A daughter falling from grace

chapter 2

It was 11pm and Janie could not sleep. Her stomach grumbled madly. The salad was not enough. Her parents had gone to bed an hour early. She didn’t dare to sneak down and raid the fridge. Nothing was there but vegetables and fruits . Her mom had given the leftover feast to their neighbours.

Janie closed her eyes, trying to sleep. She suddenly heard her door creak open and in walked her dad, carrying a cake.

“Shh,” her dad put a finger to his lips, talking his daughter not to say anything. He closed her door and came to sat on her bed.

“Janie, I figured you were hungry. I lied and told your mom I dropped off the cake, but I saved it.” He opened the lid and gave his daughter a folk.

Janie hungrily dig in, she was so hungry she forgot to say thank you. She did not notice her dad starring at her big belly, her double chins wobbling.

She finished the cake within 10 minutes and then fell back on her pillow, breathing hard like the cake eating was a marathon. She forgot she was wearing nothing but pink undies, and she realized with embarrassment the situation she was in, revealing to her dad her ballooning body. She tried to grab her sheets but with the hot summer weather, she had left the sheets on the ground.

Before she could do anything her dad started rubbing her belly. Janie stopped, confused. It was an odd feeling...she had dated back in high school and a bit in university before her boyfriend broke up with her, claiming she has become a pig. The arousal feelings she got with her boyfriend then had come now, as her dad caressed her belly.

“It’s ok, my jelly belly,” Carson said calmly, as he saw his daughter stiffen but then relax. “I am ok with you gaining weight. Perhaps we can keep a secret between us. You’re a growing girl and I can see that. I’ll buy you all the food you want, and we can keep it under your bed. Your mom is disgusted with you but I find your belly and your double chins cute. Do we have a secret?

“Yes dad,” Janie said.

“Excellent” her dad said, kissing her belly. “Your mom will want you to diet and exercise. We will go along with her plan; but I will bring food to you in the evenings, and more when she’s out.”

Janie nodded. Her dad slapped her belly, watching it shake. Janie was embarrassed and try to cover her belly but her dad swiped her hands away.

“society hates far people but I want you to embrace it.” With that Carson gave his daughter’s double chin a wobble, and he left the room, leaving Janie wondering what had just happened.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Layla 3 years
I love all your stories so much the way you write the humiliation stuff is so perfect. Please never stop writing them smiley xx