A daughter falling from grace

chapter 4 father and daughter day

The next morning, the two started the day at Denny's. The hostess takes Janie and Carson to a booth, and smirks when she sees Janie doing a double take, looking at her gut and the table.

"Can we please get a table with chairs?" Janie asks, embarrassed.

The hostess rolls her eyes but accommodates them. Janie notices when she sits in the chair her but cheeks spill over. She wonders if she's getting too big, but that thought passes over when she scans the menu and orders the Lumber Jack Man's breakfast.

By the time Janie and her dad finishes, the two makes their way to the doctor's office. It's a 45 minute drive. On the way, Carson stops at a McDonalds and orders 2 quarter pounder burgers, 2 large fries and 2 cokes. He winks and tells the surprise Janie that she's a growing girl and needs to eat. She hesitates but can't resist the smell of the fries and burger when the drive through staff hands them the order.

"Better gobble it up, Tubby," Carson says, patting Janie's belly. We have about 20 minutes before arriving at the doctor;s.

Janie obeys and eats, her satisfied stomach feeling even more content and filled. While eating the last of the fries, Janie drops ketchup on her shirt, which is riding up and revealing her lower belly roll and navel. She blushes and tries to wipe it away but the stain stays. She also hadn't notice but with the greasy bag laying on her stomach while she ate, big grease stains were left behind.

Father and daughter arrived at the doctors appointment. Janie was glad she ate the burgers and fries because the doctor was running late and what was suppose to be an 11 o'clock appointment turned into a 12 o'clock appointment. She felt sleepy and decided to nap while waiting. Her head dropped, and her double chin rested on her chest.

Nearby patients looked disgusted and appall, seeing this obese young girl spilling out of the doctor's waiting room chair. Her greasy stain shirt with some red stains was rising up, revealing her large belly roll and navel, wide and stretch. For the sake of his daughter, Carson tried to pull his daughter's shirt down, but to no success. He'd brought a sweater and used that to cover his daughter's growing belly.

At 12pm the nurse calls Janie in. Janie wakes up, feeling someone shake her large belly. It's her dad, and both him and the nurse, is looking at her. The nurse's face looks in disbelief. Janie tries to get herself up but she grunts. Her dad offices to pull her up, which she accepts but embarrassed.

The nurse leads Janie to the examining room. Carson follows with the nurse stopping him. Carson explains that he had promised his wife to help their daughter lose weight, and that he needed to hear what the doctor says. The nurse asks Janie if she's ok having her dad in the exam room with her. Janie nods her head, even though in her heart she prefers not to. But she was unsure if she could manage getting out of the chair in the exam room on her own. She didn't dare ask the doctor or nurse to help her.

The nurse leads them into the exam room. Carson suggests Janie sit on the table, and helps his daughter step on the little stool and then sit on the table.

The nurse closes the door and reports to the doctor making his way.

"You will not believe how much that Janie Chu weighs! She's huge!!"

Dr. Sanders, a grey hair doctor in his 60s, and who has been Janie's doctor since she was a baby, doesn't think the nurse is serious. However, when he opens the door he is shock to see this obese patient whale on his table.

Carson stands up. "Greetings, Dr. Sanders. As you can see, Janie had a really hard time in school this past year, and had gain some weight. Mia made an appointment for Janie to get on a diet plan."

Dr. Sanders walks over the Janie, blushing red, and pokes at her revealing belly roll. "I see that," he say, seeing her belly, the size of a yoga ball,, rise up and down.

"Are you carrying triplets in there?" he asks, giving her belly another poke.

Janie blushes and puts a hand on her stomach, but it lands on the side. Her belly is so big she cannot touch the middle of her stomach, she realizes with horror.

"No-no" she stammers.

"Well, lets get you on the scale and see how much you weigh," the doctor commands, going over to the scale to the side of the room. Both men watch Janie rise up, and step down from the stool, her whole body shaking a bit with coming down half a foot on the floor. Even her chins shake slightly. Her yoga ball like belly drops and shakes on its own, not supported anymore by her lap. She waddles towards the scale. The room is silent and all three can hear her labor breathing, and see her body shake violently, waddling to the scale. She is so embarrassed. It takes a whole 3 minutes walking to the scale that was a metre and a half away, because Jamie has to stop, catch her breath, and lift her belly every now and then that was putting strain on her body due to gravity. The doctor looked on in disgust, looking at his watch every minute and telling her, “anytime now”. Carson looked on with pity.

She gingerly steps on. The scale creaks and groans, and Dr. Sanders sees the needle on the scale shot up fast, go back a few and then settle on a number. 352 lbs.

The doctor is shock as he reads the number. In disbelief, he says it out loud. Janie gasps, tears, welling up and her dad whistles. She knew she had gorged herself but didn't think she had reached the 300 lbs mark, much less surpass it.

"How in the world did you gain over 200 lbs in a year??" Dr. Sanders says, poking her side belly a few times, seeing it wobble.

"I not sure. I just ate. I was so hungry and stress," Janie said quietly, ashamed.

Dr. Sanders shook his head and then asked for Janie to stand in the middle of the room, while he did some more tests. He took a tape measure and tried to put it around her stomach. The tape fit just barely.

He then got her to sit again on the table and take her blood pressure. He had to call the nurse in to get a cuff for obese people, as the current cuff was too small for Janie's large arms.

By the time he had finished, he sat in his chair and said sternly, "Young lady, you are indeed obese. Morbidly. Obese." He cut those last two words up into their own sentence. Tears started to come down Janie's cheeks, and the doctor nor her dad made a move to wipe them.

"Your blood pressure is very high. I am recommending you take some medicine to lower it. You indeed need to go on a diet and start exercising. I want to see you in a month ." Turning to Carson, he said, "Feel free to call me sooner if there's no improvement."

With that, Dr. Sanders gave Carson the prescription, gave one last look of dis.gust mixed with disbelief to Janie, and left the room.

Janie was so shaken up and embarrassed. She started to feel a great sense of being overwhelm. How on earth was so going to lose that much weight? From 332 to 125?

Carson came up to her, wiped her chubby cheeks and rubbed her belly. "There there, Tubbychins, this is not the end of the world. I had no idea your health complications was that severe. Perhaps this diet is the best." Just as he said that Janie's stomach growled loud. She turned red, but her dad chuckled.

"Maybe we'll start your diet tomorrow."

After the doctors, the two went to the mall. They had to stop every 10 minutes as Janie noticed how winded she was getting and her legs ached. After lunch of White Spot burgers and fries (Janie order two for herself, to eat up her sorrows. Her father did not blink when she put in a second order for herself), the two went shopping for clothes.

Janie's last set of clothes were from the plus size women's, and they were the largest already. Her dad suggested looking at a maternity clothes nearby, and patting her belly, said, "They may have some clothes to contain this big girth."

They went to a maternity store but unfortunately even their largest size could not contain her large belly, shirt, pants or dress. The dresses could not go over her hips and the shirts could not cover her last and largest belly roll.

Last resort they went to a Mr. Big and Tall. All eyes at the store looked with pity, disgust or fascination as they saw an obese girl trying on shirts and pants - someone who did not belong there. The store clerk took her measurements, and clucked his tongue and shook his head. He grabbed her hanging belly and shook it, “No woman should ever have to resort to a men store because of her size”, he told her.

When Janie and Carson walked out of the store with bags of clothes, a group of young girls Janie's age crossed their paths. They were in mini skirts and crop tops, and were tanned, from the summer weather. They looked at Janie, laughed and walked off.

Janie looked down at her own body, greased stained shirt, stretched to the max covering her huge stomach, sticking out in front of her, and so wide that she could not put her hands together. There was a side mirror in front of her and she had a glance and a horrid realization of what she saw in the mirror: a gluttony ball of fat and blubber all over her belly, her arms, legs, and she was starting to get a third chin. She could not even see her neck as it was covered in layers of folds.

She started to cry. Yes, she enjoyed her meals but did not realize the cost it came at until it was too late. She was an absolute ball of blubber, literally. She wonder if it was too late to reverse the damage she had done to her 19 year old body.
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Layla 3 years
I love all your stories so much the way you write the humiliation stuff is so perfect. Please never stop writing them smiley xx