A daughter falling from grace

chapter 9

It's 11:30pm, and Dr. Palmer, the chief doctor of the weight loss clinic checks in on his obese patients, sleeping. He stops in front of Janie's door, reads her chart and clucks his tongue. She's the youngest patient admitted into the clinic. He looks up to see the fat sleeping girl. All patients are given a blanket with their plus size bed. Janie's have fallen to the floor though, and he sees the young girl's enormous belly, revealed, moving up and down slowly as the sleeps, breathing with deep labour breaths.

She's one of the few with sleep apnea, so of course she's also wearing a mask to help her breath as she sleeps. He walks in to check her vitals on the monitor. He can't help but look at her large dome like belly, and the multiple jelly rolls. She resembles a blob. His grand-daughters are one tenth what she is. This girl, with the moon shape face also has no neck. He shakes his head, feeling sorry for Janie and her parents.

************************** **

The next morning, is another strenuous day for Janie. Wearing a sports bra and shorts that does nothing to cover or contain her excess flab, she heads into the fitness field. There are 9 other patients, but Janie is the fattest of them all. All of them are commanded to walk or run 5 laps around the field, and then do jumping jacks, sit ups, and a whole bunch of exercises. Janie fails at completing the walk, she can't jump as her body is too heavy to do it, and she fails at the other exercises. The instructors use her as an example of what NOT to do. They pinch her tummy rolls, poke it, shake it, call her insults. Janie is so fat and demotivated, she stops trying. By the end of the clinical program, Janie has only lost 3 lbs, and her parents demand a refund, which the program gave.

************************************** ****

On Janie's 20th birthday, she has made it on the news as the state's fattest person. She has come to terms that she is destined to be fat forever. Since the program, she has gained 90 lbs, and is permanently confined to a mobility scooter. Anytime she needs to stand up, her parents use an industrial looking lift that they purchased a few months ago for their fat daughter. She gets weighed monthly, and is pumped up with medications to keep her health conditions at bay. Each night she weeps for the blob that she is, and mourns for the young ambitious person she could have been.
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Layla 3 years
I love all your stories so much the way you write the humiliation stuff is so perfect. Please never stop writing them smiley xx