask for and as the emotions overwhelmed him, Mark felt the world slip away as he slowly passed out and fell asleep on the bed beside his massive wife.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Chasingtruth14 8 months

Story page seems to be broke. Can’t get past the first chapter, any other chapter page links to an entirely different story
Nok 3 years
One of the hottest stories I've read in years. Weight gain and breeding (and slob and graphic love-making), especially married... I don't know why, but that is so perversely hot hahaha. Gotta ask though, didn't Tina say she'd used the spell before?
Karenjenk 3 years
This is my favorite swap story.
I love that Tina told her and she was so angry.
Personally i would have liked slower gains or swapping.
but.... its still an amazing story.
Also.... i like the idea of the universe not changing around her and the rea
Minifan 4 years
Really enjoyed this. One question does Tina remember casting the spell or were her memories changed too?
SLDB 4 years
I'm still new to this so feel free to let me know what you enjoyed and would like to see more of. Do you want more detailed transformations? Different pacing? I'm open to exploring a lot of different writing styles.
SuperPieGuy 4 years
Great story, I like where this body swap is going. Keep it up smiley
Champ 4 years
Love weight swap stories! I look forward to more!