A daughter falling from grace

chapter 6 caught in the act

A week had passed with Janie's sad pathetic workouts lasting no more than 8 minutes on the treadmill. Her butt was too big to sit in the stationary bike. Her weight too much for the 300 lbs. limit elliptical. After each workout, Janie waddled to the couch and scrolled through her Instagram and Facebook accounts. The laptop sitting on a cushion on top of her belly, she became depress with seeing her once good friends, enjoying the summer month at pool parties, restaurants, beaches, etc.

Carson kept his wife up to date with the progress of their daughter. He had weighed Janie and taken measurements, and the ball of blubber had actually gained weight! Janie looked innocent and said it must be her hormones. Fearing for her health, he had gotten rid of all the junk food in the house after her first workout, but what he did not know was that Janie was ordering takeout foods while her dad was at work. Mia assumed Janie was hiding things, so she told her to keep a close eye on her.

Carson did his best but did not know how his daughter was gaining more weight and becoming wider, front, back, and sides. It wasn't until he had come home one day from work and did not see Janie on the couch, her usually spot when he came home. He looked around inside home and still did not find her. He was in the kitchen, grabbing water and reaching for his cell phone to call her when he saw through the backyard window, his daughter, wedged between two broken fences, that separated the house from the green belt forest belonging to the City.

He came out quietly and surveyed his daughter, who would struggle at times to free herself, stop and pant, then start again. He only saw her back end, clad in a too tight grey sweat pants and blue polo shirt, which had back sweat stains. He went around the gate, and saw his daughter's front view. Her shirt barely hiding her stomach below her giant melon breasts, the pants hidden under her huge apron of belly, which wobbled every time she struggle. To his horror, beneath his daughter and in front lay wrappers and cartons from the nearby fast food places and restaurants. He understood now how his daughter was getting fatter by the day.

He went over, and Janie startled a bit seeing her dad. She could not jump anymore but her belly wobbled out a bit, although it looked hard and pack. Carson figureD his daughter had had a stuffing feast as her belly button was actually protruding outwards! She grew red in the face, because she had gotten caught.

"What have we got here?" Carson asked, shaking her lower belly and kicking an empty carton away from her. Rolled out from the carton was a leftover pie slice...he figured his daughter was trying to get it but got wedge between the gates. He confirmed with her and she nodded shamefully.

"Janie, you are getting too big," he said urgently and sternly, poking her belly button, trying to make it go in. Her navel was stuffed at its peak though and would not go in. Carson made a disgust grunt. "Look at you! Look at this belly and butt! You are as wide as a Hindenburg blimp!" He shook her belly more forcefully and watched the lower fat rolls jiggle. It was an old reference but Janie knew about the Hindenburg blimp. She hated her dad resembling her body to that of a blimp.

"I'm not that!" Janie cried, barely able to speak the word out of shame.

"Really?" her dad challenged. He let go of her gut, and brought up a 3 ft. branch that was on the ground to hold it against his daughter's belly. Her stomach's length, width and depth exceeded the length of the branch. She was literally a ball of pure blubber.

"When you enter a room, your belly is the first to enter. I wait 10 whole seconds to see the rest of you come through the doors because you are so big you waddle, and take breaks in between each step. I hear you breathing hard when you walk to a room. It's embarrassing and sad, Chunky Gut!" He poked her belly with the stick before tossing it.

“Notice how I’ve open up all the double doors in the home? You’re so wide you can’t fit through one side of the door without getting stuck, Buddha Belly!”

By now Janie was crying. Just seeing her stomach be bigger than the length of a 3 feet branch was so embarrassing and heartbreaking. She knew she was a really blimp but just didn't have the strength to work out and diet.

Her dad took pity on her. He muttered about going to grab some oil. He came back and oiled her belly and back side, and soon she was able to slide out.

He helped her to the main bathroom, which had a tub in it, to wash all the oil. He got her undressed and washed her. She was too grief stricken to do anything or think otherwise. Her dad somberly said, as he lathered up her belly rolls,

"You have two choices, Chubby-Belly. Either you diet and lose the weight, or you get fatter and fatter until you die of a heart attack. No boy will want this whale for a wife. Your mom and I can only do so much, and that human lift can only carry a weight of 400 lbs max. At the beginning I told you I liked you heavy and round, but then seeing how much you actually weighed and seeing your poor health results, I am scared for the human whale you're becoming.

Your mom and I could give you lipo suction or one of those other weight loss surgery, but if your habits don't change you'll blimp up again. School is starting in a month. You have the rest of the summer to decide if you want to go back riding in a mobility scooter, or having some pounds off of you. It's your choice."

Janie looked down at her large self. She fit the tub with hardly any inches to spare. She knew which ever choice she made was not going to be easy.
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Layla 3 years
I love all your stories so much the way you write the humiliation stuff is so perfect. Please never stop writing them smiley xx