A daughter falling from grace

chapter 8 janie’s new lifestyle

“401 lbs,” the nurse read off the numbers as Janie looked down at her ballooned up belly, not even bothering to strain to look at the numbers.

2 male orderlies, one on either side of Janie, took her arms and guided her back to her scooter. She was too fat and heavy to walk on her own, and the strong men helped her when she needed to walk up to the scale. It was a Saturday, the first weekend after Janie’s first week of classes.

After an embarrassing first week of classes, riding in the scooter, eating lunch alone, taking notes on her stomach since she couldn’t fit into a desk, Janie has begged her parents to pay for her to attend a clinical weight loss program prescribed by the doctor.

Here at the clinic, after the elderly nurse took her measurements and weight, they escorted Janie to the clinic’s pool. The trainer, Marty, a specialized trainer for the obese, had planned a water aerobics session for Jamie. He shook his head when he saw his client. 19 years old and looking like Jubba the Hutt, with her fat shaking like jello as she waddled towards the pool deck with her escorts by her side, he felt pity.

“You’re my youngest client!” Marty said, poking Janie in the belly button. The young girl was wearing a two piece suit....Marty felt disgust seeing his client’s ballooned body, but he doubt a one piece could cover this girl’s colossus stomach.

Janie didn’t say anything but lowered her head in shame.

Marty shook his head again and walked towards the pool. “Right, come on now. Into the pool you get.”

Janie hesitated, but the orderlies led her down in to waist high pool. She shuddered as the luke-warm water hit her skin. The orderlies left her side as the water buoyancy would help alleviate some of the weight Janie was carrying.

Marty started to do a fast pace aerobic
warmup, or to Janie it seemed fast pace. She tried to move her arms and legs to his time, but of course with all of the extra weight on her small frame, it was triple the amount of effort. In less than a minute the poor girl got tired. What was suppose to be a half hour session was only 5 minutes as Janie was looking red in the face, so out of shape. The orderlies helped her get out of the pool, and walked her to her scooter. As they walked towards it, Marty patted the girl’s stomach. “We’re keep working on your endurance. Hopefully in a couple of years we’ll have you slim and trim. It’s a shame a young girl like yourself is the size of a whale”

Janie’s face redden as Marty walked away. She finally got into the scooter and settled in, breathing hard.
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Layla 3 years
I love all your stories so much the way you write the humiliation stuff is so perfect. Please never stop writing them smiley xx