Watch victoria eat

Chapter 2 - victoria's first feast p2

Annoyingly, Victoria knew Kerrie was right. There were countless stories of women who had blown the fuck up online and made enough bank to live luxuriously. But realistically she just needed enough to get by.

Taking to her computer she scanned the glut of video content, there was so much that it was overwhelming. She noticed that a lot of successful channels relied on consistent and high-quality content, preferably with a refined aesthetic that fell into a genre. Formulaic but not predictable enough to become boring.

Interestingly, after watching one particular video more of the same style came up. It seemed the algorithm really favoured those eating videos – Mukbangs, she corrected herself - she’d seen floating around. The idea was a bit strange to her but hey, she was cute, and if she could make money by being hot and eating in front of a camera then maybe it was worth trying.

After ordering some Chinese food she set up her laptop in the lounge room, high enough that she could comfortably sit the meal in front of her and chow down. Being sure to pull down the curtains of her high-rise apartment she put on some light makeup and a nice shirt. Then she got to work setting up her account, figuring something like VickyEats would work.

It was almost go time so she figured it would be prudent to test out her laptop’s camera before going live. With no natural lighting the quality was very grim as she barely made out her facial features. Victoria rotated her laptop to sit in front of the dining room light but found it was still a little too dark, so she took her bedroom light and sat it behind her laptop.

Once her food arrived, she set it up in front of the camera and really took in the view.

“Much better,” she concluded and preened in front of the camera, adjusting her hair and making sure her collar was down. The pleasant smells of sesame seed oil drew her attention back down to the food. Only it seemed she’d really gotten her money’s worth and wondered just how she was going to get through all of it.

“Alright here goes nothing…” she clicked the button to go live.


“Uhh hi everyone, I’m Victoria.”

She shifted uncomfortably. God maybe this was a bad idea. Noticing a ping in the right-hand corner of her screen she saw a message pop up with:

Don’t be nervous!

With a deep sigh she continued, figuring there was simply no point in doing this if she was going to be awkward. I mean, it’s just like talking to someone at dinner, but across from a screen she told herself.

“So, I was absolutely starving today and bought some Chinese food to share with you! If you like, you can talk to me in the chat while I eat, I’d love to know what you’re eating!”

She started on her bag of six spring rolls, dipping them into her sweet and sour sauce before munching on them whilst she chatted to her viewers. Not one for greasy food, Victoria couldn’t help but be slightly weak at the knees at just how tasty and decadent they were. And that was just her entrée. Eager for her next dish she was about to serve herself up some but decided to make a greater use of her watchers.

“What should I have next, you guys vote.”

Interestingly she noticed most people were patiently watching and only really commenting when prompted, but a vocal minority were very into what she was doing. She wondered what their deal was, but she figured she’d find out soon enough.

The honey chicken seemed to be the favourite pick, so she started on it and similarly, she was caught off guard by just how much she was enjoying this. Not a big eater by any means, Victoria wasn’t even feeling all that full yet and she felt a strange sense of accomplishment at the thought that she could actually finish all three dishes.

Viper23: Lovely seeing your smile, that pork dish looks delicious.

“Thank you Viper23 that’s so sweet!”

michaelj: That’s so much food, I don’t think I could eat that much but it’s weirdly relaxing to watch someone else do it

“Trust me I went super overboard, but aren’t the best Mukbangs ones where you get to watch someone eat a variety of good food?”

She continued her stream for another hour and found she started to slow by the third dish but pushed herself to finish it to create a more conclusive end to the stream. It was getting very late and Victoria realised she was started to get tired, so she wished her audience well and went offline.

Lying back in her chair she rubbed her tummy painfully.

Being a big eater must be hard for the regulars, but the money must be so worth it.
Vowing to do nothing but work out the next day to compensate for the indulging she’d done that night, she quit the room and let the food coma kick in.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Fatchance 3 years
Nice Start, good luck with Patreon.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Oooo interesting