The side effects of body swapping


chapter 7 - epilogue

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Chelsea awoke to the smell of bacon and sausage filling the air, setting off a beastly rumble from her stomach that reverberated throughout her fleshy and expansive form. Stretching her doughy arms out to her sides, a thick layer of facial fat bunched together as she released an elongated yawn before rubbing the sand from her eyes. The 25-year-old stay-at-home mom loved Saturdays the most, all thanks to her wonderful husband Mark who always made her a delicious breakfasts feast just for her. Consisting of an assortment of meats, jellies, fried dough, and sugary treats for dessert, Chelsea's Saturday breakfast was enough food for a family of 10.

She had always been a lazy girl throughout her entire life and didn't know what she had done to deserve such a caring and providing husband, but she knew that her life with him was absolutely perfect. As she lifted the heavy bed covers from her warm and glistening body, Chelsea heaved her large form from the bed and proceeded to waddle into the bathroom. As she flipped on the lights, Chelsea received a full view of her morbidly obese body as she scanned the large mirror resting above the faucet.

While she had never been skinny, her body fat had exploded since she had married her husband Mark. Massaging her drooping paunch, she marveled at just how soft she had become in only a few years. “The perfect symbol of fertility” she said with a grin. Waddling over to the scale, she stepped onto the industrial metal frame before a number flashed on the screen in front of her.

“587 pounds, so close to my goal!”

A stinging pain suddenly struck her rear end, accompanied by a “Good morning sexy!” from her husband who had snuck behind her. The sting on her skin lingering as the force of his slap sent parts of her fattened shape jiggling. She soon found a pair of hands running across her stomach as her husband lovingly wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck as she closed her eyes and cooed.

“Hey love, just thought you should know that your personal pig is nearing 600 pounds. Pretty soon you’ll have to feed me slop or I’ll be too expensive to maintain!”

Mark gave a hearty laugh as he slowly spun her around, staring into her beautiful eyes. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? We could chain you to the fence in the backyard and make you roll around in mud if you’d like.” Chelsea closed her eyes and squirmed as she felt her pussy tingle. Mark knew she loved to be treated like an animal, and they both knew that the only thing keeping her from that chain was their neighbor's prying eyes.

Mark left her alone to go finish the breakfast he had started as Chelsea took care of her morning duties, which included waking the children and tending to their newborn baby. Their family had recently grown to include four children and at the rate the two were going at each other, that number would continue to grow into perpetuity.

With all the children at the dining table, Chelsea waddled past as she made her way towards her personal throne, a high-end luxury chair seated in the living room with the best view in the house for watching TV. As she settled in, Mark placed her dining tray just above her belly and proceeded to bring her the first serving. Atop the tray was a stack of eight pancakes covered in syrup, 12 slices of bacon, six sausage patties, and four blueberry muffins. “Let me know when you’re ready for seconds” he said before planting a kiss on her plush cheek. Before he could make it out of the room, three pancakes were already resting in her stomach as she proceeded to cram the delicious meal into her body with reckless abandon.

Thirty minutes later, Chelsea rested helplessly in her chair as she altered between moaning and belching, her stomach crammed to capacity as her husband returned by her side. “All done my wonderful hog?” Taking away the tray, Mark turned the TV on as he pulled a chair up beside hers, allowing him to sit as he rubbed lotion into his wife’s massive belly. When the TV screen had come on, the channel rested on ESPN where they were discussing the most recent night of the Olympics. Tina McCaffery, a girl Mark had once befriended in middle school, had won the gold medal in swimming and was quickly becoming known as the female Michael Phelps.

“Didn’t you say that you had been friends with that chick way back? Like in your childhood or something?” Chelsea asked, seemingly half asleep as the food worked to put her in a coma.

Something about his memories of Tina had always felt… off, yet Mark could never figure out exactly why. Watching his childhood friend on replay, Mark continued working his wife’s belly as he reminisced. “Yeah, we were close in middle school, but when we entered high school she started taking the most advanced classes and spent all her free time studying or swimming. I tried approaching her one day before she went to Harvard for graduate school, but she just brushed me off. She’s pretty damn talented and accomplished, I’ll give her that. Could you imagine? Being that gifted in every way?”

Chelsea released a small burp as she opened her eyes, watching as her loving husband massaged lotion into the soft surface of her body, exploring the vast folds of fat that had accumulated over the years. “Why would I want to imagine that? Life is perfect just the way it is!”

Mark turned to his massive wife and the two exchanged a passionate kiss.

How could he possibly disagree with that?

7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Chasingtruth14 8 months

Story page seems to be broke. Can’t get past the first chapter, any other chapter page links to an entirely different story
Nok 3 years
One of the hottest stories I've read in years. Weight gain and breeding (and slob and graphic love-making), especially married... I don't know why, but that is so perversely hot hahaha. Gotta ask though, didn't Tina say she'd used the spell before?
Karenjenk 3 years
This is my favorite swap story.
I love that Tina told her and she was so angry.
Personally i would have liked slower gains or swapping.
but.... its still an amazing story.
Also.... i like the idea of the universe not changing around her and the rea
Minifan 4 years
Really enjoyed this. One question does Tina remember casting the spell or were her memories changed too?
SLDB 4 years
I'm still new to this so feel free to let me know what you enjoyed and would like to see more of. Do you want more detailed transformations? Different pacing? I'm open to exploring a lot of different writing styles.
SuperPieGuy 4 years
Great story, I like where this body swap is going. Keep it up smiley
Champ 4 years
Love weight swap stories! I look forward to more!