High school reunion stuffing relationship

chapter 4-the shopping experience

So Jennifer got into her car, ready to go for a shopping trip. She hadn’t left the house all week because she had taken time off, she wanted to have a little holiday to eat and hang out. This also meant she hadn’t been out since her strange expansion. After about 30 pounds of weight she couldn’t fit behind her steering wheel, she had to push her chair back to fit.

She was wearing a t-shirt that was now too small, like all of them and track pants that were stretching to their limits. Her stomach was popping out of her stomach and she did not care a bit what people thought. She rubbed her stomach as she drove, feeling how amazingly soft it was and how plush she felt, her belly button was round and deep, she started fingering it, she loved the sensation but she didn’t want to cum while she drove, especially because her orgasms had her dozy lately they were so good.

She arrived and started to slowly walk into the mall, people were looking at her and she didn’t care. She went to her favourite store, the Gap and she knew most of the salespeople because she shopped their so much.

One of her closest friends their, Michelle came up to her and was shocked, she hardly knew who she was. Jennifer said she was looking for some new clothes because none of hers fit anymore, as she held her stomach with a smile. Michelle was thin and Jennifer was smiling because she was now the people they used to laugh at and Jennifer loved the fact that Michelle would have to change how she thought. Michelle asked what happened and Jennifer explained how she loved to eat now and get bigger and bigger.

Michelle and her hadn’t talked in about 2 months so she wanted to catch up. They set up a date to go for coffee the next day. For now Jennifer went to the clothing section and started shopping. She bought tons of different clothes. Some that were already too small and some too big she could grow into. She never spent so much in her life.

Jennifer loved popping buttons on her clothes so she bought a ton that she could easily pop. She was so happy she bought so many new things. The salesman, Jerome and her were close and he was always supportive so he started complimenting her new body, even though she knew it was genuine, so she said “fuck you Jerome either love me or hate me, don’t pretend”. And there she went, she spent over $500 buying new clothes and she didn’t care that half of them would be garbage by next week.

She decided to go to Cinnabon. Still wearing her too small shirt and pants, she ordered four cinnamon rolls and a large shake, the employees started. She sat down at the cafeteria and everyone was looking at the big bellied girl with 4 cinnamon rolls. They watched as she ate them faster than they could blink. She was amazing, some people even clapped but she didn’t pay attention. She rubbed her stomach, felt it was bigger. She waddled around some more, popped into stores, ran into people she knew. Some people laughed at her and most everyone starred.

She entered the grocery store. She ran down every isle, grabbing whatever she could see to fatten her up more, she filled up her cart and said she’d have a feast and pop so many buttons you wouldn’t know what hit you. The clerk ran threw her 4 cakes, carton of cookies, dozen of doughnuts, multiple litres of Soda, lobsters, steak, brownie mix, chocolates, everything. The clerk asked if she really needed all this and she simply replied

“Well I need to get bigger, I need to pop some buttons, how else do I do it?”

The clerk gave a sarcastic nod and off she went, driving home she snacked on Her treats she just bought and had drums all over her belly, she rubbed it again. When she went home she put the stuff down, orgasmed and then cooked. Every burner was cooking, both ovens were making cakes and brownies, she warmed her cookies, got out the sauce, drank soda while she baked, took out the beer for dinner, and made her feast.

This would be her biggest feast yet. The table had 2 steaks, 6 racks of ribs, 2 dozen wings, 4 cakes, 24 cookies, 12 brownies smothered in sauces, peanut butter cups, and in the freezer she had two tubs of ice cream she planned to eat

And so she ate, rifling through the mountain of food she ate, ate, ate and ate. The buttons on her shirt began to tighten as she finished her steals, ribs and wings, her jeans were long gone just 3 hours after buying them, they were ripping and she was so happy, in her full glory. She finished the pain dishes, sat back and belched, the table had moved because of her gut, it was the most bloated she had ever been, she couldn’t believe how tight it was against her shirt. After a few minutes of lying there she stuffed herself silly with the deserts, she had chocolate all over her hands, face and shirt because she used her hands to eat the cake.

When she was done she looked down and the buttons started to fly, one by one they whiffed off her and she got very horny. She remembered her ice cream but couldn’t get up, she managed too, got the tubs and sunk into the couch, eating two tubs of ice cream in about 5 minutes she leaned back and burped, her stomach was now two feet over her belt line, it was like she was 12 months pregnant which isn’t even possible.




And she passed out in a food coma, she woke up 4 hours later and the bloating has gone down but just a bit, her stomach was a full foot bigger than it was before. She went to the bathroom and couldn’t believe her eyes. Her stomach was now covering her feet and her tits were enormous. She thought they had to be FF cups at this point. Her stomach was bigger than she every imagined, she stepped on the scale, 196. She had to get to 200 tonight

So she did, she found whatever she could find and when she stepped on the scale she hit 200 exactly. What a journey and she wasn’t done. She had gained 80 pounds in under 3 weeks. She was ecstatic. Her phone rang, it was Jacob

“Hey Jenn I wanted to apologize”

“Don’t Jenn me you piece of shit”

“I’m sorry I called you a whale, I really am, can we meet up somewhere?”

“No fuck you, ive moved on from you, I like being alone, maybe some other time but not now”


Jennifer hung up, she didn’t like Jacob anymore, she was over him and she loved being alone. Jennifer was huge, but she didn’t feel huge, she felt just right, she orgasmed again, another great one that ended with a moan.

She woke up the next morning and had her normal 6 pancake stack with her large glass of OJ. With 8 fattening sausages on the side.

She remembered she had a coffee date with Jennifer. Admiring her new body after a shower she looked at how luscious her tits were and her ass was amazing.

She wore fitting clothes and was still 200 pounds. She met up with Michelle, fully intending to get much more than just coffee. She wanted to gorge herself again, she didn’t care if one of her closest friends was sitting right there...

To be continued
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Theswordsman 4 years
Love it
Fatchance 4 years
Pretty fast pace, but a good start