High school reunion stuffing relationship

chapter 3-a strange twist

Wednesday morning came around and Jennifer’s parents had made a surprise visit. As she seen their car pull in a sudden rush of worry came over her because they hadn’t seen her since she got with Jacob, they didn’t know she had gained weight. At first she thought her worry was silly because they were her parents, they were going to be okay with it. But then she remembered how strict they had been about keeping a good body image and they loved her now ex so much because they thought he kept her disciplined. So she ran up and put on a huge sweater she had bought a while ago for cheap to sleep in.

So then she opened the door to welcome them in but immediately their faces were shocked. She wondered why and let out a nervous laugh. Her mom said “OH MY GOD JENNIFER WHAT HAPPENED” and Jennifer looked down to see the sweater wasn’t big anymore, you could tell she had a stomach because it was sticking out....the sweater had become too small. Then her mom looked up and said “ You’re face...oh my...what did you do!!! It’s so round”

Jennifer blushed and seen her dad holding a cake. She took it into the kitchen and opened it up. But her mom came in and took it away. Jennifer yelled at her mom for throwing away a perfectly good cake. Her mom yelled at her for ruining her perfect body and they fought for at least an hour. Jennifer’s dad wasn’t as mad as her mom but he was still upset.

Her mom left after the fight in a furry, she said if you don’t shape up we won’t see each other again. Jennifer cried, how could her own mother not love her for being herself.

After a few minutes of crying. Jennifer said “fuc her and my dad, I’ll do what I want! I’m a grown ass woman!”

And so she did, she took the cake out of the garbage and put 4 steaks on the stove and took the tray of brownies she made for her and Jacob to enjoy the next day. She warmed up the brownies and bathed them in chocolate sauce. She sat down with the mountain of food and swallowed it like a vacuum. She sat on the couch and ate while watching TV, although she didn’t pay attention to the TV, she just ate and ate until it was all gone. She drank two bottles of wine with it and didn’t feel drunk at all because of how much food she had absorbed over the past couple weeks.

4 steaks, 12 brownies, an entire double chocolate cake and 2 bottles of wine later, Jannifer sat on her couch, burping and farting while she fell asleep. Waking up a few hours later she couldn’t get off the couch and when she did manage to, she went to the bathroom and gazed at her huge gut. She’d rather grow for her and Jacob then please her mother. Jennifer started to get a little horny so she started feeling her pussy, although it was hard to reach with her protruding stomach. She started rubbing it and went back to the couch until she started moaning. All of the pressure from her huge gut must’ve pushed against her pussy and she had the best orgasm of her life. She let out a moan and passed out again. Two hours later she woke up and was somehow growing. She didn’t know what the hell happened but she felt bigger than before, she went to the mirror and she was, her thighs were thicker and her tits were tight but most of all her stomach was so big it pushed her shirt under her boobs.

She was a little freaked out. She didn’t eat but she still grew? Something was up. But she didn’t think much of it. She had a triple burger with a plate of fries which had become normal. She went to sleep.

Thursday came around and her sweat Jacob came over. She told him she just wanted to eat at home and he agreed. She was a bit sad from her fight with her mom so instead of cooking they just got pizza.

Jacob got a small one while Jennifer got two larges with a litre of coke and 6 cookies. She ate them faster than Jacob could finish his. She felt her stomach grow, she leaned back and sighed, her button flew off her pants, she gasped and waddled to the bathroom.

“Hm” she thought “that’s weird”
Again her stomach had gotten bigger than usual and while looking at it she seen it grow, she screeched.

Jacob came running in “What Jenn? What happened”

She told him and he said it didn’t happen, she was imagining things.

She insisted and so Jacob started to rub her. As he was rubbing her it grew again.

“Oh my god” Jacob said

It was true. She was growing mysteriously.

“Well...is it actually gaining weight or just bloating?” Said Jacob

“Idk what should we do?” Said Jennifer

“What about the scale?” Said Jacob

So Jennifer stepped on the scale, 156 pounds, and so she said maybe we should wait and see what happens if I stay here.

5 minutes passed. 158 the scale went up.

“OH MY GOD IT WENT UP” said Jennifer

“Did you shift or anything?” Said Jacob

“No I’ve been still” said Jennifer

It was true. Jennifer was as stiff as a board, she hadn’t moved. So she started freaking out. Both of them did.

They googled it. It said if sudden weight gain take a pill called “deflator”. Jacob ran out and got it. Jennifer took it and didn’t feel any better but Jacob said maybe it wasn’t instant. A couple minutes went by and Jennifer felt her stomach stretch again, she screamed and said what is going. She got on the scale....162! Oh my god I’m growing again. So they looked on the bottle of the deflators.

“Take in distilled water and stir, break up the pill, if not taken properly, expansion will double”

Jennifer didn’t know if she had distilled water so Jacob dug around as Jennifer sat on the couch. Her stomach continued to grow and stretch every few minutes she could feel herself getting bigger and bigger. Jacob looked everywhere and couldn’t find it, he needed to go out again. So he stormed out and sped to the nearest store. On the way back he hit traffic. Honking and beeping he panicked.

Meanwhile at home, Jennifer was rapidly growing and she was freaking out...hyperventilating she passed out. 20 minutes later Jacob got home and he seen her on the couch unconscious. He made the pill and gave it to her. She woke up 10 minutes later and was calm as ever. She got off the couch, with Jacobs help and stepped on the scale.


“ONE EIGHTY TWO?” Said Jacob

Jennifer staggered off the scale and smiled. Jacob noticed it and yelled at her “WHY ARE YOU SMILING WHATS WRONG WITH YOU??? ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY TWO POUNDS YOURE A WHALE. WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING

Jennifer was smiling because she was picturing what her parents would’ve thought of her, she was happy her parents didn’t like it. But when she heard Jacob say that, her smile went away, she started to cry. He had hurt her. She said she liked her body and he was the one who liked it too but now she had no one, she couldn’t be happy if he wasn’t. He continued to yell and be angry but he didn’t realize he did this to her, he gave her all that food and he incentivized her, it’s partially his fault.

But she was right, she loved her body and that’s all that mattered. So she told him to go fuc himself, she didn’t need him and never wanted to see him again.

Jennifer was big, don’t get me wrong, but she wasn’t a “whale”. She had thick, luscious thighs and a Big, beautiful stomach that protruded over her belt by 4 inches. She had busted her jeans but they were tight anyway. Her big sweater didn’t look big anymore but it was never THAT big. Her ass was thick and round, bouncy and soft but it was admirable. Her tits were huge, perfectly round and per portioned to her body. Her cheeks were round and puffy and she had a double chin. Her arms were a little flabby but in a hot way. She was simply gorgeous, her long brown hair was still beautiful and thick. She loved herself, Jacob was a bad influence anyway, she needed more balance. She ate her regular amount and gained 2 more pounds or so. She liked being alone, she wasn’t stressed about anyone not accepting her. She’d find someone soon.

The strange growth had stopped, the pills worked and she was doing okay now. Although she didn’t deflate, it was real weight, she was 184 and she was proud. The pills would be in handy if that ever happened again, she was beautiful, she was almost grateful it happened, she could always find new clothes and it wouldn’t happen again. But she didn’t even think about the cause because she secretly hoped it would happen again, she sort of liked her new body.

“Maybe I’ll go shopping tomorrow” she thought to herself

To be continued
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Theswordsman 4 years
Love it
Fatchance 4 years
Pretty fast pace, but a good start